Sunday, March 6, 2011

Nu-tec 19 Inch Lcd/dvd Combo

Maybe not to piu'attenti sara'sfuggito few short article in the Italian press where he announces that the Sultanate of Oman draws reached green wave of protests by people who have swept the countries of North Africa.

Gia 'from February 27 in the city' of Sohar, - an industrial city located about two hundred miles north of Muscat - groups of protesters have gathered and also led to a lot of damage and unfortunately there have been the victims. According to reports, the protesters demanded the removal of some top government officials, the increase in wages and employment for the unemployed.

Protests have tried to block the activities 'of the port of Sohar and that' the main commercial port of the sultanate. Quest 'last action seems to have paved the way to the track of sabotage. Foreign elements coming from the UAE, have fomented the riots to slow down or block the activities' growth in the port of Sohar, which is considered a rival to the port of Jebel Ali (in Dubai). More 'than a month ago, the Omani press had revealed the arrest of two UAE nationals accused of spying. To prove this theory a few days ago the Emir of Kuwait had offered to mediate a reconciliation between the President of the UAE and Sultan Qaboos bin Said. The meeting was' actually took place here in Oman but do not know the outcome of these talks.

However, while these events were issued several decrees that have affected both the turnover of important offices of state, both initiatives economiche e sociali. Qui nel sultanato le leggi si fanno subito e sono valide immediatamente, dunque un decreto ha ordinato, per esempio, che siano assegnati ben 50.000 posti di lavoro...

Preferisco astenermi da fare commenti, perche’ oltretutto l’invito a procedere alle assunzioni e’stato esteso anche alle aziende private.

Rispetto a Sohar, la situazione a Muscat e’tranquilla. E’ possibile che parte delle proteste siano scaturite da un desiderio di emulazione di quanto e’ avvenuto in altri paesi arabi. Certo e’ che il Sultanato e’ un paese stabile e che i suoi cittadini, agli occhi di un europeo, godono di privilegi, di benefici, e di una potenziale qualita’ media di vita che si potrebbe definire decisamente superiore (servizi di base come sanita’, scuola, assistenza, ecc...) anche se a volte basta uscire da Muscat per accorgersi che la maggiorparte degli omaniti mantiene per scelta uno stile di vita frugale e primitivo.


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