Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pain In Legs When Sitting

History - Guide to food culture in the time

Chapter V

The twentieth century

"The Sorcerer", Magritte, 1953
The two strands of the kitchen, that of French extraction, pursued in the upscale restaurants of major hotels, and the extraction of regional inns, continue to be the only styles offered at a small row of patrons during the early years of the twentieth century. The values \u200b\u200bof the kitchen are still the preserve of middle-class families, little accustomed to consume meals outside of their canteens. Just at this time there is a growing habit of dining away from home, mainly in taverns, pubs, taverns and restaurants, diverse environments for the level of courses, services and users.

Le differenze sono sostanziali: le bettole sono ambienti malfamati, dove si serve vino e a volte cibi freddi.
L'osteria è più decorosa, il servizio del vino è quello centrale ma affiancato da una cucina che propone una certa varietà di piatti caldi. Naturalmente anche l'osteria non è ambiente di alto rango, il menù è composto da pochi piatti cambiati giornalmente, come zuppe, stufati, pasta e fagioli, trippa, o nei giorni di magro, baccalà, stoccafisso o acciughe. Il servizio è ai minimi livelli e se offre qualche camera per il pernotto, è definita locanda .
Durante i primi del Novecento, secondo le usanze diffuse nell'Italia centrale più che nel resto del paese, le osterie fanno il salto di qualità. Si trasformano in locali più decorosi poiché frequentati da famiglie e quindi avventori più esigenti in merito a servizio e menù proposti. Il miglioramento qualitativo permette il cambiamento anche del nome, diventeranno trattorie o, se di livello superiore, ristoranti .
Le trattorie raggiungono, durante il periodo fascista, il massimo della diffusione, poiché la politica nazionalista porta a un atteggiamento diffidente nei against the French style of cooking and the exaltation of the natural taste of the dish rather than to the service and sophisticated sauces. With the passage of time gets underway, even in restaurants, Artusi style based on traditional recipes, on the excellent local produce including wine, and a decent service. It is proposed that the kitchen easier than the French, with lower costs and more tasty, are having great success in all walks of life. Ada Boni's book of 1929, The Talisman of Happiness (Colombo publisher, 1999), is testimony of such change.

cuisine Italian futurist

In the 30s born The Manifesto of Futurist cooking Manifesto and The Imperial culinary art, based on principles which attempt to characterize Italian cuisine through the adoption of totally new styles very similar to those on which will be guided by the Nouvelle Cuisine. Preparations should be entertaining, artistic, tasty and inexpensive, they must create new fusions of flavors using the products imported from the colonies, such as the date with the anchovies. The manifesto proposes an overcoming of the traditional cuisine, the introduction of new foods in older recipes. Free the creativity of professional preparation of dishes in the compilation of the menus and presentation of food. In summary, it tried to promote healthy and rational hygienist to create another art and cuisine with specific characteristics that could reflect imperial Italy.
"It is time to declare the culinary art noble and attractive as the poetry, music and architecture, creating spiritual harmonies worthy of admiration and subject to endless changes."
is revolutionizing the menu and the sequence of courses with the appetizer, a soup of rice (the pasta should be abolished because caloric and fattening), the triptych fried, boiled, roasted, followed by sweet, greatly anticipating the kitchen unstructured. It also anticipates the kitchen fusion of the '60s with the introduction of exotic products in traditional recipes, such as dates, bananas, cocoa and coffee.
Unfortunately, the second world war, the destruction of much of the country and hunger leads to abandonment of the new culinary art, which was attended by many of the principles of nouvelle cuisine and other cuisines of the new millennium such as that copyright, fusion, artist, food design, cooking brain of Ferran Adrià.
The panorama of Italian restaurants in the postwar period until the late '50s, was once again straight from the kitchen of French mark the locations of luxury, from the regional cuisine in the restaurants, taverns and cuisine bourgeois' s Artusiana imprint, in a few of the local area.

For further reading on the kitchen Futurist Manifesto click LINK .

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sophisticat Hair Styles

Cous Cous Fest 2010 San Vito Lo Capo

We could not subscribe to the site "bloggers". One of the best blogospheres to be found anywhere on the network. Administrators, including i quali non ci risparmiamo dal salutare Alessio , sono gentili, professionali e disponibili per qualsiasi chiarimento. Spediscono giornalmente, sulla posta elettronica dei propri iscritti, una ventina tra i titoli pubblicati e inseriti nelle varie sezioni tematiche, per creare una sorta di videogiornale e divulgare le ultime novità dai blogonauti. L'iscrizione è gratuita e i vantaggi in merito a visibilità non sono pochi rendendoci tutti " interconnessi ".

