Friday, March 11, 2011

Is Watching Tv Causes Dandruff

NHS prescription outside of the therapeutic indications

You are asked what should a pharmacist who is seen delivering a prescription drug which the NHS with a prescribed or Folidex Fertifol in male patients, or outside the approved therapeutic indications ( primary prevention of neural tube defects in the unborn child in fertile women who are planning pregnancy ).

The real issue is the appropriateness of prescribing.

The pharmacist has no professional duty of having to check the correspondence between the therapeutic and prescription SSN, without prejudice to special agreements with the local health (eg, in Reggio Emilia: levofloxacin paroxetine finasteride , etc ...) .
Then, the pharmacist sends to the Convention SSN recipes Folidex Fertifol or registered to male patients, because the ultimate responsibility of the prescriber is: in case of disputes, the Local Health Office will refer to the doctor.

From the standpoint of ethics and collaboration between physician and pharmacist , however, the pharmacist could take the initiative to contact the doctor to ask for confirmation of intentions (and rule out a possible mistake). If your doctor confirms the prescription, the pharmacist sends it quietly.


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