Saturday, January 1, 2011

Motion Detector With Remote Alarm

closure of the register to 31/12/2010

I asked if it is required to close the register on 31/12/2010 amazing.

course!! :)
The rule expressly provides for this, citing the exact date " 31/12 of each year."
At best, the pharmacist must be physically in the pharmacy at the stroke of midnight, to close the register, while other human beings eat and celebrate the New Year.
The operation can be accomplished The Next Day (January 1 is always feast), but bringing back the 31/12 as the date of the transaction.

The important thing is that when the pharmacy opens, the old record shall be closed and the new must have been opened. The only case in which there can be an almost perfect match between the closing of the drugs register to 31/12 and the opening of the new is if the pharmacy is on duty at the exchange year: in that case, from 00:01 on 1 January pharmacist must record the possible release of narcotic drugs subject to loading and unloading on the new record (so he must have already closed the old one).


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