Monday, February 14, 2011

How Do I Get Ready For The Asvab Test

Informed citizens

below the press release of 5 stars Cesenatico movement inherent in the financial situation of the municipality, the debts, and especially the expensive external consultants:

Press MoVimento 5 Stars Cesenatico 14.02.2011

The PD should be postponed to September. Little does she know that the Ministry of the Interior, by a decree of September 24 2009, has identified ten parameters to be met not be defined as "structurally deficient institutions." One of the most important parameters provides that municipalities can not have a debt of over one and half times the revenue (150%), ie a maximum of 36 million euro and 53 (217%), which means that the Municipality of Cesenatico widely breached this threshold. The high debt annually affects between 3 and 4 million euro budget (15% - 20% of revenue) are used to pay interest and principal. The real problem is not investment earnings but waste and patronage unnecessary and expensive, are many and absorb much of the infrastructure costs and our fees. The City and Gesturist have employed well-paid executives (engineers, architects, etc..), Yet the projects are outsourced with exorbitant costs.
Since the administration has to be efficient and transparent, because it tells us how much money was spent on the Vena Mazaika, a bascule bridge that is still motionless, for a water recycling plant in Viale Trento not working? Why do not you explain that the work did Gesturist with approximately € 5 million that we give every year for maintenance? Not to mention the extraordinary maintenance that are entrusted to him! Because the country has bad roads, impassable sidewalks and public spaces and green abandoned?
The City in 2010 formalized than 46 external mandates. What is the cost to the community? Yet the town of Cesenatico 8 managers and several employees whose total cost is € 7 million a year, without considering the addition of employees that are not calculated in Gesturist 7 million.
It 'obvious that a policy so gay and patronage will bring a few more votes to the current administration, but greatly impoverish our city. If you begin to eliminate these wastes, the costs will increase, decrease services and increase taxes.

Alberto Papperini
Candidate and spokesman MoVimento 5 Stars Cesenatico


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