Saturday, December 25, 2010

What Simple Machines Make Up A Swing Set

Cenni storici

Town in the province of Catanzaro, made from the capital, from Gizzeria Lido and La Presa. The
35.93 sq km-area - bordered by those of common Falerna, Lamezia Terme, and with the Tyrrhenian
Tues. Nicastro in the far stretches of the Sila Piccola. The village is at 630 meters above sea level
, 52 km from Catanzaro, on road 18.
Gizzeria arose through the work of Albanian refugees, who escaped the destruction that the Saracens had made
of an ancient Greek colony called ize ize or had fled in the area at the Monastery of St.
Nicola. The Duke of Calabria, Robert, donated the estate to Monastery of St. Euphemia,
from which it later passed to the Order of Malta, which included in the Bailiwick of St. Euphemia.
was damaged from the territory in 1783. For Law 19 January 1807 the French made him a
Place, namely the so-called Government College of St. Eufemia Gulf. In the reorganization provisions
May 4, 1811 by decree, establishing communes and districts, he was assigned as the Village,
or village, and included in the district of St. Euphemia Sambiase. In agriculture the production
are legumes, fruits, olives, cereals, grapes. The livestock consists of sheep,
goats, cattle and pigs. The craftsmanship is present with some shops and mobile frames and at
some families with the use of hand-loom weaving of blankets and scarves. Architectural Heritage
Gizzeria: Ianazzo Palace, Palace Iannazzo II, Miceli Palace, Palace Villella-Agapito,
Church of the Annunciation, Church of St. John the Baptist Church and Convent of St. Maria degli Angeli;
Maiolino Location: Casino Maiolino Stocco;
Contrada Zinn Mill;
Suvero Cape Town: Torre Capo Suvero;
Santa Caterina: Torre Santa Caterina
Contrada Iacona Tower Spineto;
The patron saint is celebrated on 24 May. Fairs August 28 to 29, the second Sunday of October, 8 December
. Market the first Sunday of each month. The inhabitants are called Gizzeroti.


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