Saturday, January 29, 2011

Crochet Chullo Pattern

hours of apprehension

These days we are living through hours of anguish. The revolt in Egypt is playing a blind and senseless violence. The expressions of people have degenerated, the streets of Cairo and Alexandria are covered by vandals armed with sticks, knives, weapons, and have become a river that has nothing to do with the right to demonstrate. Yesterday in downtown Alexandria, just opposite the office of Tamer, It has been attacked a small police station. They were freed a few prisoners, the rebels took up arms and set fire to the building, leaving the few agents locked up, like any other human, burned alive. Cosi' in altre stazioni, in altri luoghi della citta'.
A casa sole, mamma Nora e la sorella Shahira sono terrorizzate, nella grande casa si affaccia lungo la via principale della citta', Avenue al Horreya (la liberta'). Si sono barricate spostando i mobili davanti alle porte d'ingresso, e con un giro di telefonate da qui Tamer ha potuto solo ingaggiare qualche bandito per presidiare l'ingresso dell'edificio, ma gia' le grandi vetrate sono andate distrutte. Balordi e banditi, a migliaia, armati, entrano nelle case, devastano, rubano e saccheggiano...
Impossibile scendere per prendere qualcosa da mangiare, con il timore di essere aggredite, minacciate, insultate, come e'gia' successo.
hours of apprehension are very hard, we can only wait and hope that nothing worse could happen.


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