Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Acrostic Poem On Forgiveness

Doors Vinciane

just yesterday I read an interesting article on the Gates of Leonardo's harbor of Cesenatico whose title would had to mess with each of the citizens of the Adriatic resort town, but certainly not the intent of that sheep bleating in their bar. In fact, the title pages of the Corriere di Romagna read: "Gates Vinciane to work for the first time." He's right, after 4 years of their implementation (from the website of the company in charge of the work we read: They are made and tested by the CMC in April 2004, then 6, but would the commissioner of public works in the newspaper says Rocchi W. 4 ) and millions of euro spent, the doors have finally completed their protective function. Do not forget that the municipalities of Cesenatico been going in recent years, in addition to "The Gates Vinciane (until a few days ago) never open, public works have made famous (or smoky) throughout the world as" The drawbridge ever raised "or (only 50%)" The Avenue of Nations never finished. " No mention, however, in that the costs borne by society, perhaps best not to offend the sensibility of the mayor Nivardo Panza, given the regular presence in the newspaper with his rubrichetta "View of the harbor." The second thing that ought to be ashamed of the citizens of Cesenatico is without a doubt, the fact that after years of inactivity and millions of euro spent, the debut, one of the locks was broken. The summary of the article it states: "Problems with a piston, but saved the country from the water," at this point I would add: "and they all lived happily ever after." If it was up to me, I completed the article with the necessary information so that citizens could farsi un opinione più oggettiva di quest’opera pubblica, oggi ormai indispensabile a causa di una scellerata urbanizzazione del territorio, ma soprattutto avrei contraddetto le cazzate raccontate in questi giorni da questi funzionarietti di partito nella speranza che qualche ovino si potesse svegliare dal torpore del bar.

Durante le feste natalizie per 3 giorni consecutivi, le Porte vinciane sono state serrate a causa delle abbondanti precipitazioni e dalla concomitante alta marea, proteggendo in questo modo la città da eventuali esondazioni. Il Porto Canale di Cesenatico infatti costituisce oggi l’unico sbocco a mare di un bacino idrico molto vasto, che si estende dal fiume Savio al Pisciatello ed arriva to the foothills of Cesena. The flow of rain, always faster and more intense because of the impressive urbanization of recent decades and no longer compatible with the sections of runoff available have necessitated the creation of a closure of the harbor to protect the historic center. But citing the numbers (only the Pug) not to remain too vague to understand how the policy could cost edificatoria of "making wood is good to know that the doors have cost around EUR 10 million citizens of which are added ongoing maintenance costs that are often repeated over the years, especially to solve the accumulation of debris (who had to say?), not least for implementation (including for this work has been entrusted with the Cooperativa Muratori Cementisti of Ravenna) of a fixed desanding and cleaning of the doorway Vinciana will be ready in February and will cost € 998,000. More than 22 billion old lire to protect the city from flooding caused primarily by a reckless urbanization ... but then the problems are not the soul of commerce? But what is the function of the Doors Vinciane? From what risks we fix it? The doors have the task of containing the rise of the sea and protect the town during the hours of high tide, the worst during the events. When the dam is closed, any rainfall from the inner basin are diverted on alternative outlets to the sea, while the rains of the city center are discharged with an implant supported lifting the barrier unit. This integrated defense system, allows to limit the flooding of the sea and to protect the city from flooding upstream, moving inside and outside the evacuation of flood the city center while preventing high tide to cross the harbor.

Even more interesting is the article published on the (capped) of the title Romagna yesterday read: "Leonardo's slamming doors" on to it a statement reiterating the loop Mayor N. Panza in his continuous and ridiculous at straws ... soapy. "Nivardone" yesterday declared that: "the continuous opening and closing is due to regurgitation wave." It is true, the cause of concussion is just the wave but should not slam the door, should not remain open because that is when they are, the unique and critical role they should play vanish. All this for the simple principle of communicating vessels, the physical principle according to which a liquid contained in two containers communicating reaches the same level. But both "Nivardone that the journalist of La Voce (plugged) live on di Romagna moon where the reduced gravity influences this fundamental principle of physics. Indeed, if Leonardo's doors would not remain completely closed, when the sea level ascended because of tide, wave and heavy rains of the past banks of the historic center, the city would be flooded because its not a barrier more proof that the task of dividing the level of inland waters, the lower that extends from the highest. The Doors, even in these days have protected the town of Cesenatico, as should by now have understood all, they are broken. But "Nivardone" wanted to reiterate his "Leonardo's bales" which, unfortunately, the journalist shift has not contradicted dutifully in order to bring the truth of the facts in the newspaper. It would have sufficed, apart from the basic principles of physics dark matter clearly, ask the mayor why then have had to intervene the Fire Department to reopen the doors? Why yesterday morning one of the doors had been left ajar and was sealed with tape and because this morning the quay close inspection of the manholes are located where the water pumps were dirty oil?

"I think the device is working well and not be said that the doors are broken, so why not."
(N. Panza - The Voice di Romagna 27.12.2010)

Diciamo la verità, le Porte vinciane sono state la risposta obbligata ai danni causati da un urbanizzazione irresponsabile e da un sconsiderata mercificazione del territorio, a cominciare dalle trasformazioni apportate dall’uomo agli argini dei corsi dei fiumi e degli scoli d’acqua che hanno di conseguenza imposto correzioni milionarie tra l’altro malriuscite, al fine di tutelare il centro storico di Cesenatico dalle esondazioni. A tutto ciò si aggiungono le servili cronache di giornalisti da “Corriere dei piccoli” e il menefreghismo di una cittadinanza di morti viventi.

(The mayor of Cesenatico Nivardo Panzavolta)


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