Saturday, February 26, 2011

Money That Mike Tyson Made During His Career

Sawadi Beach

Ultimamente alcuni seri problemi di salute mi stanno togliendo tempo ed energie, tenendomi lontana dal blog e dai miei contatti. Vorrei scusarmi e mi riprometto di dare notizie appena sara' possibile.

Pero'venerdi' era una bella giornata e cosi' ne ho approfittato per fare un giro al Sawadi Resort, ad un'ora di macchina da Muscat. Sembra una terra di nessuno dove collect shells from the collection. According to my personal tastes, despite the tropical temperatures already 'hot, the climate on the coast and' too ventilated to nearby Dymaniat Islands, a paradise for diving, and then I would wait a few weeks. The islands are also a nature reserve and to achieve and 'must obtain a permit. Meanwhile, here are some suggestive photos

Friday, February 25, 2011

Beauty Salon Floor Plans

Industrial Archaeology River Bevano

When To Worry About Night Sweats


Post velocissimo per dire che da oggi, i commenti sono diventati LIBERI.
Ciò significa che chiunque può postare un commento/domanda/osservazione.

Si tratta di un test, per vedere se avrà successo o no..

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Irish Lucky Wrestling Singlet

Hera just indifferent

resoundingly rejected the collection in a public place like the monumental cemetery of Cesena, in which among other things, the nature and type of waste to be easily restored. Tell compounds in landfill waste by 95% just because dried flowers mixed with 10% of plastic and paper, also fully recovered, it is unacceptable as well as stupid. But without its cans as a citizen can never begin to do the inevitable collection?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Size 7 Toddler Indoor Soccer Shoes

Poisons, toxic and very toxic. CLP and labeling

Con questo post proverò a fare chiarezza su uno dei più grandi "problemi" che il farmacista preparatore si trova ad affrontare nel corso della sua attività: i VELENI.
Cominciamo con il dire che il termine " Veleno " è un termine impreciso in quanto era (è) utilizzato dalla Tabella 3 della Farmacopea per indicare tutte quelle sostanze che possono avere effetti molto gravi/letali anche a dosi molto basse. Il problema è che la Tabella 3 non è mai stata aggiornata, mentre sono aumentate le sostanze che, pur non essendo elencata in tale tabella, potevano rientrare in quella che era l'intenzione del legislatore di definire una sostanza come Veleno .

La soluzione a questo problema è arrivata con la Farmacopea XII ed il successivo supplemento: si è iniziato a dare una definizione precisa delle sostanze Tossiche e Molto tossiche , identificabili con il famoso simbolo del teschio.
Whereas before there was some discretion of the pharmacist, from the Pharmacopoeia XII, in fact, talk of poison (ie, a substance in a in Table 3), Toxic substance or Very toxic was exactly the same thing, namely the law for the dispatch of a recipe Galenic was exactly the same whether it contained a poison, toxic or very toxic .
Then he made a distinction between a substance Toxic and Very Toxic : Very toxic substance is a substance that should be considered Poison, Toxic substance , no.

Ultimately, no new changes and / or communications, this is the current situation:
  • considering a substance Toxic , the only performance is that the substance as such must be kept in locked cupboard (separate from drug). A recipe that Galenic containing this substance is not subject to the formalism of the "Toxic" and the recipe in this case, however, repeated 10 times for 6 months (unless it contains other particulate matter).
  • considering a substance " Very toxic "or" Poison "(ie contained in Table 3 Pharmacopoeia), the substance must be kept in a locked cabinet and the recipe calls for all the formalism of the case (see below). The recipe in this case and not repeat and that is excluding the 30 days of issuance.
Finally, here are the formalities required by law to send a recipe that contains a substance Galenic Very Toxic or Poison : Regarding the recipe
  • is desirable that shows the name of the patient
  • must indicate the dose of the substance ( Poison or Very toxic) in all letters
  • must indicate the dosage
  • must indicate the date of preparation
  • must be given the stamp and signature of the physician
The pharmacist, at ' act of the expedition:
  • affix the date of posting (if he can affix a stamp, but is not required by standard)
  • affix the price charged
  • record the name of the purchaser (which may not be the patient), which is more than 16 years
  • affix the label of the preparation for the word "POISON" or a suitable pictogram
  • preserves the original recipe for six months
From December 2010 has been replaced by a further innovation, which replaced the previous two pictograms with this:
'll discuss later in another post what happened and What changes.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Fedex Ontario Job Openings

SUNKEN TASTES - The Lemon Interdonato

"A story is fairly recent, when compared to the centuries-long presence of limonicoltura in Sicily, which began when the hero of the epic Garibaldi, Colonel John Interdonato, which was born in Nizza di Sicilia and was also mayor. In one of his properties in the valley of the river Nisi, in the district of the City of Al Reitana ì Spa, where even today there are the mother plants., [...] is working ò to disseminate and exploit, due to its exceptional resistance to mal secco of citrus fruits and the particular period of production and maturation, September-October, when the market does not have competing products. The tradition, as witnessed by numerous sources, including the Arena (1927) and Ruggeri (1931), attests that the name "Interdonato" is called a hybrid of citron and lemon graft, obtained for the years between 1875 and 1880 by Col. John Interdonato in his orchard in the district of Al Reitana ì Spa ......

