Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Schwarzenegger 3d Mesh

Il Menù – Tecnica e pratica della ristorazione

In this article, taken from some textbooks hotel, try to be useful for a greater awareness of what may be the restaurant. The food culture has its roots very far into history, and it is from this that we draw on our knowledge and our daily practices, in order to continually improve. Ad Maiora always!

Brief History of the menu

Menu of 1889
menu The term is of French origin and, before entering the everyday language in Italy, met with considerable resistance. Indeed, in the late nineteenth century, a referendum was held among experts in order to impose an alternative Italian, but not getting any results.
use to prepare an ordered sequence of courses is very old habit. Already there in the '300 was the first publication in which it was the theme, The Saporetto Simone Prudenziana. In the fifteenth century, Bartolomeo Platina Sacchi said, with his De Honesta valetudine et Volupte, suggests what to eat in the first, second and third table, with the addition of what it needs to "seal the stomach."
The Treaty Of Scalco Giovan Battista Rossetti (1584), as well as lists of foods are presented lists seasonal, weekly for both days of the week, both for civil and religious celebrations. Since the end of '800, restaurateurs began to distribute cards that reported the food of the day. Con il tempo tali cartoncini furono rivisitati e presentati in armonia con la tipologia del locale, acquisendo un aspetto più curato. Predisporre un menù accattivante, come economicamente vantaggioso, è difficile e impegnativo. Il grande Escoffier (1847-1935) rilevava questa difficoltà, nel suo " Libro dei Menù " del 1912, e sottolineava la necessità di trovare un giusto equilibrio tra la disponibilità dei prodotti e la specialità del locale, di rinnovarsi senza trascurare le esigenze degli avventori abituali, di offrire sempre varianti a seconda del gusto e delle voglie di ciascuno.

Menù e lista delle vivande

Menu of 1894
indicate reference to the menu is the list of courses that make up a meal, is the card with the list of dishes.
The bill of fare is the group of all the dishes in which the customer can choose, can also be called the Charter of the food and, in the case of particularly large and rich list, took the name " great cards. " Moreover, unlike the menu, the bill of fare contains more detailed information regarding the price, the possible use frozen products, the time needed to prepare special dishes prepared, the dishes sold by weight and not per serving, etc..
preparations are presented broken down by groups, in an order that goes from lightest to heaviest.
Dispelling then, according to the hotel restaurant, the place the common misuse of the word "menu" as a synonym list.

The classic rules

When you build a menu you should keep in mind the classic rules of succession of dishes. History has handed down the story of lunches consisting of an incredible number of different flows, and today you prefer a simpler menu, with a small number of courses. Generally follows the principle influence: first you need the lighter dishes until you get to the most demanding.
The basic rules of a sequence of classic dishes are:
  • A menu for lunch does not admit broths or soups;
  • A menu for dinner can not start with a cold appetizer except that it is not caviar, salmon, smoked fish, oysters, seafood cocktail, or fruit;
  • You can start dinner with a cold preparations such as mousses and terrines, which must be followed by a broth, consommé or soups;
  • A white sauce must precede a brunette;
  • A plate of rice always precedes a of flour;
  • The white meat should be served before red;
  • precede cold dishes hot,
  • A white fish before preparation of sauces or grilled;
  • should never repeat cooking the same even for different products;
  • can not be used twice for the same product, made except for mushrooms and truffles;
  • The edges should always be matched to the plate;
  • The edges should be served cold and warm separately in the same pot of hot dish;
  • The portions are appropriate to the number of course;
  • The menu must agree to the season in which it is served.

addition to complying with these rules, when you build a menu you need to speak with the property, avoiding spelling errors and by following these simple rules:
  • La parola "posta" a inizio riga va scritta con la lettera maiuscola e seguendo con le minuscole (esempio Arrosto di vitello );
  • Se la porzione è composta di diversi pezzi, va usato il plurale (esempio Bocconcini di vitello);
  • Per la carne va specificata la tipologia del prodotto (esempio Stufato di maiale);
  • se si sono usate bevande o alimenti di marca, questi vanno citati e trascritti nel menù con lettera maiuscola (esempio Brasato con riduzione di Sangiovese ).
  • Nel limite del possibile, è bene non utilizzare nomi di fantasia, e comunque non usare la stessa dicitura for more food (eg risotto alla Milanese and veal chop Milanese);
  • They never translated the classic indications (eg loin of veal Prince Orloff);
  • should avoid the use of 'al', ' to ',' fashionable ',' style '
  • is important to always try to be clear and precise to avoid using words that are too long;
  • The various courses are divided with a graphic;
  • When pairing wine is already prepared, it should be noted on the menu, the name, vintage, wine cellar and the production area;
  • The menu, like the bill of fare, to be always neat, clean and unedited.