San Vito Lo Capo è un comune costiero della provincia di Trapani, di quattromila anime passate, che vede il numero dei propri abitanti e visitatori salire vertiginosamente nel summer. It is a wonderful place for its location, the scenic beauty and for the treatment of tourism resources, so as to receive this year, the five flags, the highest recognition given to only ten municipalities throughout the country, from " Blue Guide 2010 " Legambiente. To be more comprehensive in this respect, that recognition is given only to those municipalities that invest their own resources but its role in environmental sustainability in waste collection, management of water resources, the establishment of pedestrian areas, and not least in protecting of natural beauty in maintaining the cleanliness of the beaches and the sea water quality and seabed, therefore, the Sicilian town is one of the most popular Italian tourist destinations.
addition to natural beauty, San Vito Lo Capo has a highly respected food and wine scene, hosting, since 1998, the "Cous Cous Fest", an international cultural and gastronomic Mediterranean festival, where chefs from nine countries, Italy , France, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Palestine and Israel will be challenged in the preparation of "couscous" according to the recipes of the culinary tradition of the countries of origin. This year's festival will be held September 21 to 26 and will host a series of other events that will broaden the cultural - Gourmet event, as "Electrolux Exeprience", which will compete in a friendly competition Cuttaia Pino, Corrado Assenza and Peppe Giuffrè. Three highly respected names that impose themselves into the landscape of Sicilian gastronomy thanks to their honest professionalism.

Cuttaia Pino, two Michelin stars, is the owner of the restaurant "La Madia" Licata ( http://www.ristorantelamadia.it/index-ita.html )

The pastry chef Corrado Assenza will enjoy some of the delights of the famous Caffè Sicilia in Noto ( http://www.infioratadinoto.it/caffesicilia.html )

Peppe Giuffrè, the chef "artist" Trapani propose "three Sicilian cuisine: three dishes, tasted in three hours and accompanied by three musicians Bacchae ( http://www.officinagastronomica. com / storia.php ).

addition, Cous Cous Live Show, a program of music and shows, will see artists like: Sud Sound System, Daniele Silvestri, Carmen Consoli, Lello Analfino of Tinturia , entertain visitors of the festival with totally free evening concerts in the square sanctuary, for the duration of the event.

Inseriamo il collegamento al sito ufficiale dell'evento per chi volesse approfondire ulteriormente. CLICCA QUI

Buona degustazione!!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Cords To The Song From Thr Inside Out

History on the table - Guide to food culture in the time

Capitolo IV

Le cucine regionali italiane

The bean eater - Annibale Carracci
1580-1590; Colonna Gallery, Rome
Italy during the Baroque period of 600, had lost the unified vision that characterized the entire period of the Renaissance. Regional areas, some subject by foreign powers, isolated from each other in trade, developed typical features related to the popular cuisine. Just the soup kitchens, with their more than 70,000 recipes we received, kept alive the culinary traditions from all over Italy even if it is kept on the edge and completely ignored by the upper classes. The gastronomy of the courts and the aristocracy was all dominated by the French style, as evidenced by the books of that period, full of French. During the late seventeenth century, the political divisions and economic and cultural situations led to some regional areas many changes, moving away gradually in many ways from what had been until then the French style.
Between 700 and 800, with the arrival of new food products from America, such as potatoes, corn, tomatoes, cocoa, beans, turkey, chocolate, and many others, it will reinforce the characteristics of different Italian regional cuisines.

Italian cuisine bourgeois
Cover of the book by Pellegrino Artusi
A third kitchen was born in the nineteenth century (1800), which developed quickly, supporting the professional French gastronomy and popular food complex. Two images were processed food era of social transformations " Treaty of modern cuisine and pastry " Cook of the House of Savoy John Vial, which were the guidelines for a restaurant aristocratic " Science in the kitchen and 'Art of eat "by Pellegrino Artusi, which was reproduced in the new bourgeois cuisine.
Artusi, cook with passion, collects recipes from some Italian regions, once again the ladies of the triumphant bourgeoisie, thus initiating the unification of Italian cuisine, which will run until the end of the twentieth century. The new trend is the middle class refuses country cuisine because it is considered too fat, crude, too blunt and vulgar tastes because it is expressed in language, dialect, and the aristocratic slave because of the forms, too expensive , a lover of exotic products, services and sumptuous decorations and continues to suffer from xenophilia with the use of French terms.
bourgeois cuisine proves to be a synthesis of both cuisines, as absorbing love for local produce to taste genuine and the costs of that country and some professional techniques, the delicate preparations, the rules of good education at the table, the inclusion of the cheese and dessert menus of the aristocracy. According to Artusi kitchen must be gentle, elegant and fine. They started to write books and menus in Italian. The twentieth century will see the birth of the new Italian restaurant, based on a strong national identity and regional insights.

Continued ...


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why Do Couples Pay For Their Own Wedding?

