Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sophisticat Hair Styles

Cous Cous Fest 2010 San Vito Lo Capo

We could not subscribe to the site "bloggers". One of the best blogospheres to be found anywhere on the network. Administrators, including i quali non ci risparmiamo dal salutare Alessio , sono gentili, professionali e disponibili per qualsiasi chiarimento. Spediscono giornalmente, sulla posta elettronica dei propri iscritti, una ventina tra i titoli pubblicati e inseriti nelle varie sezioni tematiche, per creare una sorta di videogiornale e divulgare le ultime novità dai blogonauti. L'iscrizione è gratuita e i vantaggi in merito a visibilità non sono pochi rendendoci tutti " interconnessi ".

San Vito Lo Capo è un comune costiero della provincia di Trapani, di quattromila anime passate, che vede il numero dei propri abitanti e visitatori salire vertiginosamente nel summer. It is a wonderful place for its location, the scenic beauty and for the treatment of tourism resources, so as to receive this year, the five flags, the highest recognition given to only ten municipalities throughout the country, from " Blue Guide 2010 " Legambiente. To be more comprehensive in this respect, that recognition is given only to those municipalities that invest their own resources but its role in environmental sustainability in waste collection, management of water resources, the establishment of pedestrian areas, and not least in protecting of natural beauty in maintaining the cleanliness of the beaches and the sea water quality and seabed, therefore, the Sicilian town is one of the most popular Italian tourist destinations.
addition to natural beauty, San Vito Lo Capo has a highly respected food and wine scene, hosting, since 1998, the "Cous Cous Fest", an international cultural and gastronomic Mediterranean festival, where chefs from nine countries, Italy , France, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Palestine and Israel will be challenged in the preparation of "couscous" according to the recipes of the culinary tradition of the countries of origin. This year's festival will be held September 21 to 26 and will host a series of other events that will broaden the cultural - Gourmet event, as "Electrolux Exeprience", which will compete in a friendly competition Cuttaia Pino, Corrado Assenza and Peppe Giuffrè. Three highly respected names that impose themselves into the landscape of Sicilian gastronomy thanks to their honest professionalism.

Cuttaia Pino, two Michelin stars, is the owner of the restaurant "La Madia" Licata ( http://www.ristorantelamadia.it/index-ita.html )

The pastry chef Corrado Assenza will enjoy some of the delights of the famous Caffè Sicilia in Noto ( http://www.infioratadinoto.it/caffesicilia.html )

Peppe Giuffrè, the chef "artist" Trapani propose "three Sicilian cuisine: three dishes, tasted in three hours and accompanied by three musicians Bacchae ( http://www.officinagastronomica. com / storia.php ).

addition, Cous Cous Live Show, a program of music and shows, will see artists like: Sud Sound System, Daniele Silvestri, Carmen Consoli, Lello Analfino of Tinturia , entertain visitors of the festival with totally free evening concerts in the square sanctuary, for the duration of the event.

Inseriamo il collegamento al sito ufficiale dell'evento per chi volesse approfondire ulteriormente. CLICCA QUI

Buona degustazione!!!!


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