Read the article HERE
You will be taken on the site of 'Free Cultural Association Taste

Ontario License Format Change

Targino: recipe, formalities and procedures. Shipping Guide

Targino The drug is a "new" that contains a combination of oxycodone hydrochloride and naloxone hydrochloride dihydrate , used to treat severe pain. The 'innovation' main point is that should cause less constipation (one of the main side effects of opioids).
exists in three different doses: 5 mg
  • + 2.5 mg 10 mg + 5 mg
  • 20 mg + 10 mg
Regardless of dosage, Targino is a narcotic drug classified in Table II, Section D, in group A, so it can be prescribed either on prescription (SSN-called "red") and prescription-called "white" (fee required).
as to its composition and quantity, the Targino 5 mg + 2.5 mg and 10 mg + 5 mg is not subject to all obligations of the drug reclassified in Table II, sec. D dalla legge 38/2010.
Il Targin 20 mg  + 10 mg, invece, richiede tutti gli adempimenti prevista dalla nuova legge stupefacenti 38/2010.
Di sotto, riporto i vari esempi sulla prescrizione e spedizione del Targin in base al dosaggio.

Ricetta rossa SSN (valido per T argin 5 mg  + 2.5 mg, 10 mg  + 5 mg, 20 + 10mg)
La singola ricetta ha valida di 30 giorni (escluso quello di emissione); sulla ricetta devono essere riportati:
  • nome e cognome del paziente
  • codice fiscale del paziente
  • dosaggio e quantità del farmaco (massimo 2 confezioni, 3 con esenzione per patologia)
  • data di redazione della ricetta
  • timbro e firma del medico
Il farmacista all'atto della spedizione deve:
  • apporre le fustelle del farmaco
  • apporre il timbro della farmacia e la data
  • non deve acquisire alcun dato dell'acquirente
  • non deve conservare alcuna copia della ricetta
Ricetta bianca non ripetibile USO UMANO  (valido per T argin 5 mg  + 2.5 mg, 10 mg  + 5 mg)
La singola ricetta ha validità 30 days excluding the issue and must compulsorily bear:
  • name of the patient (or, alternatively, the tax code of the patient or both)
  • dosage and amount of drug (there is a maximum of packaging, can be 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20 boxes)
  • the dosage is not mandatory, it is reported can have any length, must comply with 30 days of therapy
  • date of preparation of the recipe
  • stamp and doctor's signature
The pharmacist at the time of shipment must:
  • stamp of the pharmacy and the date
  • note the price charged
  • shall not acquire any given buyer
  • preserve the original recipe for 6 months from date of shipment
recipe white non-repeating HUMAN USE (ONLY valid for T banks 20 mg + 10 mg)
The single recipe is valid for 30 days excluding the issue and must compulsorily bear:
  • name of the patient (or, alternatively, the tax code of the patient or both)
  • dosage and amount of drug (there is a maximum of packages, can be 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20 boxes)
  • the dosage is not mandatory, it is reported can have any length, must comply with 30 days of therapy
  • date of preparation of the recipe
  • stamp and signature of the physician
The pharmacist on dispatch must:
  • stamp of the pharmacy and the date
  • note the price charged
  • note on the recipe name, last name and details of an identity of the buyer (which may not be the patient)
  • preserve the original recipe for 2 years from date of shipment
  • by the end of next month, send data Provincial Sales Order in which the pharmacy

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Is Lemon Safe For Dogs


The fortified wine that is more in Sicily and Italy, is undoubtedly the "Marsala". The origins of viticulture on the island of Sicily can be traced back to the Phoenicians and the Carthaginians, to whom belong the honor of having spread the cultivation of vines around the Mediterranean Sea. A witness to what we say we are the archaeological excavations, especially the tiny island of Mozia reserve in the Lagoon, which brought to light vases with base notes for the transportation of wine by sea. The invention and the subsequent fortunes of Marsala, is due to a inglese verso il 1770, l’armatore di Liverpool John Woodhouse, commerciante in potassa . Avendo un ottimo fiuto per gli affari e considerando il vino siciliano ricco di corpo e alcol, Woodhouse capì che sarebbe piaciuto ai suoi conterranei. Decise cosi di commercializzarlo, ma il trasporto via mare a quell'epoca non poteva garantire la salute del vino, per evitare che si potesse alterare, aggiunse del whisky....