The essence of Italian cuisine seen by Anthony Bourdain

Questo è un articolo postato qualche tempo fa su "L'amore corrisposto...a volte" e che ritengo sia opportuno inserirlo nel contesto della "Loggia dei Gastronomi", dove è trattata, in modo più specifico, la letteratura gastronomica.
Una delle mie passioni è la lettura e smanettare su internet per informarmi sul mondo che altrimenti non potrei vedere in tempi così brevi (che meraviglia internet). Come dicevo, questa magnifica invenzione ci permette di essere i più temerari navigatori del cyberspazio ed esploratori alla scoperta di personalità far allows us to expose ideas to share with those who follow us our experiences, etc.. Our luck is that we can, over time is not too far away, to deepen our interests and at the same time interact with the "entity" hidden behind pictures and virtual pages of different sites, sitting comfortably on a chair some of our reign ( may be a hut in a basement or a castle makes no difference, our area is the empire that we can govern at will). Being able to have a choice, my time is to use the web, but I do not devoid of sound traditional reading. What is carried out physical books, made of sound and scent (for those who love the smell oil otherwise the term would be smelly) paper and ink. Of course, my readings are directed towards what is my world, the world food and wine (you never stop learning), with some detour into the realm of science and classical literature, in short, a bit 'of everything.
I came across a novelist, chef and man of the world (the union between virtue and vice is a feature of the character in question) Anthony Bourdain ( http://www.anthonybourdain.net/ ) and I wanted to read one of his novels, of course, after purchasing it, "Kitchen Confidential - Adventures in New York attractions," perhaps because, being I am also a little 'lived' by reading her biography facing entertaining hours of relaxation. I must admit it was nice to read the book and it made me even more pleasure to read as a chef in rank, accustomed to a refined cuisine, could steal, after years of false beliefs, the very essence of "our" Italian cuisine. I quote from his novel:
" I must admit it was a revelation. A pasta with tomato sauce, pretty much the easiest thing that you could think, pasta with red sauce, suddenly turns into something extraordinarily beautiful and exciting. All the food was simple. And I do not mean easy or trivial. I mean that for the first time in my life I saw it as only three or four ingredients, if fresh and better quality, could be combined to give an excellent result and at times wonderful. Homemade dishes, Peasants like Tuscan bread soup, salad of white beans, grilled squid, the octopus, the tender baby artichokes in olive oil and garlic, a simple sauteed liver with caramelized onions, become immediately 'inspiration and new. Integrity, simple and unpretentious, all this was a novel approach, different from all the exotic ingredients and sauces packed in my recent past .

This short quote is taken out of the chapter entitled: "PINO NOIR: INTERLUDIO TOSCANO" (pag. 165) e si riferisce all'esperienza professionale, essendo un romanzo autobiografico, che l'autore ha vissuto presso il ristorante newyorchese " Le Madri " del patron Pino Luongo ( http://pinoluongo.wordpress.com/about/ ).

Dopo una gioventù dissipata, all'insegna di droghe e contestazione, Anthony Bourdain arriva quasi per caso nella cucina di un grande ristorante di New York e, facendo una lunga gavetta, diventa uno dei cuochi più famosi della metropoli. E' autore di due romanzi, "Bone in the Throat" e "Gone Bamboo", entrambi pubblicati negli Stati Uniti e in Gran Bretagna da Bloomsburry. Feltrinelli "Traveller" has also published "The Journey of a cook" (2004) and "Adventures bittersweet. Vices and virtues of the culinary underworld" (2006).

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Schwarzenegger 3d Mesh

Il Menù – Tecnica e pratica della ristorazione

In this article, taken from some textbooks hotel, try to be useful for a greater awareness of what may be the restaurant. The food culture has its roots very far into history, and it is from this that we draw on our knowledge and our daily practices, in order to continually improve. Ad Maiora always!

Brief History of the menu

Menu of 1889
menu The term is of French origin and, before entering the everyday language in Italy, met with considerable resistance. Indeed, in the late nineteenth century, a referendum was held among experts in order to impose an alternative Italian, but not getting any results.
use to prepare an ordered sequence of courses is very old habit. Already there in the '300 was the first publication in which it was the theme, The Saporetto Simone Prudenziana. In the fifteenth century, Bartolomeo Platina Sacchi said, with his De Honesta valetudine et Volupte, suggests what to eat in the first, second and third table, with the addition of what it needs to "seal the stomach."
The Treaty Of Scalco Giovan Battista Rossetti (1584), as well as lists of foods are presented lists seasonal, weekly for both days of the week, both for civil and religious celebrations. Since the end of '800, restaurateurs began to distribute cards that reported the food of the day. Con il tempo tali cartoncini furono rivisitati e presentati in armonia con la tipologia del locale, acquisendo un aspetto più curato. Predisporre un menù accattivante, come economicamente vantaggioso, è difficile e impegnativo. Il grande Escoffier (1847-1935) rilevava questa difficoltà, nel suo " Libro dei Menù " del 1912, e sottolineava la necessità di trovare un giusto equilibrio tra la disponibilità dei prodotti e la specialità del locale, di rinnovarsi senza trascurare le esigenze degli avventori abituali, di offrire sempre varianti a seconda del gusto e delle voglie di ciascuno.

Menù e lista delle vivande

Menu of 1894
indicate reference to the menu is the list of courses that make up a meal, is the card with the list of dishes.
The bill of fare is the group of all the dishes in which the customer can choose, can also be called the Charter of the food and, in the case of particularly large and rich list, took the name " great cards. " Moreover, unlike the menu, the bill of fare contains more detailed information regarding the price, the possible use frozen products, the time needed to prepare special dishes prepared, the dishes sold by weight and not per serving, etc..
preparations are presented broken down by groups, in an order that goes from lightest to heaviest.
Dispelling then, according to the hotel restaurant, the place the common misuse of the word "menu" as a synonym list.

