Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How To Build A Dinghy Trailer

VIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti

old mill located on the salt on the Lagoon - Marsala
An event hard to miss is the National Congress of Food Chemistry to be held in Marsala (TP), naturally beautiful in Sicily, 20 to 24 September 2010.
Marsala, the ancient origins, is one of the many beautiful cities Sicily, full of culture, beautiful scenery, architecture, gastronomy and wine, remains of various dominations that followed over the millennia. Its name derives from Marsa-Allah (God's door) and still retains marks of the Muslim domination. Other rulers were those of the Normans, who left their mark on people (it is not difficult to meet women tall, blond-haired blue-eyed lovely), Angevin, Aragonese, Spaniards and before they still a lot of domains, each of which left its mark. We must not forget that the unification of Italy began right here with the landing of one thousand, then onward to the rest of the country.
Marsala - Baroque Cathedral dedicated to St.
Thomas of Canterbury
The conference will focus on key areas of food chemistry related to the definition of quality and typical Mediterranean food. Within these themes, we should give particular attention to scientific contributions concerning the following lines:

  • Contamination and compositional aspects of toxicological testing innovative techniques
  • Traceability
  • health aspects of the Mediterranean diet
The congress will also host round table discussions that involve interdisciplinary Doctors, agronomists and economists, in order to suggest guidelines for a more sustainable development in the food industry. In short, they will take our voice national experts for a more healthy diet and improved sustainability.
For those interested in more information, you can connect directly to the site in question by clicking on this link .


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