Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Adults Must Wear Diapers

Bryan Adams concert in Muscat, December 18, 2010

returned from a brief trip to Italy I found the tropical sun and a wonderful evening of moon and stars to finally go to a concert by Bryan Adams. I do not I'm for anything in the world, his songs are in my heart always, are part of my life, draws too cool to dance and sing together all out loud! The concert with e'iniziato One night love affair , troppi ricordi! eccola qui:

E poi tutte le sue ballate da innamoratissimi, Heaven , Please forgive me , e le mie favorite Summer of 69 , 18 till I die e Run to you . E'stata una serata di energia, euforia, birra, amici, affetto, amore, nostalgia, ricordi e un bellissimo regalo, credevo di andarci da sola e invece...

Con le amiche!


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