Thursday, December 2, 2010

How To Make A A3 Powerpoint

A te 'with Happy Birthday Sultan

Marcia della Lealta' e della Gratitudine 2010

Numerosi eventi si sono svolti in questi giorni a Muscat per festeggiare il sultano e i suoi 40 anni di regno, compresa la visita, veramente fiabesca, della regina Elisabetta II. Ho poco tempo e molti impegni in questo periodo, ma presto mettero' su Khalij le foto piu' belle.

Muscat, 26 novembre 2010
La banda reale di cornamuse

Intanto, martedi' pomeriggio il sultano ha invitato i suoi many foreign guests including the guest of honor of the event, King Abdullah of Jordan, a te 'in the gardens of Al Alam Palace. There were all his generals, ministers, foreign diplomats, judges, governors, the Sheiks (religious administration). Monday there 'was a grand military parade (tattoo) to the stadium, and then fireworks in the evening, while the parade will take place in schools' in the coming days, as the little school doorstep every morning tunes up to exhaustion (mine) poignant songs and marches on reels of real band of bagpipes, and then marches lealta'e of gratitude in all the villages, pretty girls poets. In the city 'and' all a flutter of helicopters, police patrol the streets, blocked traffic anytime, anywhere ...


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