Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pain In Legs When Sitting

History - Guide to food culture in the time

Chapter V

The twentieth century

"The Sorcerer", Magritte, 1953
The two strands of the kitchen, that of French extraction, pursued in the upscale restaurants of major hotels, and the extraction of regional inns, continue to be the only styles offered at a small row of patrons during the early years of the twentieth century. The values \u200b\u200bof the kitchen are still the preserve of middle-class families, little accustomed to consume meals outside of their canteens. Just at this time there is a growing habit of dining away from home, mainly in taverns, pubs, taverns and restaurants, diverse environments for the level of courses, services and users.

Le differenze sono sostanziali: le bettole sono ambienti malfamati, dove si serve vino e a volte cibi freddi.
L'osteria è più decorosa, il servizio del vino è quello centrale ma affiancato da una cucina che propone una certa varietà di piatti caldi. Naturalmente anche l'osteria non è ambiente di alto rango, il menù è composto da pochi piatti cambiati giornalmente, come zuppe, stufati, pasta e fagioli, trippa, o nei giorni di magro, baccalà, stoccafisso o acciughe. Il servizio è ai minimi livelli e se offre qualche camera per il pernotto, è definita locanda .
Durante i primi del Novecento, secondo le usanze diffuse nell'Italia centrale più che nel resto del paese, le osterie fanno il salto di qualità. Si trasformano in locali più decorosi poiché frequentati da famiglie e quindi avventori più esigenti in merito a servizio e menù proposti. Il miglioramento qualitativo permette il cambiamento anche del nome, diventeranno trattorie o, se di livello superiore, ristoranti .
Le trattorie raggiungono, durante il periodo fascista, il massimo della diffusione, poiché la politica nazionalista porta a un atteggiamento diffidente nei against the French style of cooking and the exaltation of the natural taste of the dish rather than to the service and sophisticated sauces. With the passage of time gets underway, even in restaurants, Artusi style based on traditional recipes, on the excellent local produce including wine, and a decent service. It is proposed that the kitchen easier than the French, with lower costs and more tasty, are having great success in all walks of life. Ada Boni's book of 1929, The Talisman of Happiness (Colombo publisher, 1999), is testimony of such change.

cuisine Italian futurist

In the 30s born The Manifesto of Futurist cooking Manifesto and The Imperial culinary art, based on principles which attempt to characterize Italian cuisine through the adoption of totally new styles very similar to those on which will be guided by the Nouvelle Cuisine. Preparations should be entertaining, artistic, tasty and inexpensive, they must create new fusions of flavors using the products imported from the colonies, such as the date with the anchovies. The manifesto proposes an overcoming of the traditional cuisine, the introduction of new foods in older recipes. Free the creativity of professional preparation of dishes in the compilation of the menus and presentation of food. In summary, it tried to promote healthy and rational hygienist to create another art and cuisine with specific characteristics that could reflect imperial Italy.
"It is time to declare the culinary art noble and attractive as the poetry, music and architecture, creating spiritual harmonies worthy of admiration and subject to endless changes."
is revolutionizing the menu and the sequence of courses with the appetizer, a soup of rice (the pasta should be abolished because caloric and fattening), the triptych fried, boiled, roasted, followed by sweet, greatly anticipating the kitchen unstructured. It also anticipates the kitchen fusion of the '60s with the introduction of exotic products in traditional recipes, such as dates, bananas, cocoa and coffee.
Unfortunately, the second world war, the destruction of much of the country and hunger leads to abandonment of the new culinary art, which was attended by many of the principles of nouvelle cuisine and other cuisines of the new millennium such as that copyright, fusion, artist, food design, cooking brain of Ferran Adrià.
The panorama of Italian restaurants in the postwar period until the late '50s, was once again straight from the kitchen of French mark the locations of luxury, from the regional cuisine in the restaurants, taverns and cuisine bourgeois' s Artusiana imprint, in a few of the local area.

For further reading on the kitchen Futurist Manifesto click LINK .


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