Friday, December 31, 2010

What Are Usual Expenses

Ghigi you remember the pasta?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Can I Be Pregnant If I Have A Low And Hard Cervix

Flowers Saudi

Un fiore di ibisco dal giardino della Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque di Muscat, e a flower of marble and alabaster from Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi .

Acrostic Poem On Forgiveness

Doors Vinciane

just yesterday I read an interesting article on the Gates of Leonardo's harbor of Cesenatico whose title would had to mess with each of the citizens of the Adriatic resort town, but certainly not the intent of that sheep bleating in their bar. In fact, the title pages of the Corriere di Romagna read: "Gates Vinciane to work for the first time." He's right, after 4 years of their implementation (from the website of the company in charge of the work we read: They are made and tested by the CMC in April 2004, then 6, but would the commissioner of public works in the newspaper says Rocchi W. 4 ) and millions of euro spent, the doors have finally completed their protective function. Do not forget that the municipalities of Cesenatico been going in recent years, in addition to "The Gates Vinciane (until a few days ago) never open, public works have made famous (or smoky) throughout the world as" The drawbridge ever raised "or (only 50%)" The Avenue of Nations never finished. " No mention, however, in that the costs borne by society, perhaps best not to offend the sensibility of the mayor Nivardo Panza, given the regular presence in the newspaper with his rubrichetta "View of the harbor." The second thing that ought to be ashamed of the citizens of Cesenatico is without a doubt, the fact that after years of inactivity and millions of euro spent, the debut, one of the locks was broken. The summary of the article it states: "Problems with a piston, but saved the country from the water," at this point I would add: "and they all lived happily ever after." If it was up to me, I completed the article with the necessary information so that citizens could farsi un opinione più oggettiva di quest’opera pubblica, oggi ormai indispensabile a causa di una scellerata urbanizzazione del territorio, ma soprattutto avrei contraddetto le cazzate raccontate in questi giorni da questi funzionarietti di partito nella speranza che qualche ovino si potesse svegliare dal torpore del bar.

Durante le feste natalizie per 3 giorni consecutivi, le Porte vinciane sono state serrate a causa delle abbondanti precipitazioni e dalla concomitante alta marea, proteggendo in questo modo la città da eventuali esondazioni. Il Porto Canale di Cesenatico infatti costituisce oggi l’unico sbocco a mare di un bacino idrico molto vasto, che si estende dal fiume Savio al Pisciatello ed arriva to the foothills of Cesena. The flow of rain, always faster and more intense because of the impressive urbanization of recent decades and no longer compatible with the sections of runoff available have necessitated the creation of a closure of the harbor to protect the historic center. But citing the numbers (only the Pug) not to remain too vague to understand how the policy could cost edificatoria of "making wood is good to know that the doors have cost around EUR 10 million citizens of which are added ongoing maintenance costs that are often repeated over the years, especially to solve the accumulation of debris (who had to say?), not least for implementation (including for this work has been entrusted with the Cooperativa Muratori Cementisti of Ravenna) of a fixed desanding and cleaning of the doorway Vinciana will be ready in February and will cost € 998,000. More than 22 billion old lire to protect the city from flooding caused primarily by a reckless urbanization ... but then the problems are not the soul of commerce? But what is the function of the Doors Vinciane? From what risks we fix it? The doors have the task of containing the rise of the sea and protect the town during the hours of high tide, the worst during the events. When the dam is closed, any rainfall from the inner basin are diverted on alternative outlets to the sea, while the rains of the city center are discharged with an implant supported lifting the barrier unit. This integrated defense system, allows to limit the flooding of the sea and to protect the city from flooding upstream, moving inside and outside the evacuation of flood the city center while preventing high tide to cross the harbor.

Even more interesting is the article published on the (capped) of the title Romagna yesterday read: "Leonardo's slamming doors" on to it a statement reiterating the loop Mayor N. Panza in his continuous and ridiculous at straws ... soapy. "Nivardone" yesterday declared that: "the continuous opening and closing is due to regurgitation wave." It is true, the cause of concussion is just the wave but should not slam the door, should not remain open because that is when they are, the unique and critical role they should play vanish. All this for the simple principle of communicating vessels, the physical principle according to which a liquid contained in two containers communicating reaches the same level. But both "Nivardone that the journalist of La Voce (plugged) live on di Romagna moon where the reduced gravity influences this fundamental principle of physics. Indeed, if Leonardo's doors would not remain completely closed, when the sea level ascended because of tide, wave and heavy rains of the past banks of the historic center, the city would be flooded because its not a barrier more proof that the task of dividing the level of inland waters, the lower that extends from the highest. The Doors, even in these days have protected the town of Cesenatico, as should by now have understood all, they are broken. But "Nivardone" wanted to reiterate his "Leonardo's bales" which, unfortunately, the journalist shift has not contradicted dutifully in order to bring the truth of the facts in the newspaper. It would have sufficed, apart from the basic principles of physics dark matter clearly, ask the mayor why then have had to intervene the Fire Department to reopen the doors? Why yesterday morning one of the doors had been left ajar and was sealed with tape and because this morning the quay close inspection of the manholes are located where the water pumps were dirty oil?