Continua a leggere l'articolo  QUI

You will be taken on the site of 'Association Free Cultural Taste

Friday, February 18, 2011

Menstruation In Pomerians

Response to (dis) information on certain patients

Abstract: What follows is the full text of a talk by a "patient", taken from the site . When I read what follows I did not and I answered.
Good evening,
First of all I thank you for the great service you give to your country with the meritorious action of information about generic medicines and the potential cost savings arising from their use.
Now I submit a fact that it took me lately.
The family doctor prescribed me a box of FLUIFORT in bags, packaging I promptly proceeded to buy at a pharmacy in Liss, unless the pharmacist has given me information about the existence of generic equivalents. Surprised by the high cost of the package (20 € for 30 bags), I then informed on the Internet and I found your website very useful.
I then made the necessary checks on the active ingredient of FLUIFORT (Carbocisteine) and I have found the existence of several pharmaceutical products, at first sight, are comparable (at least for a layman like myself) to FLUIFORT and a price significantly lower.
then print the list of pharmaceutical products based Carbocisteine \u200b\u200band I go to Liss from the pharmacy where I had needed a few days before. He began asking for information on product
SUPERTHIOL and I am told that this product is not available and that it is a product for children ... then I ask
to know the corresponding FLUIFORT and ask the pharmacist where responsibility lies, between doctor and pharmacist , to have to inform the patient / client about the existence of generic drugs. At this point the pharmacist admits that it would be their responsibility to inform the client about the existence of generic equivalents FLUIFORT, but did not respond to what was this generic product that would have to offer me ... then I ask the
SINECOD e mi viene confermata la disponibilità di questo prodotto (al prezzo di 9,5 euro per 30 bustine, quindi corrispondente al 45% del prezzo di FLUIFORT), ma viene altresì fatto notare che SINECOD non è un generico e che di fatto è “altra cosa” rispetto al FLUIFORT…
A questo punto si verifica l’aspetto più interessante della questione. Chiedo infatti quale sia il motivo per cui io necessitassi di spendere 20 euro quando esistono prodotti equivalenti dal prezzo nettamente inferiore. La risposta è stata assolutamente inaccettabile. Il farmacista ha infatti asserito che lui non sa esattamente cosa differenzia FLUIFORT da SINECOD o dai generici (cosa serve allora la specializzazione in Farmacologia?) e che quindi he could not enter into the details of why we were so obvious price differences between different products and in any case, if the doctor had prescribed FLUIFORT was because this product is to be different from SINECOD or other drugs.
I tried going into the merits of the active ingredient of the drug, but in fact I was treated like a petulant client is silly and annoying because it accepts the rules of marketing of pharmaceutical companies.
I do not believe a foolish person, much less helpless, and then I spent my time (which is worth more than the few Euros I paid for the bags FLUIFORT) to better inform the pharmacist first and with you now.
final information: the requirement is not labeled "non-replaceable".
Should I take legal action against the physician and / or pharmacist for a formal reply to my doubts, or think it is a waste of time and that it is common practice for pharmacists trying to sell the products on which they have greater profit margin?
But I learned my lesson and I'll be more careful in future and will inform me on your site before you go to the pharmacy. I would like to respond to the many
inaccuracies and omissions of this "message". Let's start with

Requirement: the pharmacist can substitute a prescribed medicine con un altro equivalente, quando per quest'ultimo esiste un equivalente medicinale avente prezzo più basso E CONTEMPORANEAMENTE uguale composizione in principi attivi E CONTEMPORANEAMENTE forma farmaceutica E CONTEMPORANEAMENTE via di somministrazione E CONTEMPORANEAMENTE modalità di rilascio E CONTEMPORANEAMENTE dosaggio unitario . (art. 1 Legge 26 luglio 2005 n. 149).
Premetto anche che sono d'accordo con il paziente sulle perplessità espresse sulle competenze di questo farmacista.
Detto questo, il paziente parla di una prescrizione su ricettario privato (c.d. "ricetta bianca") del farmaco FLUIFORT 30 BUSTINE, che contiene 2,7 grammi di carbocisteina , dal costo of 20.00 €.
The product mentioned in the patient after "document" is the SUPERTHIOL, drug no longer marketed in Italy by 18/05/2000 (!!). So there is no possibility of substitution. Then we talk about
SINECOD 30 sachets containing 0.3 grams of carbocysteine \u200b\u200b, costing € 9.50. You have probably already noticed what I want to get there: SINECOD the drug in question contains the same active ingredient is (carbocysteine \u200b\u200bas free base) but at a dose nearly 10 times less (0.3 grams). So there is no possibility of substitution, as it is a different drug (Different dosage).
If the pharmacist had replaced the drug with the FLUIFORT SINECOD, in the event of a dispute with your doctor, pharmacist could be accused of the crime of "abuse of the medical profession" (among others that I am not to list).
asked the Lord, which sums up with "How to spend less?": The most trivial, but also more correct is that in this case should have been talking to your doctor to ask for another drug that the doctor still considered suitable for clinical situation the patient ... and cost less.

