Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Miami Booze Cruise International Waters

The garbage under the rug

Che lo sviluppo edilizio degli ultimi 15 anni abbia aumentato in maniera esponenziale la quantità di rifiuti da demolizione era prevedibile, ma che detti rifiuti diventassero un affare almeno per le ditte più grandi che ne producono ingenti quantità, non era altrettanto ipotizzabile. Si perché trarre un vantaggio Economic waste has never been, to date, a specialty, much less whether it was inert waste from demolition. Were in fact 30 years Casalesi the first to begin to make profits and power from this type of waste so as to create real consortium that manages the storage and disposal (or disappearance). Today all'incivile abandonment of rubble next to some land, under bridges or overpasses quantitatively of little importance, a larger flower is illegal apparatus that we call "the system of two birds with one stone." Many large construction companies because of their activities on two different fronts, but often linked with the usual "smart" Italian. On one side won dozens of major contracts for the construction of overpasses, plazas, streets, parking lots etc.. the other, the usual activity of construction, renovation and demolition of buildings, public housing, private homes, offices etc.. The construction waste generated by demolition or renovation work for which treatment (cleaning of impurities) or disposal at a cost, are buried and used as the background just in those great works for which this is intended as a bridge, squares, streets, bridges, etc. . thus saving also on the purchase of materials needed to fill. You get rid of waste material which, with burial becomes a matter secondary raw but without it, however, previously treated. In fact, because of the building rubble to become a fully-fledged secondary raw material for urgent treatment in special facilities for crushing and separation of unwanted fractions such as plastics, wood, glass, cables and electrical panels, vinyl chloride, metals, etc.. The Supreme Court has determined that until then the materials are to all intents and waste, and as such are subject to environmental regulations (DL April 3, 2006, No. 152), so their burial involves a criminal offense . Added to this is also a consideration of the market, those companies win contracts with competitive prices because can save money for treatment and for the subsequent acquisition of the background, and if you think that under a single bridge or a square the amount of product needed varies from 10 to 15,000 cubic meters ... well the accounts are made soon. This mode operandi, however, in recent years has further evolved (napoletanizzato) from roads, bridges and squares has begun to accumulate such waste in the building areas of imminent execution, in order to have already (out of the way) get rid of the stuff that will be buried in a duplex. But there's more. Given the enormous amount of inert been available in recent years, sometimes he even decided (and I add paradoxically) to mix these wastes to the soil, even where the stabilizing function offered by stone material is not expected, that is, public green spaces.

Who can go and check what's under a bridge, a square or a house?


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