Saturday, January 1, 2011

Peeing A Lotdropped Uterus??

Journalism servile

I would not be repeating again treating the subject of Leonardo's doors in the port of Cesenatico that their debut after years of waiting have blatantly broken. In the first real "litmus test" have shown their inadequacy, of course, doing the expenditure-output, ie € 10 million of the one part and the perennial failure of the other unusable. But it is on this that I want your attention but poneste bales on the three local newspapers have passed today. Yes, because if none of the three newspapers was able to put the lie blatantly false statements like those made by the Mayor and the Councillor for Public Works Cesenatico W. Rocchi means that does not really make sense, not only buy but also read the newspapers that tell the facts instead of informing unlikely. But where is the opposition is a question that I ask myself either, but on the eve of local elections in the spring not to criticize harshly (apart from the Republican Party) a public work demonstrates what is so botched the only institutional function of their work: warming the chair. But let us to do some 'putting in place of free information to which he has "the duty of the essential truth, fundamental principle and more meaningful for a journalist. This means that every time someone tells a lie and the facts, pictures, movies, quotes, and never denied the allegations in the print media the show, the journalist has a duty to answer the second question with the famous and perhaps the third pictures ... the hand. The uselessness of local information that is not able to put the lie to statements like: "I saw the flying donkeys" is now a reality.

The summary part of the Courier Romagna of 31.12.10 states: "Flooding averted in the center, to calibrate devices. In mid-article, however, after a long (and angled 90 °) introduction read: "The devices that seal the doors Leonardo's struggled to keep up the impetus of the sea, and so have made rattling. Now it also requires a recalibration. If the doors are open and slam means that when they were, the level of the entire harbor, for the principle of communicating vessels would be identical to that of the sea, consequently, their partition function would vanish. But the doors must remain open or not? If so then how could contain the elevation of water level because only through their tight closing it would be possible?

The eye of the false opening of La Voce (plugged) di Romagna is even more ridiculous: "Mayor and Councillor promote the barrier: Locked in accordance with the security protocols" What a laugh, a barrier that the bar is not a success. As for security protocols read: "... the re-opening of the doors (which took place on 27.12.10) has been agreed by authorities allowing the release of the boats Monday morning" But it came out in the paper that have to be able to open them have taken the fire department? (avrebbe dovuto doverosamente chiedere la giornalista). Questa sarà quindi la prassi ogniqualvolta si chiudono le porte? L’articolo poi inizia con un affermazione importante del sindaco N. Panzavolta, dell’assessore W. Rocchi e delll’ingegnere della protezione civile Luigi Tonini: Porte vinciane: un successo”. Ma la farsa non è finita, W.Rocchi nell’articolo aggiunge qualcosa di incredibile: “Occorreranno degli interventi di perfezionamento, dalla limitazione dello sbattimento tra le porte che, va ribadito, è stato dovuto al rigurgito d’onda ed alla forte differenza di livello che si creava tra l’acqua interna ed esterna alle porte stesse e non è segno di malfunzionamento” .Cazadaza! Se di fronte a falsità di questa portata il giornalista di turno non replica significa che sia lei, che il responsabile della redazione, devono andare a zappare la terra. Cosa significa limitare lo sbattimento? Devono rimanere aperte o devono essere serrate? Come può avvenire una diversa differenza tra i livelli dell’acqua interna-esterna se le porte sono aperte? Non è forse questo l’unico compito che esse devono assolvere affinché il centro non venga allagato quando cioè il livello della marea supererebbe quello delle banchine interne del porto? Tutte domande da giornalista vero.Ma non è finita la sagra delle cazzate, Rocchi infatti aggiunge ancora riguardo agli interventi che occorrerà fare: ( lo sbattimento) lo si andrà to limit by a strengthening of telescopic booms, pumps and disruptors that increase the stability of the door hinges and revisiting and pumps. The work will be completed between March and April, "But only four days ago had declared that the disrupter for desanding would be ready in February? The sign of the work among other things it says it should have been delivered 15 December 2010. But if the doors Leonardo's were a success because we have to intervene more spending € 1 million?

on Carlino's obvious inspiration for a tragicomic opera are still offered by the ridiculous statements of the mythical Councillor Rocchi which explains the origin the noise which had alarmed the night of 26 of the city: "The loud noise during their movement was mainly due to the fury of the wind and the force of the sea, which contrasted with the locking mechanism." Handling? The doors have to move? The noise is mainly due to the wind and the sea, which contrasted with the closure? The journalist did it pass that the noise was that of the sea against the barrier? But all those who went to the port in those days, and have seen and heard the roar created by the concussion of steel doors to each other can be taken for a ride like that? The photos, images over a network, hundreds of people present does not mean anything for the journalist del Carlino? A few more weeks and will end up in the newspapers that the doors are never beaten. The engineer of civil protection, L. Tonini, paid with our money adds: "In the coming days will intervene to strengthen the springs, hinges revisit and strengthen the existing arms. The goal is to lessen the shaking even in an emergency. " None of these funzionarietti has never used the word fix, enhance, and above all better revisit. Absorb concussion? But if the doors are closed and work (just watch the movie online the day before when the barriers were not broken) not to hit and then there is nothing to absorb. Engineer Tonini, as civil protection, non-political body to above the parties and being paid by us should tell the truth, saying: "In the coming days will intervene to adjust the hydraulic piston that broke during the storm no longer having the pressure exerted the door to remain closed, thus ensuring the division between the two different water levels. The goal is to ensure the proper closing of doors in an emergency situation because it is precisely these conditions that have been made not for the days of calm. "

The principle is that the principle of communicating vessels physical argument that a liquid contained in two containers communicating reaches the same level.


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