Let me conclude with an observation: this pharmacist is indefensible on the professional level, from an ethical point of view, però, i pazienti dovrebbero cercare più informazioni e documentarsi meglio, prima di lanciarsi in affermazioni del tipo " è prassi per i farmacisti cercare di vendere i prodotti su cui hanno maggiore margine di guadagno " quando, alla fine, la realtà è completamente diversa e il torto è dalla loro.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Is Triple X Syndrome In All Parts Of The World?

Gardenale: complete guide for preparing and sending the recipe

Il Gardenale è un farmaco stupefacente classificato in Tabella II sezione C e per questo soggetto a registrazione nel registro di entrata e uscita degli stupefacenti.
E' un farmaco classificato in fascia A, soggetto a ricetta non ripetibile.
Può essere prescritto, quindi, sia con ricetta "rossa" (a carico del SSN) sia con ricetta c.d. "bianca" (a carico del patient).
The following are the various shipping methods depending on the type of recipe.

Recipe Red SSN
The single recipe is valid for 30 days excluding the issue and must compulsorily bear:
  • name of the patient
  • tax code of the patient
  • dosage and quantity of the drug (up to 2 packs , 3 with exemption for pathology)
  • date of preparation of the recipe
  • stamp and signature of the physician
The pharmacist at the time of shipment must:
  • punches, affix the drug
  • stamp of the pharmacy and the date
  • scaricare i quantitativi dal registro di entrata uscita degli stupefacenti
  • conservare la copia della ricetta SSN per due anni dalla data dell'ultima registrazione sul registro di entrata uscita degli stupefacenti
Ricetta bianca non ripetibile USO UMANO
La singola ricetta ha validità di 30 giorni escluso quello di emissione e deve obbligatoriamente riportare:
  • nome e cognome del paziente (o, in alternativa, il codice fiscale del paziente o tutti e due)
  • dosaggio e quantità di farmaco (non esiste un massimo di confezioni, possono essere 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20 scatole)
  • the dosage is not mandatory, it is reported can take any time, it must comply with 30 days of therapy
  • date of preparation of the recipe
  • stamp and signature of the physician
The pharmacist at the time of shipment must:
  • stamp of the pharmacy and the date
  • note the price charged
  • shall not acquire any given buyer
  • download quantities from the output register of entry of drugs
  • preserve the original recipe for two years after the last entry on the register of entrance / exit of drugs
recipe for white non-repeating ANIMAL pet (eg cat, dog)
The single recipe is valid for 30 days excluding the issue and must compulsorily bear:
  • name of the owner of
  • dosage and amount of drug (there is a maximum of packages, can be 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20 boxes)
  • the dosage is compulsory, but there is no limit to observe 30 days of therapy in veterinary prescription, the dosage is formalism required as it prescribes a drug for human use exemption for a pet.
  • the species of animal
  • date of preparation of the recipe
  • stamp and signature of the veterinarian
The pharmacist at the time of shipment must:
  • stamp of the pharmacy and the record date
  • the price charged shall not acquire any given buyer
  • download from the register of the quantities of drugs came out
  • preserve the original recipe for two years after the last entry on the register of entrance / exit of drugs
recipe for white non-repeating ANIMAL livestock (eg sheep, cattle)
Here you will enter into science fiction, keep our feet on the ground ...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

King Ranch Snowblower Tractor

Cemetery Mount Aguzzo (FC)

Despite the years pass, the Islamic cemetery of Mount point at Cesena continues to be the resting place where Muslim citizens, however, considered as standard B; place more like a graveyard for animals that used all'inumazione persone.Sepolture of anonymous and anecdotal, lacking maintenance, brick building with stones, but for the leaders of the municipal administration of Cesena, this cemetery is considered a pride. Judge for yourself .... Public

Monday, February 14, 2011

Separate Wedding Party For Friends


I dropped it under a house e. ..

Can I Get Shingles On My Arm?

The post that never dies: applications

This will be a post that never ends: I'll give it to feed the search engines to find it every time you try to add it gradually.
In practice: whenever control access to the site, I see there are questions about the pharmacy, but not the legislation. As many answers are simple and fast (And thus effective) and since I am a pharmacist that itchy hands when they have the answer ready [:)], the example below.

Senodin The syrup is loanable?
No, it is in band C, then charged to the patient. Repeatable recipe requires 30-days for a maximum of 3 packs.