The sequence of courses

Menu of 1896

there a correct sequence of courses that must be borne in mind in the construction of the menu. Compared to the past, the number of dishes that make up a menu has drastically decreased to a numero di 3-4 portate.
L'ordine generalmente seguito, secondo una moderna concezione di servizio, prevede:

  • Antipasto freddo;
  • Minestre brodose (prima la chiara, poi la legata);
  • Primo asciutto (prima quello con pesce, poi quello con carne; prima quello più delicato, poi quello più saporito);
  • Piatto di mezzo;
  • Piatto principale;
  • Arrosto o entrata di carne;
  • Entrata fredda;
  • Contorni e insalate;
  • Dessert (prima il formaggio, poi il dolce e infine la frutta).

Per quanto riguarda il dessert, il dolce può essere invertito con la frutta, servendolo per ultimo, come ci insegnavano gli antichi con la locuzione latina " Dulcis in fundo ".

Le diverse tipologie di menù

Il menù è cambiato periodicamente e adattato customer requirements, the opportunities for consumption, food available at the best price according to the course of the season and the market.
Depending on the type of place or event is necessary for the development of a sensitive menu.
features are:

Dish of the day is what usually changes daily scheduled the previous day. It's the typical menu of hotels characterized by a longer stay, or it can be 'the proposal of the day' of a restaurant, sandwiched inside the paper. This type of meal should be careful to propose a variety of dishes and is not repeated use of products, both in the choice of dishes. Able to plan a daily menu allows you to use the products already in stores, to meet specific customer requirements, to cope with emergency situations at the last moment (as the malfunctioning of some equipment, illness of staff).

Menu cyclical, is programmed in advance that repeats itself after a preset time. It is adopted in restaurants frequented by mass tourism, and school lunches in the cafeteria. It has the advantage of a "cost-meal" low and allows you to change dei piatti fra un menù e l'altro, quando sul mercato ci sono offerte particolarmente convenienti di certi prodotti. Il cliente non ha grandi possibilità di scelta, se desidera fare qualche variazione dovrà comunicarlo con un certo anticipo.

Menù à la carte: è la tipologia di menù più comune in ristornati commerciali o negli alberghi di lusso, ed è strutturato secondo le regole classiche. Tale menù è concordato con il maître, poiché sarà il personale addetto al servizio che dovrà vendere i piatti alla clientela. All'interno di questo menù, dove i prezzi sono generalmente alti, in quanto comporta una spesa ingente per la manodopera and raw materials, you can find a set menu, usually referred to as' the chef recommends "in which, at a competitive price, is offered a choice of dishes drawn from the fixed list. On the other hand, the customer receives a diverse and qualified service with the ability to compose the menu at its discretion.

great à la carte menu: this menu is present in hotels and luxury restaurants highly regarded. The preparation of the dishes contained in this paper, involves the use of expensive and valuable to offer a really wide choice, able to satisfy the most demanding customers. This comporta la presenza di uno staff sia di cucina, sia di sala, numeroso e altamente preparato, determinando così un prezzo di vendita dei piatti elevato.

Menù turistico: è la classica proposta del giorno a prezzo fisso e si può trovare nei ristoranti commerciali medio-popolari situati in località di forte richiamo turistico. Il prezzo fisso comprende generalmente bevande e una serie di portate limitate. Questo menù, generalmente esposto all'esterno del locale, può essere affiancato anche da una carta con proposte diverse.

Menù per banchetti: questo tipo di menù viene comunemente fissato con well in advance, agreeing on the composition, cost, number of seats, and price for the service requested. The customer can choose from a variety of menus prepared by the Director and Chef for these events are generally weddings, family celebrations, galas, dinners, conferences, etc. ... This type of meal is the ideal working situation, as it is planned and managed everything in advance. The preparation of a banquet requires a substantial commitment.

tasting menu: it is a kind of menu that is having a huge success. It is offered in a fixed formula, changed periodically, and is included in the paper. It can be composed of a small selection of offers included in the card or dishes entirely new. It can also include combination with wines or leave the choice to the customer between the proposals of the cellar. The "tasting menu" allows you to offer more proposals to the customer a lower price, in terms of organization, however, gives employees the ability to quantify in advance the necessary raw materials and take advantage of the basic preparations. The tasting menu, presented as "the best" of the space is much appreciated by customers for the price, and to eliminate the embarrassment of the choice between a pretty extensive list.


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