Friday, September 10, 2010

Cords To The Song From Thr Inside Out

History on the table - Guide to food culture in the time

Capitolo IV

Le cucine regionali italiane

The bean eater - Annibale Carracci
1580-1590; Colonna Gallery, Rome
Italy during the Baroque period of 600, had lost the unified vision that characterized the entire period of the Renaissance. Regional areas, some subject by foreign powers, isolated from each other in trade, developed typical features related to the popular cuisine. Just the soup kitchens, with their more than 70,000 recipes we received, kept alive the culinary traditions from all over Italy even if it is kept on the edge and completely ignored by the upper classes. The gastronomy of the courts and the aristocracy was all dominated by the French style, as evidenced by the books of that period, full of French. During the late seventeenth century, the political divisions and economic and cultural situations led to some regional areas many changes, moving away gradually in many ways from what had been until then the French style.
Between 700 and 800, with the arrival of new food products from America, such as potatoes, corn, tomatoes, cocoa, beans, turkey, chocolate, and many others, it will reinforce the characteristics of different Italian regional cuisines.

Italian cuisine bourgeois
Cover of the book by Pellegrino Artusi
A third kitchen was born in the nineteenth century (1800), which developed quickly, supporting the professional French gastronomy and popular food complex. Two images were processed food era of social transformations " Treaty of modern cuisine and pastry " Cook of the House of Savoy John Vial, which were the guidelines for a restaurant aristocratic " Science in the kitchen and 'Art of eat "by Pellegrino Artusi, which was reproduced in the new bourgeois cuisine.
Artusi, cook with passion, collects recipes from some Italian regions, once again the ladies of the triumphant bourgeoisie, thus initiating the unification of Italian cuisine, which will run until the end of the twentieth century. The new trend is the middle class refuses country cuisine because it is considered too fat, crude, too blunt and vulgar tastes because it is expressed in language, dialect, and the aristocratic slave because of the forms, too expensive , a lover of exotic products, services and sumptuous decorations and continues to suffer from xenophilia with the use of French terms.
bourgeois cuisine proves to be a synthesis of both cuisines, as absorbing love for local produce to taste genuine and the costs of that country and some professional techniques, the delicate preparations, the rules of good education at the table, the inclusion of the cheese and dessert menus of the aristocracy. According to Artusi kitchen must be gentle, elegant and fine. They started to write books and menus in Italian. The twentieth century will see the birth of the new Italian restaurant, based on a strong national identity and regional insights.

Continued ...



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