The classic rules

When you build a menu you should keep in mind the classic rules of succession of dishes. History has handed down the story of lunches consisting of an incredible number of different flows, and today you prefer a simpler menu, with a small number of courses. Generally follows the principle influence: first you need the lighter dishes until you get to the most demanding.
The basic rules of a sequence of classic dishes are:
  • A menu for lunch does not admit broths or soups;
  • A menu for dinner can not start with a cold appetizer except that it is not caviar, salmon, smoked fish, oysters, seafood cocktail, or fruit;
  • You can start dinner with a cold preparations such as mousses and terrines, which must be followed by a broth, consommé or soups;
  • A white sauce must precede a brunette;
  • A plate of rice always precedes a of flour;
  • The white meat should be served before red;
  • precede cold dishes hot,
  • A white fish before preparation of sauces or grilled;
  • should never repeat cooking the same even for different products;
  • can not be used twice for the same product, made except for mushrooms and truffles;
  • The edges should always be matched to the plate;
  • The edges should be served cold and warm separately in the same pot of hot dish;
  • The portions are appropriate to the number of course;
  • The menu must agree to the season in which it is served.

addition to complying with these rules, when you build a menu you need to speak with the property, avoiding spelling errors and by following these simple rules:
  • La parola "posta" a inizio riga va scritta con la lettera maiuscola e seguendo con le minuscole (esempio Arrosto di vitello );
  • Se la porzione è composta di diversi pezzi, va usato il plurale (esempio Bocconcini di vitello);
  • Per la carne va specificata la tipologia del prodotto (esempio Stufato di maiale);
  • se si sono usate bevande o alimenti di marca, questi vanno citati e trascritti nel menù con lettera maiuscola (esempio Brasato con riduzione di Sangiovese ).
  • Nel limite del possibile, è bene non utilizzare nomi di fantasia, e comunque non usare la stessa dicitura for more food (eg risotto alla Milanese and veal chop Milanese);
  • They never translated the classic indications (eg loin of veal Prince Orloff);
  • should avoid the use of 'al', ' to ',' fashionable ',' style '
  • is important to always try to be clear and precise to avoid using words that are too long;
  • The various courses are divided with a graphic;
  • When pairing wine is already prepared, it should be noted on the menu, the name, vintage, wine cellar and the production area;
  • The menu, like the bill of fare, to be always neat, clean and unedited.

The sequence of courses

Menu of 1896

there a correct sequence of courses that must be borne in mind in the construction of the menu. Compared to the past, the number of dishes that make up a menu has drastically decreased to a numero di 3-4 portate.
L'ordine generalmente seguito, secondo una moderna concezione di servizio, prevede:

  • Antipasto freddo;
  • Minestre brodose (prima la chiara, poi la legata);
  • Primo asciutto (prima quello con pesce, poi quello con carne; prima quello più delicato, poi quello più saporito);
  • Piatto di mezzo;
  • Piatto principale;
  • Arrosto o entrata di carne;
  • Entrata fredda;
  • Contorni e insalate;
  • Dessert (prima il formaggio, poi il dolce e infine la frutta).

Per quanto riguarda il dessert, il dolce può essere invertito con la frutta, servendolo per ultimo, come ci insegnavano gli antichi con la locuzione latina " Dulcis in fundo ".

Le diverse tipologie di menù

Il menù è cambiato periodicamente e adattato customer requirements, the opportunities for consumption, food available at the best price according to the course of the season and the market.
Depending on the type of place or event is necessary for the development of a sensitive menu.
features are:

Dish of the day is what usually changes daily scheduled the previous day. It's the typical menu of hotels characterized by a longer stay, or it can be 'the proposal of the day' of a restaurant, sandwiched inside the paper. This type of meal should be careful to propose a variety of dishes and is not repeated use of products, both in the choice of dishes. Able to plan a daily menu allows you to use the products already in stores, to meet specific customer requirements, to cope with emergency situations at the last moment (as the malfunctioning of some equipment, illness of staff).

Menu cyclical, is programmed in advance that repeats itself after a preset time. It is adopted in restaurants frequented by mass tourism, and school lunches in the cafeteria. It has the advantage of a "cost-meal" low and allows you to change dei piatti fra un menù e l'altro, quando sul mercato ci sono offerte particolarmente convenienti di certi prodotti. Il cliente non ha grandi possibilità di scelta, se desidera fare qualche variazione dovrà comunicarlo con un certo anticipo.

Menù à la carte: è la tipologia di menù più comune in ristornati commerciali o negli alberghi di lusso, ed è strutturato secondo le regole classiche. Tale menù è concordato con il maître, poiché sarà il personale addetto al servizio che dovrà vendere i piatti alla clientela. All'interno di questo menù, dove i prezzi sono generalmente alti, in quanto comporta una spesa ingente per la manodopera and raw materials, you can find a set menu, usually referred to as' the chef recommends "in which, at a competitive price, is offered a choice of dishes drawn from the fixed list. On the other hand, the customer receives a diverse and qualified service with the ability to compose the menu at its discretion.

great à la carte menu: this menu is present in hotels and luxury restaurants highly regarded. The preparation of the dishes contained in this paper, involves the use of expensive and valuable to offer a really wide choice, able to satisfy the most demanding customers. This comporta la presenza di uno staff sia di cucina, sia di sala, numeroso e altamente preparato, determinando così un prezzo di vendita dei piatti elevato.

Menù turistico: è la classica proposta del giorno a prezzo fisso e si può trovare nei ristoranti commerciali medio-popolari situati in località di forte richiamo turistico. Il prezzo fisso comprende generalmente bevande e una serie di portate limitate. Questo menù, generalmente esposto all'esterno del locale, può essere affiancato anche da una carta con proposte diverse.

