Monday, February 21, 2011

Ontario License Format Change

Targino: recipe, formalities and procedures. Shipping Guide

Targino The drug is a "new" that contains a combination of oxycodone hydrochloride and naloxone hydrochloride dihydrate , used to treat severe pain. The 'innovation' main point is that should cause less constipation (one of the main side effects of opioids).
exists in three different doses: 5 mg
  • + 2.5 mg 10 mg + 5 mg
  • 20 mg + 10 mg
Regardless of dosage, Targino is a narcotic drug classified in Table II, Section D, in group A, so it can be prescribed either on prescription (SSN-called "red") and prescription-called "white" (fee required).
as to its composition and quantity, the Targino 5 mg + 2.5 mg and 10 mg + 5 mg is not subject to all obligations of the drug reclassified in Table II, sec. D dalla legge 38/2010.
Il Targin 20 mg  + 10 mg, invece, richiede tutti gli adempimenti prevista dalla nuova legge stupefacenti 38/2010.
Di sotto, riporto i vari esempi sulla prescrizione e spedizione del Targin in base al dosaggio.

Ricetta rossa SSN (valido per T argin 5 mg  + 2.5 mg, 10 mg  + 5 mg, 20 + 10mg)
La singola ricetta ha valida di 30 giorni (escluso quello di emissione); sulla ricetta devono essere riportati:
  • nome e cognome del paziente
  • codice fiscale del paziente
  • dosaggio e quantità del farmaco (massimo 2 confezioni, 3 con esenzione per patologia)
  • data di redazione della ricetta
  • timbro e firma del medico
Il farmacista all'atto della spedizione deve:
  • apporre le fustelle del farmaco
  • apporre il timbro della farmacia e la data
  • non deve acquisire alcun dato dell'acquirente
  • non deve conservare alcuna copia della ricetta
Ricetta bianca non ripetibile USO UMANO  (valido per T argin 5 mg  + 2.5 mg, 10 mg  + 5 mg)
La singola ricetta ha validità 30 days excluding the issue and must compulsorily bear:
  • name of the patient (or, alternatively, the tax code of the patient or both)
  • dosage and amount of drug (there is a maximum of packaging, can be 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20 boxes)
  • the dosage is not mandatory, it is reported can have any length, must comply with 30 days of therapy
  • date of preparation of the recipe
  • stamp and doctor's signature
The pharmacist at the time of shipment must:
  • stamp of the pharmacy and the date
  • note the price charged
  • shall not acquire any given buyer
  • preserve the original recipe for 6 months from date of shipment
recipe white non-repeating HUMAN USE (ONLY valid for T banks 20 mg + 10 mg)
The single recipe is valid for 30 days excluding the issue and must compulsorily bear:
  • name of the patient (or, alternatively, the tax code of the patient or both)
  • dosage and amount of drug (there is a maximum of packages, can be 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20 boxes)
  • the dosage is not mandatory, it is reported can have any length, must comply with 30 days of therapy
  • date of preparation of the recipe
  • stamp and signature of the physician
The pharmacist on dispatch must:
  • stamp of the pharmacy and the date
  • note the price charged
  • note on the recipe name, last name and details of an identity of the buyer (which may not be the patient)
  • preserve the original recipe for 2 years from date of shipment
  • by the end of next month, send data Provincial Sales Order in which the pharmacy


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