Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Carbonated Water Upset Stomach

supply of drugs by veterinarians or veterinary clinics

What are the procedures for procurement of drugs subject to loading and unloading [Table II, sect. A, B, and C] for a veterinary clinic ?

The law provides that a structure HOSPITAL or CLINIC (eg outpatient clinic veterinarian) to procure any narcotic drug Tab II sect. A, B or C through a request in triplicate .
not the RMR (Recipe at the Ministerial Trace) and not the veterinary prescription non-repeating in triplicate , but a formal request on headed paper completed in three copies (1 original + 2 copies): the first copy is returned to the facility, the 2nd is a pharmacist attached to the Registry as proof of the discharge, the 3rd must be sent by the pharmacist all'AUSL where the headquarters of the applicant's property.
The rule does not clearly indicate la validità della richiesta, ma è prassi diffusa (e logico) assegnare la validità delle ricette stupefacenti ovvero 30 giorni  (si consideri comunque che non è scritto chiaramente da nessuna parte).

Questa richiesta deve (almeno) riportare:
  • intestazione della struttura (dati, indirizzo, nome e cognome del veterinario responsabile, ecc...)
  • l'indicazione che l'uso è ambulatoriale
  • le quantità e dosi del medicinale (o dei medicinali) in tutte lettere e con mezzo indelebile; a tal proposito, possono essere indicate qualunque quantità e qualità di farmaci
  • the name of the drug (or drugs) are not remembering that supply the substances as such (ie 100 mg of vitamin A acetate)
  • date and signature
  • desirable, identification of the person's responsible for the prescription
  • desirable, numbering of the request by the veterinarian
The pharmacist about 3 requests must:
  • stamp indicating the date and the price charged.
  • unload drugs from the registry (just like you would with a normal prescription narcotic)
  • note name and details of a document recognition Buyer
  • send the 3rd copy to the Office of the Narcotics district area
Some notes:
  1. for supplies of narcotic drugs the veterinarian should not use this mode, but use the recipe does not repeatable in three veterinary copy


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