Menù per banchetti: questo tipo di menù viene comunemente fissato con well in advance, agreeing on the composition, cost, number of seats, and price for the service requested. The customer can choose from a variety of menus prepared by the Director and Chef for these events are generally weddings, family celebrations, galas, dinners, conferences, etc. ... This type of meal is the ideal working situation, as it is planned and managed everything in advance. The preparation of a banquet requires a substantial commitment.

tasting menu: it is a kind of menu that is having a huge success. It is offered in a fixed formula, changed periodically, and is included in the paper. It can be composed of a small selection of offers included in the card or dishes entirely new. It can also include combination with wines or leave the choice to the customer between the proposals of the cellar. The "tasting menu" allows you to offer more proposals to the customer a lower price, in terms of organization, however, gives employees the ability to quantify in advance the necessary raw materials and take advantage of the basic preparations. The tasting menu, presented as "the best" of the space is much appreciated by customers for the price, and to eliminate the embarrassment of the choice between a pretty extensive list.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Place To Play Sumo Wrestling

La storia in tavola - Guida alla cultura gastronomica nei tempi

Chapter III

model Baroque

Ragazzi che mangiano meloni e uva
Bartolomé Esteban Peréz Murillo
1645-1655, Alte Pinakothek, Monaco
La gastronomia italiana, dopo aver toccato il suo massimo splendore con lo  Scappi  nel XVI secolo, si piega su se stessa nel XVII secolo. Durante tale periodo anche il gusto è anteposto dalla rappresentazione spettacolare con trionfi e costruzioni architettoniche. Il cuoco, come figura professionale centrale delle corti, passa al servizio dello  Scalco,  una figura che può essere paragonata a quelle moderne del maggiordomo ed economo, autore di rappresentazioni culinarie barocche e di spettacoli durante i banchetti. Lo zucchero, già abbondantemente presente nei pasti dei due secoli precedenti, diviene ancor più invadente e presente su ogni preparazione, accompagnato da nuovi profumi e spezie, quali ambra e muschio. Solo l'opera di Bartolomeo Stefani,  L'arte di ben cucinare del  1662, avrà qualche traduzione all'estero. In esso scompaiono i piatti di tipica provenienza italiana, quali lasagne, cappelletti, maccheroni; l'uso dello zucchero e delle spezie diviene sfacciato; compaiono salse d'ideazione francese a base di latte, uova, burro e farina stemperate in wine rather than vinegar or verjuice.
The latest work by the great tradition of Renaissance Baroque " the carver to the modern" Antonio Latin, Marche of origin but the carver Kingdom of Naples. The summary of the cooking school and scalcheria and the strong English influences, have a unified vision of Italian cuisine, with dishes from some regions, including that of the north, called the Lombard . For the first time appear recipes with products imported from the Americas, meat stewed with tomatoes past the first on the grill, tomato sauce and peppers to Spain, chocolate desserts at the end pasto. Alla corte di Luigi XIV, in Francia, inizia quel processo che rivoluzionerà nel secolo successivo i gusti e le tecniche della gastronomia europea. 
Inerente al periodo in questione, il XVII secolo, è stato realizzato un film, del quale consiglio la visione per una più specifica cognizione del livello gastronomico raggiunto, che ripercorre le ultime fasi della vita di François Vatel, cuoco francese e Maestro di cerimonie a servizio di Luigi II di Borbone – Condé, principe di Condé presso il castello di Chantilly, in onore del quale creò la famosa crema chantilly. Il film è "Vatel" del 2000, diretto da Roland Joffé e interpretato da Gérarde Depardieu, Uma Thurman, Tim Roth.

models Culinary Protestant

in Catholic Europe during the sixteenth century, fractures occurred deep religious that led to the Protestant Reformation, after which both the Anglo-Saxon nations and part of Germany realized a new model of society influenced every aspect, including that of the table, by the strict religious values. In Europe and in America in strict Calvinist and Protestant teachings and the requirements of the Bible, including that of not committing the sin of gluttony, be considered capital. During this period, especially in America, was drafted a frugal kitchen, essential nutrient but unimaginative, refined or considered sinful delights. The cookbooks were written primarily by housewives, with the sole aim of making cream advice and tips for healthy cooking and inexpensive.

The primacy of French and the revolution of taste

Frontespizio del libro di La Varenne
Nel libro  Le Cuisinier François , opera di La Varenne   del 1651, sono descritte le tecniche rivoluzionarie che influenzeranno la nostra cucina. La Varenne semplifica la cucina barocca, alleggerisce le porzioni e i piatti, li raggruppa per sapori omogenei e diminuisce il numero dei servizi. Lo zucchero è esiliato al solo uso della pasticceria mentre le spezie restano, le salse a base acida convivono con quelle nuove a base grassa e compaiono elementi fondamentali French cuisine, such as funding and reductions in meat and vegetables.
In the eighteenth century, the process begun in the previous one reaches maturity. At the court of Louis XV nobles spend impressive figures for gaining the services of the best chefs will be challenged also behind the fires and give your name to different preparations, while the Enlightenment intellectuals discussing gastronomy with the seriousness with discoursing on philosophy , politics and economics, just as they did during the period of Confucius in China, during the Roman Empire and the Italian Renaissance.
Sauces acid based almost completely disappear leaving space for new sauces dissolve fat in the Champagne. They are widely used in the gravy dark blond hair, the roasted, fried and combinations of bases, the reductions of wine, demi-glazes and icings. The food is perfected further refine, becomes more measured, reflects what is the philosophy of the Enlightenment in part by emulating the lightness with many Chinese dishes and little food.
This new culinary influences all the European courts, as well as had happened in the sixteenth century Italian, but only partially in Italy and Spain will be the decisive change in taste. In particular, the separation of sweet, sour and salty and the virtual elimination Spice, will be the characteristics of Italian cuisine, French and Iberian. Fingerprints medieval, with the sour-spicy, will become Protestant countries, most refractory to accommodate the new trend in fine French cuisine and expensive, as in England, Scandinavia, Holland and America.