"I think the device is working well and not be said that the doors are broken, so why not."
(N. Panza - The Voice di Romagna 27.12.2010)

Diciamo la verità, le Porte vinciane sono state la risposta obbligata ai danni causati da un urbanizzazione irresponsabile e da un sconsiderata mercificazione del territorio, a cominciare dalle trasformazioni apportate dall’uomo agli argini dei corsi dei fiumi e degli scoli d’acqua che hanno di conseguenza imposto correzioni milionarie tra l’altro malriuscite, al fine di tutelare il centro storico di Cesenatico dalle esondazioni. A tutto ciò si aggiungono le servili cronache di giornalisti da “Corriere dei piccoli” e il menefreghismo di una cittadinanza di morti viventi.

(The mayor of Cesenatico Nivardo Panzavolta)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

What Simple Machines Make Up A Swing Set

Cenni storici

Town in the province of Catanzaro, made from the capital, from Gizzeria Lido and La Presa. The
35.93 sq km-area - bordered by those of common Falerna, Lamezia Terme, and with the Tyrrhenian
Tues. Nicastro in the far stretches of the Sila Piccola. The village is at 630 meters above sea level
, 52 km from Catanzaro, on road 18.
Gizzeria arose through the work of Albanian refugees, who escaped the destruction that the Saracens had made
of an ancient Greek colony called ize ize or had fled in the area at the Monastery of St.
Nicola. The Duke of Calabria, Robert, donated the estate to Monastery of St. Euphemia,
from which it later passed to the Order of Malta, which included in the Bailiwick of St. Euphemia.
was damaged from the territory in 1783. For Law 19 January 1807 the French made him a
Place, namely the so-called Government College of St. Eufemia Gulf. In the reorganization provisions
May 4, 1811 by decree, establishing communes and districts, he was assigned as the Village,
or village, and included in the district of St. Euphemia Sambiase. In agriculture the production
are legumes, fruits, olives, cereals, grapes. The livestock consists of sheep,
goats, cattle and pigs. The craftsmanship is present with some shops and mobile frames and at
some families with the use of hand-loom weaving of blankets and scarves. Architectural Heritage
Gizzeria: Ianazzo Palace, Palace Iannazzo II, Miceli Palace, Palace Villella-Agapito,
Church of the Annunciation, Church of St. John the Baptist Church and Convent of St. Maria degli Angeli;
Maiolino Location: Casino Maiolino Stocco;
Contrada Zinn Mill;
Suvero Cape Town: Torre Capo Suvero;
Santa Caterina: Torre Santa Caterina
Contrada Iacona Tower Spineto;
The patron saint is celebrated on 24 May. Fairs August 28 to 29, the second Sunday of October, 8 December
. Market the first Sunday of each month. The inhabitants are called Gizzeroti.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Albertville Outlet Jobs

drugs may require a prescription White 10 (ten) boxes Gardenale ?

Since the rule does not consider the specific case, norm sets a maximum limit of 10 boxes for medicines repeatable (maximum of 10 times in 6 months).
says nothing about non-repeatable recipes (when the fall Gardenale in Table II Sec. D) if their validity (30 days) and the fact that the recipe applies to the number of packages indicated by the doctor .

It follows that the doctor can prescribe virtually any number of packages that in practice is limited to 10 packages.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Adults Must Wear Diapers

Bryan Adams concert in Muscat, December 18, 2010

returned from a brief trip to Italy I found the tropical sun and a wonderful evening of moon and stars to finally go to a concert by Bryan Adams. I do not I'm for anything in the world, his songs are in my heart always, are part of my life, draws too cool to dance and sing together all out loud! The concert with e'iniziato One night love affair , troppi ricordi! eccola qui:

E poi tutte le sue ballate da innamoratissimi, Heaven , Please forgive me , e le mie favorite Summer of 69 , 18 till I die e Run to you . E'stata una serata di energia, euforia, birra, amici, affetto, amore, nostalgia, ricordi e un bellissimo regalo, credevo di andarci da sola e invece...

