Sunday, February 20, 2011

Is Lemon Safe For Dogs


The fortified wine that is more in Sicily and Italy, is undoubtedly the "Marsala". The origins of viticulture on the island of Sicily can be traced back to the Phoenicians and the Carthaginians, to whom belong the honor of having spread the cultivation of vines around the Mediterranean Sea. A witness to what we say we are the archaeological excavations, especially the tiny island of Mozia reserve in the Lagoon, which brought to light vases with base notes for the transportation of wine by sea. The invention and the subsequent fortunes of Marsala, is due to a inglese verso il 1770, l’armatore di Liverpool John Woodhouse, commerciante in potassa . Avendo un ottimo fiuto per gli affari e considerando il vino siciliano ricco di corpo e alcol, Woodhouse capì che sarebbe piaciuto ai suoi conterranei. Decise cosi di commercializzarlo, ma il trasporto via mare a quell'epoca non poteva garantire la salute del vino, per evitare che si potesse alterare, aggiunse del whisky....

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