Marie Antoine Carême
1784 -1833
French cuisine reaches its maximum expression, including the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, with Marie - Antoine Carême, che completa il processo di alleggerimento della cucina e dei servizi. Per Carême la professione del cuoco era una forma d'arte, costruita con creatività, passione e perfezionismo. Fu definito l'architetto, per le costruzioni mirabolanti con cui presentava i cibi, il Raffaello della cucina per le composizioni cromatiche dei piatti, il re dei cuochi e il cuoco dei re. Fu considerato il padre della grande cuisine , o cuisine classique francese, grazie a numerose pubblicazioni di sue opere gastronomiche nelle quali trattò ogni aspetto.
Alla fine del Settecento in Francia nasce il ristorante come s'intende oggi, ed è reconsidered the importance of wine at the table. The period between the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century may be regarded as the third great period of Western cuisine.
The primacy of French cuisine continues throughout the nineteenth century until the mid-twentieth century, reaching its peak during the Belle Epoque the beginning of the twentieth century.

Auguste Escoffier

born big hotels Ritz and Auguste Escoffier called to arrange the catering service for customers large and very demanding. In this period the organization is revolutionized the kitchen with a setting copied to the military brigades, tactical unity of the French army, were also established new positions: head waiter, the sommelier, the commis de cuisine, the chef de cuisine, the chef de rang. R ICORD that Escoffier was chef the headquarters of the Carabinieri Reno during the Franco-Prussian War in 1870 (Remember unpublished Auguste Escoffier - Slow Food Editore, 2008).
By Escoffier cooking leaves the superstructure of art, often edible Carême and becomes international.

The original recipes are reinterpreted in different countries and dealt with the techniques of haute cuisine, we exclude all the dishes that look and home Regional considered rough and not very purpose.

Continue the Chapter IV

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How To Build A Dinghy Trailer

VIII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti

old mill located on the salt on the Lagoon - Marsala
An event hard to miss is the National Congress of Food Chemistry to be held in Marsala (TP), naturally beautiful in Sicily, 20 to 24 September 2010.
Marsala, the ancient origins, is one of the many beautiful cities Sicily, full of culture, beautiful scenery, architecture, gastronomy and wine, remains of various dominations that followed over the millennia. Its name derives from Marsa-Allah (God's door) and still retains marks of the Muslim domination. Other rulers were those of the Normans, who left their mark on people (it is not difficult to meet women tall, blond-haired blue-eyed lovely), Angevin, Aragonese, Spaniards and before they still a lot of domains, each of which left its mark. We must not forget that the unification of Italy began right here with the landing of one thousand, then onward to the rest of the country.
Marsala - Baroque Cathedral dedicated to St.
Thomas of Canterbury
The conference will focus on key areas of food chemistry related to the definition of quality and typical Mediterranean food. Within these themes, we should give particular attention to scientific contributions concerning the following lines:

  • Contamination and compositional aspects of toxicological testing innovative techniques
  • Traceability
  • health aspects of the Mediterranean diet
The congress will also host round table discussions that involve interdisciplinary Doctors, agronomists and economists, in order to suggest guidelines for a more sustainable development in the food industry. In short, they will take our voice national experts for a more healthy diet and improved sustainability.
For those interested in more information, you can connect directly to the site in question by clicking on this link .

Table Decorations Rugby Union

La storia in tavola - Guida alla cultura gastronomica nei tempi

Capitolo II

Il modello della cucina cortese.

Les très riches heures du Duc de Berry
1413-16 circa - miniatura dei fratelli Limbourg
Musée Condé di Chantilly
Through the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Baroque, the kitchen is evolving and it is different enough to create the two strands still appreciated and considered the cornerstones of world cuisine, the current French and Italian.
The Middle Ages saw the development of a kitchen was fairly homogeneous and unified, both popular and professional, thanks to the Roman tradition, the influence of the Catholic Church and the spread of civilization from Provence polite. Born in the courts and castles deliver a new style of poetry, literature, architecture and art in general. And entering the kitchen table, where, after a period of barbaric behavior, follow the finest.
The characters of medieval European cuisine is the sum of flavors, mixing sweet and salty, the abundant use of spices, including on the basis of medical prescriptions, and as expensive, taking the meaning of status-symbol. Was also widespread use of acid-based sauces that they took their name from their color, such as Camellini than the camel's coat and saw almonds, raisins, cinnamon, cloves and bread softened nell'agresto, used for all dishes. The white sauce with almonds clean, bread crumbs, ginger and verjuice used to boil meat and meatless dishes. The green sauce, the only one arrivata ai giorni nostri, composta da prezzemolo, chiodi di garofano, zenzero, cannella, sale e aceto, utilizzata per carni lessate e ovine. Le spezie erano preparate in miscugli con specifiche dosi dettate sia dalle prescrizioni mediche sia dai gusti personali, come si riscontra in alcuni testi letterari dell'epoca: Fini, preparata con un'oncia di pepe nero, una di cannella e una di zenzero, un quarto di oncia di chiodi di garofano e un quarto di zafferano, utilizzata per tutti i piatti; Dolci, preparata con un'oncia di cannella e una di zenzero, un quarto di oncia di chiodi di garofano e lauro indiano non meglio quantificato, utilizzata per pesci in crosta e brodi; Nere , preparata con due once pepper, half a quarter of an ounce of cloves and two of nutmeg, used for all the strong flavors.
The Catholic Church, whose diktat food were strictly followed in Catholic countries, did not prohibit any food, but imposed their consumption to the liturgical calendar, with days thin, in which they could not eat meat and animal fats, grease and others , during which all could be eaten.