Con le amiche!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Chuck Norris Footie Pjs

Sumhuram The songs of the heart and the Temple of Sin, the moon god

Sumhuram and 'the name of a small town' fortress pre-Islamic Arabia.
From its port ships laden with myrrh, and the City 'was part of the kingdom of Hadramaut, named after the mountains that lie between Yemen and Oman. He was contemporary with other exotic realms: Aksum, Qataban and Sheba, home of the Queen Bilqis ...

Just arrived within the walls of Sumhuram knew instinctively that I would find a magical place, the temple of Sin, god of the moon and of wisdom. Sin is one of the more 'old gods' in the world, revered by the Babylonians and Sumerians, and it' came through in the south of Oman Syria and Saudi west. I also knew that I would find Sumhuram some of the most 'remote traces of the worship of the serpent in Arabia.
stone carved in the shape of a snake

interesting things about the city of Sumhuram can be found here: . htm
photos of the trip are collected in the album side, Dhofar, Southern Arabia

In the Temple of Sin

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Carbonated Water Upset Stomach

supply of drugs by veterinarians or veterinary clinics

What are the procedures for procurement of drugs subject to loading and unloading [Table II, sect. A, B, and C] for a veterinary clinic ?

The law provides that a structure HOSPITAL or CLINIC (eg outpatient clinic veterinarian) to procure any narcotic drug Tab II sect. A, B or C through a request in triplicate .
not the RMR (Recipe at the Ministerial Trace) and not the veterinary prescription non-repeating in triplicate , but a formal request on headed paper completed in three copies (1 original + 2 copies): the first copy is returned to the facility, the 2nd is a pharmacist attached to the Registry as proof of the discharge, the 3rd must be sent by the pharmacist all'AUSL where the headquarters of the applicant's property.
The rule does not clearly indicate la validità della richiesta, ma è prassi diffusa (e logico) assegnare la validità delle ricette stupefacenti ovvero 30 giorni  (si consideri comunque che non è scritto chiaramente da nessuna parte).

Questa richiesta deve (almeno) riportare:
  • intestazione della struttura (dati, indirizzo, nome e cognome del veterinario responsabile, ecc...)
  • l'indicazione che l'uso è ambulatoriale
  • le quantità e dosi del medicinale (o dei medicinali) in tutte lettere e con mezzo indelebile; a tal proposito, possono essere indicate qualunque quantità e qualità di farmaci
  • the name of the drug (or drugs) are not remembering that supply the substances as such (ie 100 mg of vitamin A acetate)
  • date and signature
  • desirable, identification of the person's responsible for the prescription
  • desirable, numbering of the request by the veterinarian
The pharmacist about 3 requests must:
  • stamp indicating the date and the price charged.
  • unload drugs from the registry (just like you would with a normal prescription narcotic)
  • note name and details of a document recognition Buyer
  • send the 3rd copy to the Office of the Narcotics district area
Some notes:
  1. for supplies of narcotic drugs the veterinarian should not use this mode, but use the recipe does not repeatable in three veterinary copy

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Funny Biology Quotes About Respiration

Recipe SSN: Gardenale along with other medication in group A

When a recipe are the SSN is a drug in Table II sec. C (eg Gardenale, 1 pack) is a drug "normal" (eg Cardioaspirin, 1 box) that it is possible.
would dispense both packages, you affix the die-cut, it stamps the recipe then copy the recipe.
The original must be sent all'AUSL and the copy is used as proof of the discharge (it must be kept for two years after the last entry on the register drugs).

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hpv Virus And Cheating

Wrong number of prescriptions drugs

The pharmacy consecutively numbered recipes drug Tab II, sect. A, B, C, according to the classic numbering 01/10, 02/10, 10/03 (serial number / year). For a mistake [maybe in the closure ed.], The numbering was a "leap" (130 to 184), which seem to miss the recipes. What to do?

mode numbering is arbitrary: it is important to be unique and progressive to avoid overlapping. May even be replaced by MAT (the 2 codes bar recipes SSN).
So there is no problem if the number started with a higher number, the important (as always) is that there is a correspondence between stocks and documents (recipes) that are downloaded from the register and present at the pharmacy.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Has Ross Kemp Been In The Army

Christmas Time

Merry Christmas to all readers Khalij

Monday, December 6, 2010

Can You Open A Practice With A Psyd

Myth debunked: sugar does not neutralize the acidity!

