Sunday, February 6, 2011

Treadmill Running & Sore Knees

Thoughts of Egypt Egypt No.1 No.2

In Cairo, the vibrant anti-Mubarak e'giunto the 13th day of protest. Pero 'has not yet been announced in the march towards the presidential palace that is Helipolis about 20 km from Tahrir Square, Cairo and 'a megalopolis of 20 million inhabitants and a vast area, to cross from one end all, sometimes it takes more' than two hours by car.

Coordination secret that has made all the prisoners escape at the same time, all over Egypt, has released several terrorists. Last Thursday the private television channel Al Manar, the Hezbollah issue which broadcasts from Lebanon, celebrated in the direct arrival in Beirut of the escaped prisoners, who have crossed the border by land, certainly through the Gaza border is controlled by Hamas and Egypt, but now dismantled by the army pledged to preside over the city '. In addition to safety, army falls the task of escorting trucks to food shops and markets. Lacking food, no money, you pay no more 'salaries will' pensions, the tourism industry lost their jobs.

But the worst and 'the lack of security, the amount' of weapons circulating and 'frightening. A friend and 'a machine gun was offered for 500 pounds (about 70 €). In the cities of Al Arish, (beautiful beach on the Mediterranean, northern Sinai) It has been the seat of the police attacked with rockets, and now draws attacked near the pipeline that supplies Israel.

Friday ', after prayers, in Alexandria, a protest march from the station walked the Corniche to the square of Sidi Gaber Saad Zaghloul. The protesters, for the most conspicuously bearded, shouted slogans like 'l' Islam and 'the solution', the historic motto of the Muslim Brotherhood, 'via non-Muslims', 'we want the Islamic Republic'.

British Prime Minister Cameron has suggested that the Muslim Brotherhood are housed in a dialogue between the parties, but these days on Youtube runs an old movie of 1981 with a speech to parliament by the then Egyptian president Sadat. In that regard, his exact words are these: 'I met the founder of FM in the struggle against British occupation. The FM has a status in which only recognizes the authority of an emir, which must be obeyed unconditionally. They do not recognize any other authority, 'it' religion, it 'political ideology. With regard to women, they should stay home, make babies and clean. Their strategy and 'to try to apply these articles initially through dialogue, and then by force'. Fortunately, the real
caireni not spin and if you do not lose heart. I'm also witty, and since 'do not intend to leave the square, Tahrir Square signs have appeared as:' Mubarak go away I have to go to cut my hair ', and among the protest groups on Facebook and' Born on the move 'us you broke the balls'.


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