Monday, January 3, 2011

Orthodontic Insurance

Let us arm ourselves and games

The current (2008) is the worst Republican Parliament of sixty years, there's no doubt about this. But in its own way is representative: the majority of so-called sovereign people is not the best of its representatives. Otherwise we would be much every day to break the boxes and shout in the face of certain truths.
(Piero Ricca)

Too often receive compliments (sincere) for the video produced by myself and the complaints posted on the network, however, accompanied by the usual phrases as: "if you are applying as mayor you vote" cowardly and deliberately ignoring that also good public administrator is liable only if accompanied by a steady, constant and active participation of citizens who monitor the operations. Fabio Capello, the Italian national coach in English football, once it becomes public knowledge that the key, fuck the wife of one of his companions, was forced to take away the captain's armband. In Italy would never have done and just because the Italians would not have demanded such an action, and indeed for many (not a question of their wives of course) would be well worthy of admiration. The coach instead of Friuli has had to adapt to a process of moralization that, in the UK, requires that anyone wearing the shirt of England, you deserve to do so without exception and 24 hours on 24. Who represents the English in the world must always act as is proper, and this is in the field and at home, on the street as the bar, hyper at school, in hospital as the festival of the cuttlefish. The same happens with the British police when any action against a professional football player or involved in a drunken brawl. Spending the night in jail for a Pride of the Yankees is the result not only required by law but from any citizens present at the revolution that would fight against the police, if you did exceptions. The turning a blind eye is not a public figure, for most of the British, provided it accepted. Although these days the newspapers have ended reports of some importance for citizenship, indifference reigns. What might make a good new candidate for mayor, honest, responsible if he will administer the sheep to be intent only cocks and their interests? Faced with the waste of public money, the continued patronage now established between the municipalities and local building lobby, the injustices perpetrated by these funzionarietti party who say that "flying donkeys", the pseudo city opts for a straightforward and convenient indifference at most a simple appreciation for those few who are still alive, have expressed their disagreement, their criticism or as an alternative. Much easier in fact compliment and fill your mouth with the usual: If you are applying you vote, do you, I'm with you, bravo, I support but no one who actually is willing to contribute, (no need of 'chained in place or do a hunger strike for weeks), with its simple initiative, with an idea, spend part of his free time, their resources, giving practical test to be alive and determined to contribute to improve the state of things. The people of gutless relieved that "nothing will ever change so much." It is true, history teaches us that the subjects have not changed anything. The indifference and poor awareness among citizens equal to that of a gerbil has transformed our country into a banana republic, where he was born accepting (like physiological) that the more good it will not win the contest, that the suspect, if not the convict will become president of the municipal services company, that the contract is a family affair, that if you mess up and maybe you know someone does not pay, that the abuse always building and that of others, that the sidewalk is only if I am because if you walk in the car becomes mixed area that the referendum shall serve as the two cups with sticks when he commands that the garage of the building will become apartments and then pissed off shortly after for parked cars in road or parking fee. And you're all in this together as a flock ... and I'm not going to run for the shepherd ...


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