We often hear that common to add sugar, sucrose, to a food with strong sour feelings will lessen the same.
What is the acidity of a food? Of course the answer is obvious: is defined as the presence of high concentration of acids in its composition. It is an intrinsic characteristic of the food itself.
The free acidity, ie the presence of these acids as is "without any link with other molecules, is present in almost all foods. It is the concentration, then the quantity, quality and acid itself, out the power of perception. For example, the tomato has a good concentration of citric acid and malic acid. These acids, whether in free form and in high numbers, contributing to the sour taste the vegetable. Usually, as a practice of cooking, add sugar to lower that common feeling during cooking. According to this custom is generally believed that sugar lowers the acidity of the sauce and then change the pH of the same. We could do other instances like sweetened lemonade or sweet and sour mixture of vinegar and sugar. Even knowing the pH of the solutions do not undergo any alteration in the presence of sugar, we wanted to check with a laboratory test the behavior of the pH of a solution acetic acid and sucrose, reproducing the steps that take place in the kitchen.
we poured 10 ml of red wine vinegar in a flask and its pH measured with an electronic pH meter, setting the value of 3.10 at room temperature about 20 ° C.
Weigh a quantity of sucrose (common sugar) is equal to 1.12 g and add the vinegar. Sugar dissolved, check pH recording the same value, 3.11 at 20 ° C approx.
From this first test, the pH of the solution has not undergone major changes remaining unchanged.
Increase the amount of sucrose 5 g in the same amount of vinegar, adjusting the pH. We bring the solution to a temperature of 50 ° C to simulate the early stages of cooking. Expect that the temperature is restored to the initial course of 20 ° C, because we know that high temperature (heat) affects K to the solution (K = to acid dissociation constant), staggering slightly from the value 3.11 is increased up to a pH of 3:49, we waited for the solution to return to room temperature by detecting the pH value of 3.11.
Increase the amount of sugar a 10 g per 10 ml di aceto e, procedendo come prima, rileviamo il valore del pH invariato di 3,10.
Possiamo affermare che lo zucchero, a qualsiasi concentrazione, non altera il pH di una soluzione acida.
La percezione dell'acidità in presenza di zucchero, per un processo fisiologico ancora sconosciuto, è inferiore. La limonata zuccherata, o l'agrodolce, pertanto, risultano meno acidi non per trasformazioni chimiche ma per esclusive caratteristiche percettive.
Il nostro cervello elabora i segnali trasmessi dalle papille gustative in tali termini.

Do I Need A License To Sell Baby Food

Queen Elizabeth II in Oman

From November 25 to 28 Queen Elizabeth of England, accompanied by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, It has been here on a visit to Muscat to meet the Sultan of Oman. Despite the hardships that we residents have had to endure for the sake of safety (road closures without warning, seized car, long expected and unexpected in a column in the trade under the sun) the euphoria of the event was clearly visible in the air.

I missed the fairy-tale aspect of the tour to see the parade royal procession along the corniche of Muttrah, decorated with lights and flags, appearing between the wings of Omani dressed in traditional dress, both men and women.

The sultan waited for the procession of the queen at the entrance of the large city gate ', and then start with her to Al Alam Palace, residence of the guests, not far away. Behind them a long procession of horsemen of the guard of the sultan, uniforms, picturesque peaks and Albard decorated by the British and Omani flags. On either side of the parade along the road, the band struck up real glorious imperial marches. By now these shows are seen solo nei film! L'arrivo a palazzo e stato salutato da 21 colpi di cannone, come si usa nel protocollo internazionale, e gia' ai lati del tappeto rosso erano schierati gli ospiti: da un lato tutti i principi, i ministri e i notabili omaniti che la regina, affiancata dal ministro omanita del lavoro, ha salutato uno per uno, e pochi passi piu'indietro il sultano si rivolgeva alla delegazione britannica schierata in fila...veramente molto british quel gentiluomo che al saluto del sultano ha risposto togliendosi con eleganza il cappello di panama color avorio.

Pero' mettevano tenerezza; il sultano sorrideva come un bimbo, era molto emozionato, la regina aveva un'aria rassicurante e benevola con i suoi vestitini e cappellini coordinati e senza tempo, e le borsette della nonna...e il principe Filippo? Sempre un passo indietro, rassegnato con aplomb...