The pharmacist can prescribe drugs?
No, the pharmacist can not prescribe drugs ever. Can you recommend, propose, explain all the drugs that do not require a prescription in addition to a pharmacy, herbal medicines, nutritional supplements, etc. ...

When is a veterinary prescription white master?
All the recipes are NOT RECOVERABLE veterinary white and apply this to 30 days.

can be used with Lisomucil Tachipirina?
Yes, you can bind: carbocysteine \u200b\u200band acetaminophen (the active ingredients 2) do not have direct interactions.

Why is not the Roaccutan?
Why has officially exhaustion, or the company that produces it (goes) (Roche) ... not produce more. You can find some drugs that have some basis, otherwise ... you take the Aisoskin or isotretinoin.

there a generic / equivalent Transact patches?
No, è l'unico farmaco esistente (per ora). Costa 19.80 €

La Magnesia Bisurata Aromatica è introvabile?
Si, non è si trova da Ottobre 2010. ATTENZIONE: non ho detto che non la fanno più, ma che per qualche motivo, la ditta non rifornisce più i grossisti e di conseguenza le farmacie.

Chi assume un anticoagulante può assumere anche il Polase?
Si, a patto che l'assunzione non avvenga contemporaneamente: normalmente i farmaci anticoagulanti come il Coumadin si assumono verso le 16.00-17.00 del pomeriggio; per assumere il Polase c'è tutto il resto del giorno.

Il magnesio è mutuabile per gli Free tickets?
In short: NO. In short: no, then we should speak of "what ticket" in that region of Italy we are, what you are talking free, etc. ...

there an equivalent of Fluifort? If we speak of
sciropppo or drops Fluifort: NO does not exist. If we speak of Fluifort 30 Envelopes 2.7 g (20.00 €): Yes, there is Carbocisteine \u200b\u200bEG 30 Envelopes 2.7 g (16.00 €). Note: Both the envelopes that require a prescription syrup.

For Tachipirina 1000 is a prescription required?
YES to the tablets or effervescent tablets. NO to the supposed adults.

For the pill day (eg NorLevo) after it takes the recipe?
Yes, a recipe does not repeatable, valid for 30 days. The package costs € 12.10 and contains a single tablet taken as soon as possible but no later than 72 hours after unprotected intercourse.

The Fluifort contain iodine?

Last Updated: 04/03/2011

How Do I Get Ready For The Asvab Test

Informed citizens

below the press release of 5 stars Cesenatico movement inherent in the financial situation of the municipality, the debts, and especially the expensive external consultants:

Press MoVimento 5 Stars Cesenatico 14.02.2011

The PD should be postponed to September. Little does she know that the Ministry of the Interior, by a decree of September 24 2009, has identified ten parameters to be met not be defined as "structurally deficient institutions." One of the most important parameters provides that municipalities can not have a debt of over one and half times the revenue (150%), ie a maximum of 36 million euro and 53 (217%), which means that the Municipality of Cesenatico widely breached this threshold. The high debt annually affects between 3 and 4 million euro budget (15% - 20% of revenue) are used to pay interest and principal. The real problem is not investment earnings but waste and patronage unnecessary and expensive, are many and absorb much of the infrastructure costs and our fees. The City and Gesturist have employed well-paid executives (engineers, architects, etc..), Yet the projects are outsourced with exorbitant costs.
Since the administration has to be efficient and transparent, because it tells us how much money was spent on the Vena Mazaika, a bascule bridge that is still motionless, for a water recycling plant in Viale Trento not working? Why do not you explain that the work did Gesturist with approximately € 5 million that we give every year for maintenance? Not to mention the extraordinary maintenance that are entrusted to him! Because the country has bad roads, impassable sidewalks and public spaces and green abandoned?
The City in 2010 formalized than 46 external mandates. What is the cost to the community? Yet the town of Cesenatico 8 managers and several employees whose total cost is € 7 million a year, without considering the addition of employees that are not calculated in Gesturist 7 million.
It 'obvious that a policy so gay and patronage will bring a few more votes to the current administration, but greatly impoverish our city. If you begin to eliminate these wastes, the costs will increase, decrease services and increase taxes.

Alberto Papperini
Candidate and spokesman MoVimento 5 Stars Cesenatico

Funny Things To Write On Wedding Greeting Cards

Obesity: Considerations for social evil

Serious problems plague the humans of advanced society, including individual attention the problems of the sphere of nutrition.
In recent years there has been a considerable interest from several medical teams against eating disorders and the consequences it has on the physical and psychological health.
Obesity is a major eating disorder and is considered a "clinical syndrome" because it represents a high risk to human health and is detrimental, too, psycho-social relations. According to statistics conducted throughout Europe, the World Health Organization, it was noted that this disease affects about 30% of world population and causes an annual mortality of 320,000 people ....

