Friday, March 4, 2011

Legally Blonde Musical Libretto

Ranexa: in Emilia Romagna has become a charge? The Curious Incident of oxygen

No, non è diventato pagamento, ma qualcosa è comunque successo.
Il Ranexa ( ranolazina ) fino al 18 febbraio era classificato in fascia A e inserito nel Prontuario Terapeutico: in poche parole, si poteva dispense with a normal prescription red (SSN), like any other drug.
From 18 February, the Emilia-Romagna has removed from the PT, which is why it can only be distributed directly by the AUSL through hospital pharmacies.
The patient who presents to the pharmacy, it must be sent to hospital pharmacies.

These days, I received several reports that the patient once who went to the hospital pharmacy with a prescription SSN, was sent to the pharmacy area (the classic pharmacies that we all know) a pharmacy because hospital does not have the drug . At this point, is asked what to do given that pharmacies can not dispense medicines in direct distribution.

After a telephone conversation with a manager, it was clarified that in the period immediately following the reclassification of a drug in direct distribution, always follows a period of transition in which the pharmacy may continue to dispense the medicine conventioned ( Read: as it has done) waiting for the AUSL conclude the agreement with the pharmaceutical company and that the drug be made available at hospital pharmacies.

How do I know when the Ranexa will be available for direct distribution, I do not know. My advice is that these days be dispensed in the quantity prescribed recipe, while from the next time you direct the patient to the hospital pharmacy.


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