Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why Do Couples Pay For Their Own Wedding?

The essence of Italian cuisine seen by Anthony Bourdain

Questo è un articolo postato qualche tempo fa su "L'amore corrisposto...a volte" e che ritengo sia opportuno inserirlo nel contesto della "Loggia dei Gastronomi", dove è trattata, in modo più specifico, la letteratura gastronomica.
Una delle mie passioni è la lettura e smanettare su internet per informarmi sul mondo che altrimenti non potrei vedere in tempi così brevi (che meraviglia internet). Come dicevo, questa magnifica invenzione ci permette di essere i più temerari navigatori del cyberspazio ed esploratori alla scoperta di personalità far allows us to expose ideas to share with those who follow us our experiences, etc.. Our luck is that we can, over time is not too far away, to deepen our interests and at the same time interact with the "entity" hidden behind pictures and virtual pages of different sites, sitting comfortably on a chair some of our reign ( may be a hut in a basement or a castle makes no difference, our area is the empire that we can govern at will). Being able to have a choice, my time is to use the web, but I do not devoid of sound traditional reading. What is carried out physical books, made of sound and scent (for those who love the smell oil otherwise the term would be smelly) paper and ink. Of course, my readings are directed towards what is my world, the world food and wine (you never stop learning), with some detour into the realm of science and classical literature, in short, a bit 'of everything.
I came across a novelist, chef and man of the world (the union between virtue and vice is a feature of the character in question) Anthony Bourdain ( ) and I wanted to read one of his novels, of course, after purchasing it, "Kitchen Confidential - Adventures in New York attractions," perhaps because, being I am also a little 'lived' by reading her biography facing entertaining hours of relaxation. I must admit it was nice to read the book and it made me even more pleasure to read as a chef in rank, accustomed to a refined cuisine, could steal, after years of false beliefs, the very essence of "our" Italian cuisine. I quote from his novel:
" I must admit it was a revelation. A pasta with tomato sauce, pretty much the easiest thing that you could think, pasta with red sauce, suddenly turns into something extraordinarily beautiful and exciting. All the food was simple. And I do not mean easy or trivial. I mean that for the first time in my life I saw it as only three or four ingredients, if fresh and better quality, could be combined to give an excellent result and at times wonderful. Homemade dishes, Peasants like Tuscan bread soup, salad of white beans, grilled squid, the octopus, the tender baby artichokes in olive oil and garlic, a simple sauteed liver with caramelized onions, become immediately 'inspiration and new. Integrity, simple and unpretentious, all this was a novel approach, different from all the exotic ingredients and sauces packed in my recent past .

This short quote is taken out of the chapter entitled: "PINO NOIR: INTERLUDIO TOSCANO" (pag. 165) e si riferisce all'esperienza professionale, essendo un romanzo autobiografico, che l'autore ha vissuto presso il ristorante newyorchese " Le Madri " del patron Pino Luongo ( ).

Dopo una gioventù dissipata, all'insegna di droghe e contestazione, Anthony Bourdain arriva quasi per caso nella cucina di un grande ristorante di New York e, facendo una lunga gavetta, diventa uno dei cuochi più famosi della metropoli. E' autore di due romanzi, "Bone in the Throat" e "Gone Bamboo", entrambi pubblicati negli Stati Uniti e in Gran Bretagna da Bloomsburry. Feltrinelli "Traveller" has also published "The Journey of a cook" (2004) and "Adventures bittersweet. Vices and virtues of the culinary underworld" (2006).


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