Continua a leggere l'articolo cliccando  QUI
  Sarai indirizzato al sito dell' Associazione Culturale Libero Gusto

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Trampoline Party Sacramento

Alcover FLASH: characteristics of prescription drugs also

What are the proper ways to send a recipe for syrup Alcover, a drug based oxicabato sodium ?
clarified that Alcover is a narcotic drug, the only drug to be classified in Table II, sec. IIB: normally, in fact, the sect. IIB contains only drugs used in galenic preparations.
being precisely, in Section IIB, is subject to loading and unloading on the register and buy drugs occurs through the use of fanfold Voucher.

In short: you need a recipe for white non-repeatable and its shipment is identical to that of (eg) Gardenale.

In the long (:)): Alcover is in band C and is therefore only be prescribed with white non-repeatable prescription. This recipe is valid for 30 days excluding the issue. The formal requirements are the same drug found in sect. IIC is:
  • date of preparation
  • name
  • the patient's prescription medication and dosage amount
  • (Note: The dose may be any, they would not meet the 30 days of therapy)
  • doctor's signature stamp
The pharmacist sends the prescription
affixing date stamp and the price by getting the quantities of the register of drugs, the number gradually in the original recipe that keeps for two years after the last entry on the register drugs.

How Far Red Rock From Green Valley

but not in the list of transparency

The drug MONTEGEN 4 MG 28 ENVELOPES (cost € 51.49) is a drug based montelukast. Since
that this product is currently unavailable in the normal distribution channel, a chemist asks if you can replace it with SINGULAIR, 28 mg always 4 ENVELOPES (cost € 51.49).
The problem is that this drug is not on the lists of transparency. What to do?

Although long since expired, the Convention provides that the NHS pharmacist may, in cases of necessity and urgency , dispense a drug similar to having the same composition as quantitative, or number of the same dose, same dose is the same price or less than the original medicinal product. Considering that

  1. the 2 drugs are identical
  2. the drug is intended for a pediatric patient
  3. the redemption price is the same
pharmacist may dispense prescription SINGULAIR noting on the back of a sentence like " for urgency, often with the same active drug , dosage, quantity as Montegen temporarily unavailable the distribution system. "

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Brains sanded

Once again, the facts belie the mayor of Cesenatico "Nivardone" Panza and Alderman Walter (MacGyver) rocks that have persisted in recent weeks on the pages of local newspapers stating that Leonardo's doors, which cost over € 10 million, it works fine. We have also put the fishermen in Cesenatico that the mouth of the agent, who served in the newspapers, the applause at a public work that paradoxically does not open and not closed, but by the bulldozers. In fact, for these vassals of the party, the dam that bar has saved the city. But let us go forward with the comedy. Pinocchio Panzavolta after the rupture of a hydraulic piston in the newspapers declared: "I think the device is working well and not be said that the doors are broken, so why not." To reopen the doors, however, Leonardo's, that time the firemen had to intervene, but that for the subjects of the Adriatic is a detail. The pictures and the video images sbugiardanti the council and published on YouTube in recent weeks, you are then also added to those collected by the Movement of 5 stars Cesenatico depicting two bulldozers during the opening of the doors covered up. This però è solo l’ultimo problema emerso da un opera che è entrata in funzione dopo anni di attesa e che a causa dell’insabbiamento non è stata quasi mai possibile aprire o chiudere con celerità. Tutto ciò nonostante il porto canale di Cesenatico sia un porto fluviale il cui naturale deposito di detriti sul fondo, in fase di progettazione, l’avrebbe previsto perfino Topo Gigio. Ma probabilmente la bugia più grossa raccontata dai nostri dipendenti è stata quella inerente lo sbattimento delle porte durante la mareggiata con dichiarazioni sconcertanti: “Sindaco e assessore promuovono lo sbarramento: Chiuse secondo i protocolli di sicurezza”. L’assessore Rocchi rincara poi la dose dichiarando: “Occorreranno actions of improvement, from the limitation of concussion between the ports, it should be reiterated, was due to regurgitation wave and the strong difference in the level that was created between the water inside and outside the port itself is not a sign of malfunction ". But if the doors remain open, photos and video in hand, how can there be two different water levels? In addition, barricade separating them is perhaps the only task that they must fulfill in order that the center is not flooded, that is when the tide level outside the port exceeds the inside berth at the port? Let's therefore a bit 'of clarity, since the pseudo journalists who have covered the subject slavishly, having his head down, could not see the evidence of the facts and that is why, in my opinion, should be condemned by the Order to dig 10 acres of land, labor best suited to those who do not usually have the back straight. If the doors are open and slam means that when they were, the level of the entire harbor, for the principle of communicating vessels would be identical to that of the sea, therefore, their sole function would vanish partition. The doors slam so why not work, but on the eve of elections have done everything because this fact was not clear, and that with the help of the usual servants of the press and some cooperative subjects bent 90 °. On the night of Dec. 26, with one of the doors broken open, and then, the center was flooded not only because the tide was in favor. Also during the second closure, pictures of ropes and chains attached to the dock to keep it closed the dam, are clear indications of such futuristic technology has provided the city administration to ensure that they are hermetically sealed and therefore the level of separation ' external water.