The Renaissance model

Cover of the book "Opera"

Bartholomew Scappi
During the Renaissance, the Italian food becomes a model for the whole of Europe, in the wake of the primacy of cultural, artistic and economic. It is dominated by the strong aromas of spices, the sour taste of the sauces and that of sugar scattered in all dishes. The "Libro de coquinaria art" of Martino da Como, as shown in the second half of the fifteenth century, the food had made a quantum leap compared to the previous kind, with innovations in the terminology used no more Arab, with the presence of the first recipes for pasta as vermicelli, ravioli, macaroni roman, and dry pasta such as macaroni Sicily, and the usage of more discrete acidic sauces and spices and herbs with the upgrading of an ancient Roman tradition, as Laura , sage, mint, marjoram, fennel and rosemary. Its kitchen has professional techniques and principles of great food, with methodological scheme based on individual transactions and cooking preliminary, to arrive at the overall total and artistic presentations of the dishes.

is thanks to the erudite papal librarian Bartolomeo Platina Chess said, that the recipes of Maestro Martino will be known all over Europe, through the first printed book of gastronomy and manuscript, "De Honesta voluptade et valetudine," published in Rome in 1474 and translated for 150 years in all European countries. The primacy of Italian gourmet is strengthened during the fifteenth century, thanks to a series of cooks, stewards and carvers, among them Bartholomew escape and are entrusted with the modernization of Italian cuisine. His " Opera" in 1570, is one of the most important pieces of kitchen, in which there are over a thousand recipes with tagliatelle, gnocchi, ravioli, agnolini, Cappelletti, omelette with truffles, similar to the current eggplant parmigiana, cakes, sweets, candies and other recipes that are the foundation of Italian cuisine of today.

Cover of "The kicking"
Giovan Battista Rossetti
The golden age of Italian cuisine is characterized by other chefs, authors of important publications, such as John de Rosselli, Young Master, by Christopher Messisbuco, Vincenzo Cervio. In the publication "The Carvajal " by Giovan Battista Rossetti, Ferrara 1584, is also described the logic of the course of the banquet, which is the order: cold appetizers, then the boiled meat and roasted vegetables, cheeses, fruits and desserts . The Rossetti down with this his work, what the service will initially be Italian, now in the centuries following the French, and also publishes for the first time the recipe for nougat Cremona, the use of serving the cheese into small pieces, as well as the grated pasta as it had always done; describes the functions of Canovaro, involved in the management and conservation of the wine cellars and describes the shape of the sommelier at the time, Bottles, employee matching food and wine which withdrew the wine from wineries and available in containers of snow and water.
Division in Italy was joined by some small statelets important elements such as the Italian language, known as "the Tuscan", which replaced the Latin literature, diplomacy, science, arts and gastronomy, which drew the raw materials and recipes from everywhere.
The Renaissance is considered the second great period enogastronomy West.

Continue with Chapter III

How To Inject Vicodin

La storia in tavola - Guida alla cultura gastronomica nei tempi

Chapter I

Michelangelo Merisi, detto il Caravaggio,
"Bacchino malato" (1593-1594)
Galleria Borghese, Roma

Mi accingo a iniziare quest'avventura, consapevole del fatto che sarà per nulla facile, con lo spirito in linea e in piena armonia alla passione e interessi che mi accomunano come individuo con un insieme di amanti gastronomi.
Con il termine gastronomia non ci si riferisce più al termine letterale della scienza che regola le funzioni dello stomaco, ma, ormai da diversi secoli, indichiamo con tale espressione la disciplina che tratta gli aspetti tecnici, culturali e artistici nel confezionare i piatti e tutto ciò che riguarda la tavola, la mise-en-place della stessa, l'evoluzione del gusto, e il galateo inteso as "good manners".
For the man power is a physiological and natural, but it is also history, culture, traditions, beliefs, taboos and superstitions. The evolution of man has led, consequently, that the food with the birth of the kitchen first and then food, bringing significant changes in food preparation, new techniques in professional organizations which have been recognized international quality and innovative recipes for both for both tools. The evolution of our habits has led us recently to use a new term, "food and wine," which involves wine, considered one of the best enhancers for millennia food, food.

models and suggestions have been and continue to be characteristic expressions of great civilizations, though only a handful of cookbooks have come down to us.

