Friday, February 18, 2011

Menstruation In Pomerians

Response to (dis) information on certain patients

Abstract: What follows is the full text of a talk by a "patient", taken from the site . When I read what follows I did not and I answered.
Good evening,
First of all I thank you for the great service you give to your country with the meritorious action of information about generic medicines and the potential cost savings arising from their use.
Now I submit a fact that it took me lately.
The family doctor prescribed me a box of FLUIFORT in bags, packaging I promptly proceeded to buy at a pharmacy in Liss, unless the pharmacist has given me information about the existence of generic equivalents. Surprised by the high cost of the package (20 € for 30 bags), I then informed on the Internet and I found your website very useful.
I then made the necessary checks on the active ingredient of FLUIFORT (Carbocisteine) and I have found the existence of several pharmaceutical products, at first sight, are comparable (at least for a layman like myself) to FLUIFORT and a price significantly lower.
then print the list of pharmaceutical products based Carbocisteine \u200b\u200band I go to Liss from the pharmacy where I had needed a few days before. He began asking for information on product
SUPERTHIOL and I am told that this product is not available and that it is a product for children ... then I ask
to know the corresponding FLUIFORT and ask the pharmacist where responsibility lies, between doctor and pharmacist , to have to inform the patient / client about the existence of generic drugs. At this point the pharmacist admits that it would be their responsibility to inform the client about the existence of generic equivalents FLUIFORT, but did not respond to what was this generic product that would have to offer me ... then I ask the
SINECOD e mi viene confermata la disponibilità di questo prodotto (al prezzo di 9,5 euro per 30 bustine, quindi corrispondente al 45% del prezzo di FLUIFORT), ma viene altresì fatto notare che SINECOD non è un generico e che di fatto è “altra cosa” rispetto al FLUIFORT…
A questo punto si verifica l’aspetto più interessante della questione. Chiedo infatti quale sia il motivo per cui io necessitassi di spendere 20 euro quando esistono prodotti equivalenti dal prezzo nettamente inferiore. La risposta è stata assolutamente inaccettabile. Il farmacista ha infatti asserito che lui non sa esattamente cosa differenzia FLUIFORT da SINECOD o dai generici (cosa serve allora la specializzazione in Farmacologia?) e che quindi he could not enter into the details of why we were so obvious price differences between different products and in any case, if the doctor had prescribed FLUIFORT was because this product is to be different from SINECOD or other drugs.
I tried going into the merits of the active ingredient of the drug, but in fact I was treated like a petulant client is silly and annoying because it accepts the rules of marketing of pharmaceutical companies.
I do not believe a foolish person, much less helpless, and then I spent my time (which is worth more than the few Euros I paid for the bags FLUIFORT) to better inform the pharmacist first and with you now.
final information: the requirement is not labeled "non-replaceable".
Should I take legal action against the physician and / or pharmacist for a formal reply to my doubts, or think it is a waste of time and that it is common practice for pharmacists trying to sell the products on which they have greater profit margin?
But I learned my lesson and I'll be more careful in future and will inform me on your site before you go to the pharmacy. I would like to respond to the many
inaccuracies and omissions of this "message". Let's start with

Requirement: the pharmacist can substitute a prescribed medicine con un altro equivalente, quando per quest'ultimo esiste un equivalente medicinale avente prezzo più basso E CONTEMPORANEAMENTE uguale composizione in principi attivi E CONTEMPORANEAMENTE forma farmaceutica E CONTEMPORANEAMENTE via di somministrazione E CONTEMPORANEAMENTE modalità di rilascio E CONTEMPORANEAMENTE dosaggio unitario . (art. 1 Legge 26 luglio 2005 n. 149).
Premetto anche che sono d'accordo con il paziente sulle perplessità espresse sulle competenze di questo farmacista.
Detto questo, il paziente parla di una prescrizione su ricettario privato (c.d. "ricetta bianca") del farmaco FLUIFORT 30 BUSTINE, che contiene 2,7 grammi di carbocisteina , dal costo of 20.00 €.
The product mentioned in the patient after "document" is the SUPERTHIOL, drug no longer marketed in Italy by 18/05/2000 (!!). So there is no possibility of substitution. Then we talk about
SINECOD 30 sachets containing 0.3 grams of carbocysteine \u200b\u200b, costing € 9.50. You have probably already noticed what I want to get there: SINECOD the drug in question contains the same active ingredient is (carbocysteine \u200b\u200bas free base) but at a dose nearly 10 times less (0.3 grams). So there is no possibility of substitution, as it is a different drug (Different dosage).
If the pharmacist had replaced the drug with the FLUIFORT SINECOD, in the event of a dispute with your doctor, pharmacist could be accused of the crime of "abuse of the medical profession" (among others that I am not to list).
asked the Lord, which sums up with "How to spend less?": The most trivial, but also more correct is that in this case should have been talking to your doctor to ask for another drug that the doctor still considered suitable for clinical situation the patient ... and cost less.

Let me conclude with an observation: this pharmacist is indefensible on the professional level, from an ethical point of view, però, i pazienti dovrebbero cercare più informazioni e documentarsi meglio, prima di lanciarsi in affermazioni del tipo " è prassi per i farmacisti cercare di vendere i prodotti su cui hanno maggiore margine di guadagno " quando, alla fine, la realtà è completamente diversa e il torto è dalla loro.


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