There are no flags in front of a huge waste of public money, raise your head and stop bleating!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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Helwa ya balady

A beautiful song dedicated to Egypt, Helwa ya balady , O my beautiful country, and a voice full of nostalgia ...

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

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Thoughts of Egypt Egypt No.1 No.2

In Cairo, the vibrant anti-Mubarak e'giunto the 13th day of protest. Pero 'has not yet been announced in the march towards the presidential palace that is Helipolis about 20 km from Tahrir Square, Cairo and 'a megalopolis of 20 million inhabitants and a vast area, to cross from one end all, sometimes it takes more' than two hours by car.

Coordination secret that has made all the prisoners escape at the same time, all over Egypt, has released several terrorists. Last Thursday the private television channel Al Manar, the Hezbollah issue which broadcasts from Lebanon, celebrated in the direct arrival in Beirut of the escaped prisoners, who have crossed the border by land, certainly through the Gaza border is controlled by Hamas and Egypt, but now dismantled by the army pledged to preside over the city '. In addition to safety, army falls the task of escorting trucks to food shops and markets. Lacking food, no money, you pay no more 'salaries will' pensions, the tourism industry lost their jobs.

But the worst and 'the lack of security, the amount' of weapons circulating and 'frightening. A friend and 'a machine gun was offered for 500 pounds (about 70 €). In the cities of Al Arish, (beautiful beach on the Mediterranean, northern Sinai) It has been the seat of the police attacked with rockets, and now draws attacked near the pipeline that supplies Israel.

Friday ', after prayers, in Alexandria, a protest march from the station walked the Corniche to the square of Sidi Gaber Saad Zaghloul. The protesters, for the most conspicuously bearded, shouted slogans like 'l' Islam and 'the solution', the historic motto of the Muslim Brotherhood, 'via non-Muslims', 'we want the Islamic Republic'.

British Prime Minister Cameron has suggested that the Muslim Brotherhood are housed in a dialogue between the parties, but these days on Youtube runs an old movie of 1981 with a speech to parliament by the then Egyptian president Sadat. In that regard, his exact words are these: 'I met the founder of FM in the struggle against British occupation. The FM has a status in which only recognizes the authority of an emir, which must be obeyed unconditionally. They do not recognize any other authority, 'it' religion, it 'political ideology. With regard to women, they should stay home, make babies and clean. Their strategy and 'to try to apply these articles initially through dialogue, and then by force'. Fortunately, the real
caireni not spin and if you do not lose heart. I'm also witty, and since 'do not intend to leave the square, Tahrir Square signs have appeared as:' Mubarak go away I have to go to cut my hair ', and among the protest groups on Facebook and' Born on the move 'us you broke the balls'.

