Friday, December 3, 2010

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Can a dentist (dentist) prescribing the Gardenale?

Un dentista ha prescritto del Gardenale 100 mg compresse su ricetta bianca, apponendo il timbro nella parte alta della ricetta (per intestarla). Ha poi firmato la ricetta senza apporre un timbro vicino alla firma. La ricetta รจ valid?

Yes No obligation to affix the stamp and signature neighbors. In fact, the letterhead of a physician does not require additional stamp as the heading itself acts as a stamp and the doctor can only return the signature to the bottom of limitation.

In November 2007, was asked the question on whether or not the dentist to prescribe Gardenale Order of Physicians and Dentists of Reggio Emilia. The response is received: Gardenale from the pharmacological point of view is a sedative-hypnotic that can be prescribed limitatamnete motivation dental preparation for surgery.

So, yes, it can be prescribed.


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