Monday, February 14, 2011

Can I Get Shingles On My Arm?

The post that never dies: applications

This will be a post that never ends: I'll give it to feed the search engines to find it every time you try to add it gradually.
In practice: whenever control access to the site, I see there are questions about the pharmacy, but not the legislation. As many answers are simple and fast (And thus effective) and since I am a pharmacist that itchy hands when they have the answer ready [:)], the example below.

Senodin The syrup is loanable?
No, it is in band C, then charged to the patient. Repeatable recipe requires 30-days for a maximum of 3 packs.

The pharmacist can prescribe drugs?
No, the pharmacist can not prescribe drugs ever. Can you recommend, propose, explain all the drugs that do not require a prescription in addition to a pharmacy, herbal medicines, nutritional supplements, etc. ...

When is a veterinary prescription white master?
All the recipes are NOT RECOVERABLE veterinary white and apply this to 30 days.

can be used with Lisomucil Tachipirina?
Yes, you can bind: carbocysteine \u200b\u200band acetaminophen (the active ingredients 2) do not have direct interactions.

Why is not the Roaccutan?
Why has officially exhaustion, or the company that produces it (goes) (Roche) ... not produce more. You can find some drugs that have some basis, otherwise ... you take the Aisoskin or isotretinoin.

there a generic / equivalent Transact patches?
No, è l'unico farmaco esistente (per ora). Costa 19.80 €

La Magnesia Bisurata Aromatica è introvabile?
Si, non è si trova da Ottobre 2010. ATTENZIONE: non ho detto che non la fanno più, ma che per qualche motivo, la ditta non rifornisce più i grossisti e di conseguenza le farmacie.

Chi assume un anticoagulante può assumere anche il Polase?
Si, a patto che l'assunzione non avvenga contemporaneamente: normalmente i farmaci anticoagulanti come il Coumadin si assumono verso le 16.00-17.00 del pomeriggio; per assumere il Polase c'è tutto il resto del giorno.

Il magnesio è mutuabile per gli Free tickets?
In short: NO. In short: no, then we should speak of "what ticket" in that region of Italy we are, what you are talking free, etc. ...

there an equivalent of Fluifort? If we speak of
sciropppo or drops Fluifort: NO does not exist. If we speak of Fluifort 30 Envelopes 2.7 g (20.00 €): Yes, there is Carbocisteine \u200b\u200bEG 30 Envelopes 2.7 g (16.00 €). Note: Both the envelopes that require a prescription syrup.

For Tachipirina 1000 is a prescription required?
YES to the tablets or effervescent tablets. NO to the supposed adults.

For the pill day (eg NorLevo) after it takes the recipe?
Yes, a recipe does not repeatable, valid for 30 days. The package costs € 12.10 and contains a single tablet taken as soon as possible but no later than 72 hours after unprotected intercourse.

The Fluifort contain iodine?

Last Updated: 04/03/2011


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