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The anonymous flock

A pochi mesi dalle elezioni comunali di Gatteo, ho domandato ad alcuni cittadini del comune quali potrebbero essere, a loro avviso, le priorità sulle quali la prossima amministrazione comunale dovrebbe porre maggiormente la sua attenzione. Una semplice raccolta di opinioni che riportasse per bocca dei cittadini, quali siano le necessità, le correzioni, le urgenze. Quindi voce al popolo. L’intento era infatti proprio quello di riportare sul giornale ciò che la gente comune pensa affrontando quotidianamente i problemi e le esigenze del territorio al fine di offrire un quadro parziale ma senza dubbio reale dei bisogni di una parte della cittadinanza gattese. Niente domande quindi sulle proprie convinzioni politiche, niente opinioni di destra or left, no criticism of the present municipal administration (do not claim the impossible), but only "ways of seeing things." Unfortunately, when the citizens, as well as the opinion was also sought for a face, because as you well know the thoughts anonymous can not find space in a newspaper, most of those questioned were denied. "But you have to put his name and surname? So no "! If in any country of northern Europe had done the same, I would definitely got an opinion signed by anyone who had stopped on the street, because in those countries, citizens are still rejoicing in expressing their views on i problemi del loro paese, della loro città. Gente ancora viva. Essi infatti sentono questo diritto come una grande opportunità che permette loro di contribuire, attraverso la partecipazione, al cambiamento, al miglioramento della loro vita. Vogliono essere parte attiva del loro futuro. A Gatteo invece il numero degli invertebrati ha raggiunto livelli insostenibili, siamo arrivati al punto di delegare ad altri anche la possibilità di esprimersi su quello che sarebbe più opportuno fare e come farlo, ed in tale assurda pretesa è sottintesa anche quella che gli altri ( chissà chi?) dovrebbero farlo attuando proprio quelle idee e proposte a loro più congeniali. Emblematico quello che ho letto alcuni giorni fa sul Corriere Romagna: l’assessore A.Nicolini afferma che verranno tagliati i pini di via Varese, alcuni dei quali in pessime condizioni (vero) altri hanno poi raggiunto i cavi elettrici della ferrovia (vero) e quindi la decina di alberi presenti in quella via ( falso sono 20) piantati 10-15 anni fa ( falso alcuni hanno almeno 40 anni) verranno tagliati. Infatti nonostante l’avviso alla cittadinanza nessuno delle pecore gattesi ( visto che ogni albero presente sul territorio pubblico è di nostra proprietà) ha legittimamente posto un obbiezione ( ed il regolamento comunale lo prevede). Di conseguenza il comune, grazie al silenzio assenso, taglierà legittimamente anche quei pini che invece sono in ottimo stato di salute e che nemmeno intralciano i fili ferroviari. Il comune then confirmed in more than indifference, that those trees will be replanted in the park Two Gatteo Sea. A Gatteo Sea but in the last 15 years have been cut and never replaced over 100 trees, many of which where there were parking fee. None of the sheep but was concerned that never change over the years, this country is suffering and that the closer and closer to a suburban metropolitan area from which the tourists all year round living and from which they flee to come on holiday just on the Riviera. Would it not be more important to keep what little natural beauty still present so that the country maintains at least an aesthetic appearance of a locality holiday? The truth is that the real problem with this common but are not administrators but to the citizens, or rather the sheep that graze on, but now no longer even bleat. The indifference and indifference reign supreme, it is therefore most fitting that you stopped breaking my balls with your shit told only at the bar or at home friends who nod because Excuse my frankness, you are pathetic. So please extend well your silence civil even to those few, trivial and uninformed chatter at the bar or in the square, over which your mediocrity will not let you go. I propose therefore to replace cut trees with randomly selected citizens, who thanks that, fully legitimize the now overt vegetative state in which they find themselves.

The word democracy derives from the greek δῆμος (Demos): people and κράτος (CRATOS) power, and etymologically means government by the people.

agelocrazia The term derives from the greek ἀγέλη,-ης, ἡ (agel): flock κράτος (CRATOS) power, and etymologically means government on sheep.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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Edfu Temple of Horus, the falcon god who protects Egypt for millennia

At the heart of the city of Tehran, capital of Iran, the main artery and 'more' of wide Champs-Elysees in Paris, and it 'Long about ten kilometers. It was called 'path to independence', but since 1981, and 'was named after Khaled Islambolly, named after the assassination of Egyptian President Sadat.

For days the Iranian TV channels are rejoicing at the suffering of the Egyptians, this morning, and the language channel in Arabic to get that footage showed specific and detailed information on popular protest these days at the center of Cairo. Camera none of the dozens of Arab channels that we follow for days, working 24 hours at 24 with live coverage and debates, failed to show. The reporters would stop people and innuendo: 'You, as a young Muslim citizen of this country after 30 years of suffering, hunger, misery, what do you want? What do you think? you who have seen your religion trampled on, and instead of the opening of jobs have been opened night club and were strengthened trade relations with the enemies of Islam such as Israel and America, what do you think?

In recent years, in the city 'country of the Nile Delta (unknown to the news but as big as two or three medium-sized capital European put together, in terms of population) and in rural villages, groups organized and financed the homes raided, one by one, ripping from the TV satellite receivers and forcing the inhabitants to 'dress up' in a certain way with animals were delivered free of charge, forcing men to wear beards.

Many feel that slogan repeated 'blow' by certain mosques, let your work! Do not work for the French or American companies to foreigners, enemies are 'unbelievers'!

At this time, the center of Cairo, Tahrir Square in the clashes between opposing camps are being cruel, while the Grand Imam of Al Azhar mosque called tutti a mantenere la calma, recitando versi del Corano e detti del Profeta, rendendosi disponibile a mediare, a trovare un'intesa comune per il bene dell'Egitto. A casa qui a Muscat continuiamo a seguire la diretta su Al Arabiya, Al Masrya, BBC Arabic, BBC World, CNN, France 24, Al Alam (dall'Iran). IRINN, il canale di stato iraniano, ha appena illustrato un documentario storico sul paragone tra Shah Mohamed Reza Pahlavi e Mubarak, indicandoli come dittatori. Il servizio si e'concluso cosi': 'e'giunta l'ora che si instauri un regime islamico in Egitto'. Dal 1981 sono interrotte le relazioni diplomatiche tra Iran ed Egitto.

Grazie a T. per la traduzione dal farsi.

The Eye of Horus, powerful amulet