Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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The Oasis for the blind

Hundreds of pounds of waste of all kinds lie nell'alveo more of the river Rubicon

(The video will air on SkyTg24)

few days ago I took a tour along the banks of the river Rubicon and what I've seen (not is new) it seemed inconsistent with the identity of that nature in that area should be guaranteed. The oasis protected wildlife that comes from the auction of the Rubicon River to the mouth and that includes the Natural Park A. Vellani is now under the circumstances a real dump. This area of \u200b\u200b3 hectares strongly supported by the province of Forlì-Cesena Coast is part of the Oasis of the 4 common (Cesenatico, Gatteo, Savignano, San Mauro) whose purpose was to promote a region that is (in words) a natural treasure of great importance. In fact it offers an incredible contribution to the lacustrine species such as moorhens, Cetti's, Reed Warbler, Grasshopper Warbler, Kingfisher. In addition, the dense vegetation of the area is preferred pragmites Bittern, Herons and Egrets by, then the mouth is always present grebes, cormorants and ducks at rest. In these circumstances, however, the rudeness of those that disperse the waste in the environment that are inevitably dragged into waterways by rain, has made the bed in a flood real open dump. Tangled vegetation thousands of plastic bottles and waste of all kinds threaten the environmental balance of what should be a protected nature reserve. Strange though that none of those responsible for that area if they ever realized. Strange that people should have environmental and animal rights beliefs more entrenched and extreme than mine, and it occupies a clearly defined role in protected area does not make its voice heard denouncing a stable situation in a critical wildlife area that he would (ha! ) the duty to protect, what the hell else is there to do there? How can it pass in silence (coward) and the combination of absolute oasis natural and garbage, protected area and heavy pollution of the waters? Making a wildlife oasis in investing it means and resources but failing to protect their identity has the feel of a larger project than anything else in front, so to speak Italian. Is designed without really believing in what you do and without being willing to fight to defend what has been achieved. The Silence of the environmentalists (the season) in front of a critical environmental aspect of these reigns and in doing so, in fact, what should be a protected wildlife oasis becomes a conspiratorial landfill wildlife invisible. He is one of those wastes that will Cormorants nest? It is there that the grebes troveranno il loro habitat naturale? Ma la farsa non è finita. Le prospettive offerte all’apertura di quest’oasi i cui programmi didattici avrebbero dovuto garantire agli alunni delle scuole la possibilità di visitare e studiare la realtà faunistico ambientale della zona, a mio avviso, sono incompatibili con la deturpata situazione ambientale creatasi. Davvero si potranno portare i ragazzi in quel luogo omettendo di raccontare la situazione reale di un ambiente fortemente inquinato? Si racconteranno la favola di un ambiente naturalistico che lo è però solo sulla carta? L’ambiente naturale da far conoscere e studiare agli studenti è quindi qualcosa di astratto? Inconciliabile, a mio modo di vedere, anche l’opportunità developing a niche tourism market such as birdwatching, planned and advertised on the website that, under the circumstances has more the flavor of a crap bar rather than a real opportunity to travel, if not for the blind . As a birdwatcher can never spend their holidays in an area so polluted by observing the moorhens playing on the trash? The hypothetical holidaymaker will snap some photos to show to his friends remember that next year will flock in droves to a mule? A nature reserve can not be only during the summer season, the ecosystem must be protected and defended throughout the year, but alas the seasonal animal during the winter they hibernate. Let's not forget, and this should also be of interest to citizens that the waters of this river, together with those of Marano, are considered by Green Schooner, analysis in hand, the most polluted (from sewage), the entire Adriatic coast. This means that not only ducks and grebes, mullet and sea bass, clams or mussels, but also our children swim in piss and shit taken to sea by our beloved Rubicon ... but I recommend water in your mouth!
Behehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe ...


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