Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wat R The Sympoms For Herpes

Pilgrimage in East Abu Dhabi Skyline

St. Catherine's Monastery, Sinai, Egypt

On the summit of Mount Sinai, 2285 mt.

I always have with me some photos that are symbolic sites of memory and significant experiences of life and travel, and so 'I have found old photographs of a trip in Sinai, more than ten years ago. This e'simbolico place for Muslims, Christians and Jews because it 's the place where God spoke' with Mose '. But before that, as in many civilizations', the archaeological evidence supports that this mountain was an ancient place of worship dedicated to Syn, god of the moon and protector of travelers. The climb to the top, rather than challenging, takes place mostly at night to admire the sunrise over the desert mountains. Among the trip's most beautiful memories I always carry with me the photo of the bread from the dining room of the monastery of St. Catherine at the foot of Mount Moses'.

Then, here I am recently in the Great Mosque in Muscat and Abu Dhabi, and with a trace of the Midnight Mass in the Catholic church in the district of Ghala in Muscat. There were thousands of people of all nationalities', so that It has been celebrated Mass at the same time in the church and outside.

Christmas 2010 in Muscat, Oman

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Muscat, Oman

Some of these photos date back to long ago, yet I always go back to review them because 'the places of worship emanate a strength and a high energy intensity ', the same way as some places of natural power, or great works of human genius.
Finally remember that today 'and Coptic Orthodox Christmas, celebrated on January 7.
The community 'of Coptic Christians in Egypt It has been hit by a serious attack in recent days off one of many churches in the city of Alexandria. It was a horrible event that was particularly sad, since Alexandria and 'my' second 'city', where we always wait for a home and the family of Tamer.
Bread of St. Catherine's Monastery, Sinai


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