Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Are Ice Skates The Same As My Shoe Size


Edfu Temple of Horus, the falcon god who protects Egypt for millennia

At the heart of the city of Tehran, capital of Iran, the main artery and 'more' of wide Champs-Elysees in Paris, and it 'Long about ten kilometers. It was called 'path to independence', but since 1981, and 'was named after Khaled Islambolly, named after the assassination of Egyptian President Sadat.

For days the Iranian TV channels are rejoicing at the suffering of the Egyptians, this morning, and the language channel in Arabic to get that footage showed specific and detailed information on popular protest these days at the center of Cairo. Camera none of the dozens of Arab channels that we follow for days, working 24 hours at 24 with live coverage and debates, failed to show. The reporters would stop people and innuendo: 'You, as a young Muslim citizen of this country after 30 years of suffering, hunger, misery, what do you want? What do you think? you who have seen your religion trampled on, and instead of the opening of jobs have been opened night club and were strengthened trade relations with the enemies of Islam such as Israel and America, what do you think?

In recent years, in the city 'country of the Nile Delta (unknown to the news but as big as two or three medium-sized capital European put together, in terms of population) and in rural villages, groups organized and financed the homes raided, one by one, ripping from the TV satellite receivers and forcing the inhabitants to 'dress up' in a certain way with animals were delivered free of charge, forcing men to wear beards.

Many feel that slogan repeated 'blow' by certain mosques, let your work! Do not work for the French or American companies to foreigners, enemies are 'unbelievers'!

At this time, the center of Cairo, Tahrir Square in the clashes between opposing camps are being cruel, while the Grand Imam of Al Azhar mosque called tutti a mantenere la calma, recitando versi del Corano e detti del Profeta, rendendosi disponibile a mediare, a trovare un'intesa comune per il bene dell'Egitto. A casa qui a Muscat continuiamo a seguire la diretta su Al Arabiya, Al Masrya, BBC Arabic, BBC World, CNN, France 24, Al Alam (dall'Iran). IRINN, il canale di stato iraniano, ha appena illustrato un documentario storico sul paragone tra Shah Mohamed Reza Pahlavi e Mubarak, indicandoli come dittatori. Il servizio si e'concluso cosi': 'e'giunta l'ora che si instauri un regime islamico in Egitto'. Dal 1981 sono interrotte le relazioni diplomatiche tra Iran ed Egitto.

Grazie a T. per la traduzione dal farsi.

The Eye of Horus, powerful amulet


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