Friday, March 11, 2011

What To Do For Unproductive Cough

undifferentiated Ravenna

Nonostante il regolamento comunale ponga tra gli obiettivi prioritari quello di garantire una corretta gestione della filiera dei rifiuti minimizzando il conferimento in discarica nonché quello di potenziare la raccolta differenziata, al cimitero monumentale di Ravenna tutto ciò viene clamorosamente disatteso. Perfino Hera, responsabile ed incaricata della raccolta e della gestione dei rifiuti di quell’area pubblica, sul suo sito web ne avvalla basic principles: "Do well the collection is important! The quality of recycling affect the percentage of recovered materials and reduces waste to be disposed of in landfills or incinerators. " Too bad that Hera has placed only a few bins for collection staff, paper and plastic and outside the cemetery, opposite to that present at 3 florists in revenue while paradoxically, over 200 trash cans undifferentiated. Remember that the garbage of cemeteries, the nature and type of waste they produce, that is composed of 90% of dried flowers and 10% paper and plastic, if differentiated and therefore not mixed, it could easily be recovered in full, and given the size of this cemetery, the waste would be recovered tonnes. By recycling would become an economic resource that will affect the costs incurred thereby diminishing those of the ordinary, that is, by the citizens. Fortunately, at least today, although not differentiated, such waste is collected in large containers placed in the cemetery while only two months ago, were dumped illegally in a fenced and paved area of \u200b\u200b250 sqm. For without the authorization of the province, had inevitably set the offense of "improper storage", then the presence of a video Network dated June 21 which showed the accumulation protracted, aggravated the situation further judicial setting in the area used by Azimut, including the crime of illegal dump. It was in fact an area out of control, smashed fence which caused the reversal of part of the waste on the ground, including leachate, leading to objective risks and environmental crimes. But today this illegal dump has been cordoned off by the public, and a sign post in front of it reads: Prohibition of discharge of materials - Violators will be punished according to law.


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