Mesopotamian tablets with cuneiform writing feature
The finding many clay tablets has shown that there was a complex and advanced catering for over 4000 years ago in the fertile Crescent, due to ancient Mesopotamia. Preparing more than 300 types of bread. They were popular fruits like coconut, apples, pears, figs, pomegranates, grapes, mushrooms, truffles, olives, and herbs. The meat was eaten pork, lamb, animals, poultry, game and sea fish and freshwater crustaceans and molluscs. They had prepared some sausages and at least 20 different types of cheese. They were used daily fats such as lard sauce and sesame oil, but the most widely used and is still found today in the Arab-Turkish eating habits, was a fried onion, garlic e porro. Erano usati per arricchire il gusto delle vivande miele, diverse salse e sale. La bevanda più consumata era una sorta di birra, mentre il vino, che veniva dalle terre del Nord, Nord-Ovest, zone caucasiche scampate alle ultime glaciazioni, era molto costoso. Solo i ceti più abbienti e i sacerdoti potevano permetterselo. La cultura Mesopotamica conosceva le tecniche della riduzione e concentrazione dei sapori. La cucina di corte dell'impero assiro-babilonese può essere considerata la prima enogastronomia del pianeta. Da allora, due concezioni culinarie proseguiranno in parallelo: da una parte la costosa gastronomia dell'elite basata sulle tecniche professionali e sulla creatività dei cuochi, dall'altra la cucina popolare incentrata sui prodotti land and the experience of recipes.

The power of the Egyptians, Phoenicians, Hittites and Jews, 4000 years ago, or rather that of the wealthier classes, was based on cereals, vegetables, dairy, sheep , fish, fruit, beer and wine as we receive representations from the wall and finds the food remains in the graves. The recipes were written down by doctors and priests, but lacked the technical preparation, which suggests a not very elaborate and refined cuisine.

table depicting a Chinese mandarin
A great food come down to our days almost completely intact is the Mandarin Chinese based on rigid preparation techniques while it is very elastic with respect to ingredients. Another distinctive feature is the alternation of flavors, the rule of the many courses with small portions and the principle of the first dishes to be seen and then to be enjoyed. The miracle that allowed the model Mandarin Chinese to come to this day is precisely the existence of a gastronomic literature merits of state officials, is precisely the mandarins, who were writers, poets and connoisseurs, who also invented many recipes. The high Chinese cuisine is, in fact, called Imperial or Mandarin, and has influenced all the cuisines of the Far East.

With many different recipes and literary descriptions of tables we have received, especially from Magna Graecia, study the customs of the ancient Greeks and the peoples of the Mediterranean from the fourth century BC C.. Archestratus Gela has left some fish recipes baked Sicilian use on grilled, fried and boiled. To Fry's and was used mainly to flavor olive oil as well as vinegar, salt, herbs and cheese. The firings, short and simple, we suggest a healthy and tasty cooking addressed territorial excellence, similar to the traditional southern Italy.

Apicius, in the middle of the first century AD, wrote De Re Coquinaria, expanded around the fourth century, describes in detail the great food and wine Roman the imperial period. Dishes of animals from Africa, Europe, the Middle and Far East such as cranes, beccafichi, pigeons, ostriches, flamingos and parrots were presented on the menus of the Roman patricians. Lovers of traditional products, the Romans stocked up on diamonds to Ravenna and Ancona, Spain mullet, sea bass in Turkey, Morocco truffles, spices in India and many other products from as many places. During the period the Imperial Republican frugality in the kitchen had become a distant memory. The seasonings used were "defritum" cooked must ancestor of our balsamic vinegar and liquamen or "garum," sauce made with fish entrails steeped in salt thereof, as well as other related sauces with flour. Pasta dishes, lasagna lagane similar to modern, sausages (sausages), slices of chicken livers, brains lightly cooked dishes, chicken prepared in different ways, stuffed rabbits, sheep cooked in various ways, in piglets suckling pig, rare fish, oysters and seafood laden tables of the couches, and it was all washed down with more or less aromatic wines. The spice was used as pepper, ginger, much rarer, and saffron and cinnamon were used more by women as a cosmetic together with butter. Contrary to popular belief, the Romans were very fond of plants and herbs, the more fat used was olive oil that Apicius distinguishes good and green, the latter most valuable and produced from olives harvested early. The rules of the food were the sum of many flavors and the mix of sweet and salty, abundant use of herbs and sauces acid diluted vinegar or verjuice, juice of unripe grapes crushed and seasoned, in addition to those made with fish or with added sea salt, honey and cooked must as sweeteners.
Wine was served by the sommelier at the time, the "haustatores, who left a set of guidelines on the technique of tasting. We can speak of a refined cuisine and evolved enough to influence the low-medieval European cuisine and Arabic. The first century AD can be considered the first great period enogastronomy West.

Gastronomy Arab certainly takes its cue from the Eastern Roman Empire and the Persian Empire, in turn, heir to the Mesopotamian cuisine, enough to be considered daughter. Affect the friendly European cuisine, particularly the English-Catalan and Italian, after 1000 AD, as confirmed by the medieval cookery books published in Italy in the thirteenth century and those of the fourteenth century in Spain, Portugal, France, England and Germany. Legitimately attributed to the Arabs is the importation of rice, artichoke, sugar, eggplant, spinach and many other crops.

Continue to: Chapter II