Thursday, February 17, 2011

Is Triple X Syndrome In All Parts Of The World?

Gardenale: complete guide for preparing and sending the recipe

Il Gardenale è un farmaco stupefacente classificato in Tabella II sezione C e per questo soggetto a registrazione nel registro di entrata e uscita degli stupefacenti.
E' un farmaco classificato in fascia A, soggetto a ricetta non ripetibile.
Può essere prescritto, quindi, sia con ricetta "rossa" (a carico del SSN) sia con ricetta c.d. "bianca" (a carico del patient).
The following are the various shipping methods depending on the type of recipe.

Recipe Red SSN
The single recipe is valid for 30 days excluding the issue and must compulsorily bear:
  • name of the patient
  • tax code of the patient
  • dosage and quantity of the drug (up to 2 packs , 3 with exemption for pathology)
  • date of preparation of the recipe
  • stamp and signature of the physician
The pharmacist at the time of shipment must:
  • punches, affix the drug
  • stamp of the pharmacy and the date
  • scaricare i quantitativi dal registro di entrata uscita degli stupefacenti
  • conservare la copia della ricetta SSN per due anni dalla data dell'ultima registrazione sul registro di entrata uscita degli stupefacenti
Ricetta bianca non ripetibile USO UMANO
La singola ricetta ha validità di 30 giorni escluso quello di emissione e deve obbligatoriamente riportare:
  • nome e cognome del paziente (o, in alternativa, il codice fiscale del paziente o tutti e due)
  • dosaggio e quantità di farmaco (non esiste un massimo di confezioni, possono essere 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20 scatole)
  • the dosage is not mandatory, it is reported can take any time, it must comply with 30 days of therapy
  • date of preparation of the recipe
  • stamp and signature of the physician
The pharmacist at the time of shipment must:
  • stamp of the pharmacy and the date
  • note the price charged
  • shall not acquire any given buyer
  • download quantities from the output register of entry of drugs
  • preserve the original recipe for two years after the last entry on the register of entrance / exit of drugs
recipe for white non-repeating ANIMAL pet (eg cat, dog)
The single recipe is valid for 30 days excluding the issue and must compulsorily bear:
  • name of the owner of
  • dosage and amount of drug (there is a maximum of packages, can be 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20 boxes)
  • the dosage is compulsory, but there is no limit to observe 30 days of therapy in veterinary prescription, the dosage is formalism required as it prescribes a drug for human use exemption for a pet.
  • the species of animal
  • date of preparation of the recipe
  • stamp and signature of the veterinarian
The pharmacist at the time of shipment must:
  • stamp of the pharmacy and the record date
  • the price charged shall not acquire any given buyer
  • download from the register of the quantities of drugs came out
  • preserve the original recipe for two years after the last entry on the register of entrance / exit of drugs
recipe for white non-repeating ANIMAL livestock (eg sheep, cattle)
Here you will enter into science fiction, keep our feet on the ground ...


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