Saturday, February 12, 2011

What You Pay For Snowmobile Insurance

Brains sanded

Once again, the facts belie the mayor of Cesenatico "Nivardone" Panza and Alderman Walter (MacGyver) rocks that have persisted in recent weeks on the pages of local newspapers stating that Leonardo's doors, which cost over € 10 million, it works fine. We have also put the fishermen in Cesenatico that the mouth of the agent, who served in the newspapers, the applause at a public work that paradoxically does not open and not closed, but by the bulldozers. In fact, for these vassals of the party, the dam that bar has saved the city. But let us go forward with the comedy. Pinocchio Panzavolta after the rupture of a hydraulic piston in the newspapers declared: "I think the device is working well and not be said that the doors are broken, so why not." To reopen the doors, however, Leonardo's, that time the firemen had to intervene, but that for the subjects of the Adriatic is a detail. The pictures and the video images sbugiardanti the council and published on YouTube in recent weeks, you are then also added to those collected by the Movement of 5 stars Cesenatico depicting two bulldozers during the opening of the doors covered up. This però è solo l’ultimo problema emerso da un opera che è entrata in funzione dopo anni di attesa e che a causa dell’insabbiamento non è stata quasi mai possibile aprire o chiudere con celerità. Tutto ciò nonostante il porto canale di Cesenatico sia un porto fluviale il cui naturale deposito di detriti sul fondo, in fase di progettazione, l’avrebbe previsto perfino Topo Gigio. Ma probabilmente la bugia più grossa raccontata dai nostri dipendenti è stata quella inerente lo sbattimento delle porte durante la mareggiata con dichiarazioni sconcertanti: “Sindaco e assessore promuovono lo sbarramento: Chiuse secondo i protocolli di sicurezza”. L’assessore Rocchi rincara poi la dose dichiarando: “Occorreranno actions of improvement, from the limitation of concussion between the ports, it should be reiterated, was due to regurgitation wave and the strong difference in the level that was created between the water inside and outside the port itself is not a sign of malfunction ". But if the doors remain open, photos and video in hand, how can there be two different water levels? In addition, barricade separating them is perhaps the only task that they must fulfill in order that the center is not flooded, that is when the tide level outside the port exceeds the inside berth at the port? Let's therefore a bit 'of clarity, since the pseudo journalists who have covered the subject slavishly, having his head down, could not see the evidence of the facts and that is why, in my opinion, should be condemned by the Order to dig 10 acres of land, labor best suited to those who do not usually have the back straight. If the doors are open and slam means that when they were, the level of the entire harbor, for the principle of communicating vessels would be identical to that of the sea, therefore, their sole function would vanish partition. The doors slam so why not work, but on the eve of elections have done everything because this fact was not clear, and that with the help of the usual servants of the press and some cooperative subjects bent 90 °. On the night of Dec. 26, with one of the doors broken open, and then, the center was flooded not only because the tide was in favor. Also during the second closure, pictures of ropes and chains attached to the dock to keep it closed the dam, are clear indications of such futuristic technology has provided the city administration to ensure that they are hermetically sealed and therefore the level of separation ' external water.

There are no flags in front of a huge waste of public money, raise your head and stop bleating!


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