In serata alla tv ho visto le scene della consegna dei regali: mentre la regina pare abbia donato un suo ritratto (uuuhhh), il sultano le consegnava una vaso d'oro e un uovo Faberge' sicuramente commissionato per l'occasione, e tutto giocoso lo svitava per mostrare che cos'era...appunto...che cos'era? un grazioso carillon? Un portagioie? Un fiala da riempire di essenze orientali? Non ho avuto pazienza di leggere i giornali per saperlo, che' a me bastava vedere il sultano che armeggiava allegro intorno all'uovo d'oro e lapislazuli ...

The Queen must have spent a hard day of dinner, a parade and a circus of Arabian horses held for her. The British Embassy Limited proposed to participate in two events: the imperial procession or parade horse, but the wise voice of T. 'If you want, but you have to rehearse for hours under the sun ...' I was completely throw off the enthusiasm!

Queen Elizabeth met the communities 'British establishment, including students of schools, the Boy Scouts (the first department Omani It was founded in 1932!) And Omani students who attend the universities' English. In all British schools the students learn the etiquette dell'inchino the queen, dutifully taught fin dall'asilo. Ecco una deliziosa foto di una bimba che omaggia sua maesta'!

Cerimonie a parte, un fatto e' certo, mentre i Reali si dedicavano agli svaghi di corte il ministro degli affari esteri che accompagnava Elisabetta ha avuto una fitta agenda di favolosi accordi commerciali da firmare. L'Oman non e'una colonia britannica ufficiale, ma e'come se lo fosse; molti vantaggi e alcuna incombenza verso lo Stato sovrano del gia', Queen Elizabeth, regina di fiori e di denari.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bohemian Style Bedding Peace Sign Bedding

Shipping amazing fractional sect. A: how many stamps to put on?

A recipe for a narcotic drug in Table II sec. A is delivered in two successive dates for lack of the number of boxes (P fractions). How many stamps must contain the copy of SSN?

As for the original copy, in any dispensation must be affixed with date stamp and the price. This is because there must be a perfect match between the drain (partial) log on drugs and the amount dispensata: la data dello scarico e il numero di pezzi dispensati si desume proprio dal timbro riportato sulla ricetta. In definiva, sulla copia originale ci saranno tanti timbri quante sono le dispensazioni frazionate (in questo esempio, 2 timbri).

Per quanto riguarda la copia SSN , è sufficiente anche 1 solo timbro (con data e prezzo praticato) che attesti l'avvenuta spedizione. In alternativa, il farmacista può riportare un timbro per ogni spedizione.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Replacemet Parts Targus Tripod

Can a dentist (dentist) prescribing the Gardenale?

Un dentista ha prescritto del Gardenale 100 mg compresse su ricetta bianca, apponendo il timbro nella parte alta della ricetta (per intestarla). Ha poi firmato la ricetta senza apporre un timbro vicino alla firma. La ricetta è valid?

Yes No obligation to affix the stamp and signature neighbors. In fact, the letterhead of a physician does not require additional stamp as the heading itself acts as a stamp and the doctor can only return the signature to the bottom of limitation.

In November 2007, was asked the question on whether or not the dentist to prescribe Gardenale Order of Physicians and Dentists of Reggio Emilia. The response is received: Gardenale from the pharmacological point of view is a sedative-hypnotic that can be prescribed limitatamnete motivation dental preparation for surgery.

So, yes, it can be prescribed.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

How To Make A A3 Powerpoint

A te 'with Happy Birthday Sultan

Marcia della Lealta' e della Gratitudine 2010

Numerosi eventi si sono svolti in questi giorni a Muscat per festeggiare il sultano e i suoi 40 anni di regno, compresa la visita, veramente fiabesca, della regina Elisabetta II. Ho poco tempo e molti impegni in questo periodo, ma presto mettero' su Khalij le foto piu' belle.

Muscat, 26 novembre 2010
La banda reale di cornamuse

Intanto, martedi' pomeriggio il sultano ha invitato i suoi many foreign guests including the guest of honor of the event, King Abdullah of Jordan, a te 'in the gardens of Al Alam Palace. There were all his generals, ministers, foreign diplomats, judges, governors, the Sheiks (religious administration). Monday there 'was a grand military parade (tattoo) to the stadium, and then fireworks in the evening, while the parade will take place in schools' in the coming days, as the little school doorstep every morning tunes up to exhaustion (mine) poignant songs and marches on reels of real band of bagpipes, and then marches lealta'e of gratitude in all the villages, pretty girls poets. In the city 'and' all a flutter of helicopters, police patrol the streets, blocked traffic anytime, anywhere ...