Sunday, March 13, 2011

Good Entry Level Rc Helicopter

Bahla and protests in the Sultanate of Oman Samail

L'oasi di Samail si presta ad una passeggiata lungo la stradina silenziosa che l'attraversa. Un po' sgangherata come tutti i villaggi del deserto, e' ora di pranzo e gli abitanti hanno appena fatto ritorno a casa dopo la preghiera del venerdi'. Tra i giardini di palme aleggiano profumi di cucina. C'e'una vecchia fortezza in cima alla rupe, i falaj scorrono tra le palme per distribuire l'acqua e al centro del villaggio si trova una piccola moschea, la prima dell'Oman, costruita nel nono secolo da Mazin Bin Ghadubah, il primo omanita convertito all'Islam. Non vi sono tracce antiche pero', l'edificio, ora anonimo, e'stato ricostruito piu'volte.

Un vecchio Corano nella moschea piu'antica dell'Oman, a Samail

Che si fa? Lanciamo la macchina attraverso il deserto, oltre Nizwa, tra le catene di montagne rocciose titaniche, verso Bahla. E' una villaggio misterioso, gli omaniti di cittá ne hanno timore, il sultano da poco ha invitato gli abitanti a non praticare la magia per non spaventare la gente...E infatti, all'ingresso di Bahla incontriamo il fachiro. E'un vecchio seduto a gambe incrociate sul ciglio della strada, con lo sguardo fisso nel vuoto davanti a lui. Che strano luogo per sostare da solo, e poi gli omaniti non si siedono mai cosi'...Neppure il suo turbante e' omanita, di un bianco soffice e incredibilmente candid. His tunic and rather 'dirty fakir in Arabic means poor. From the car I turn to check, It is a split second, and the fakir 'disappeared.

Bahla e'deserta, only a few passing tourists. The fortress' in the restructuring but the djinn are watching quietly.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Instructions On The Eml Series E100 Lighting

The cemetery's indefensible

Two years into the service of waste collection, for a few diehards, it's still hard to digest a system of primary collection of waste, even from kindergarten. Too often, however, in the summer but unfortunately even in winter, the waste is abandoned on the street next to the bins showing, as the collection containers are an irresponsible and in my view untenable. Finger pointing up and then those who still are not able to throw the paper into the paper container, the glass in the glass, plastic, cans and so on. We are a populace the facts prove it. Have you ever noticed, for example the banks of the streets after mowing grass? How much dirt, how many plastic bottles, glass, or how much waste paper thrown on the ground and inevitably stayed there for months, for years. Does anyone think that maybe they were the dogs? Or is it the fault of the town this time? Napoletanizzati Dear citizens, how can solve the problem Gatteo, if its people are not even able to throw rubbish in the bins? The service is absolutely impeccable Hera, indeed, but the attitude of too many uncivilized now is, I repeat, indefensible. Do not forget then that the season has already begun and that the foreign cyclists have arrived a Gatteo Mare, offriamo loro un biglietto da visita di grande civiltà. Poi quando siamo noi ad andare in Germania ci sentiamo chiamare “Marokkanischen”.

Il comune di Gatteo, che io di sovente critico, aveva infatti previsto l’impossibilità di lasciare i contenitori della raccolta differenziata aperti, pensando bene quindi di porvi un lucchetto, responsabilizzando in questo modo il cittadino attraverso l’uso delle chiavi, ma ahimè, per troppi è stato perfino difficile andarle a ritirare. Qualche marziano atterrato dallo spazio e domiciliato a Gatteo Mare pretendeva infatti, pensate un po’, che fosse il comune a consegnarle casa per casa. Qualcuno ha persino proposed a municipal service morning (from 06.00 to 08.00) that pulisse the most lazy ass. Without bolts and mathematical laziness el'inciviltà now too, undermines the collection, and then empower the citizen, had been the only viable system. Certainly not to turn us all in Northern Europe but with a lock to start to get used to the new and Zulu's inevitable path to sustainability and waste separation may, in part, to ensure for future generations. A two years experiment, to give reason to the municipal administration are the facts. Where the closures have been broken without the garbage is thrown distinction, while those who still do not have the keys do is to leave bags of rubbish on the roadside. That should do or Hera common in these cases? Prior to legitimately criticize the service of Hera, which of course can always be improved and that has undoubtedly significant shortcomings, in my opinion would be more appropriate to be able to achieve primary objectives (in the rest of Europe) as to acquire the key and start differentiate carefully waste. Then wanting to exaggerate, but I realize that for some Marokkanischen will be impossible, even in the enterprise would be desirable to be able to extinguish cigarette butts in the ashtray instead of throwing them on the ground outside the bar, ma forse queste semplici operazione di civiltà e rispetto dell’ambiane comportano capacità extrasensoriali.


Friday, March 11, 2011

What To Do For Unproductive Cough

undifferentiated Ravenna

Nonostante il regolamento comunale ponga tra gli obiettivi prioritari quello di garantire una corretta gestione della filiera dei rifiuti minimizzando il conferimento in discarica nonché quello di potenziare la raccolta differenziata, al cimitero monumentale di Ravenna tutto ciò viene clamorosamente disatteso. Perfino Hera, responsabile ed incaricata della raccolta e della gestione dei rifiuti di quell’area pubblica, sul suo sito web ne avvalla basic principles: "Do well the collection is important! The quality of recycling affect the percentage of recovered materials and reduces waste to be disposed of in landfills or incinerators. " Too bad that Hera has placed only a few bins for collection staff, paper and plastic and outside the cemetery, opposite to that present at 3 florists in revenue while paradoxically, over 200 trash cans undifferentiated. Remember that the garbage of cemeteries, the nature and type of waste they produce, that is composed of 90% of dried flowers and 10% paper and plastic, if differentiated and therefore not mixed, it could easily be recovered in full, and given the size of this cemetery, the waste would be recovered tonnes. By recycling would become an economic resource that will affect the costs incurred thereby diminishing those of the ordinary, that is, by the citizens. Fortunately, at least today, although not differentiated, such waste is collected in large containers placed in the cemetery while only two months ago, were dumped illegally in a fenced and paved area of \u200b\u200b250 sqm. For without the authorization of the province, had inevitably set the offense of "improper storage", then the presence of a video Network dated June 21 which showed the accumulation protracted, aggravated the situation further judicial setting in the area used by Azimut, including the crime of illegal dump. It was in fact an area out of control, smashed fence which caused the reversal of part of the waste on the ground, including leachate, leading to objective risks and environmental crimes. But today this illegal dump has been cordoned off by the public, and a sign post in front of it reads: Prohibition of discharge of materials - Violators will be punished according to law.

Is Watching Tv Causes Dandruff

NHS prescription outside of the therapeutic indications

You are asked what should a pharmacist who is seen delivering a prescription drug which the NHS with a prescribed or Folidex Fertifol in male patients, or outside the approved therapeutic indications ( primary prevention of neural tube defects in the unborn child in fertile women who are planning pregnancy ).

The real issue is the appropriateness of prescribing.

The pharmacist has no professional duty of having to check the correspondence between the therapeutic and prescription SSN, without prejudice to special agreements with the local health (eg, in Reggio Emilia: levofloxacin paroxetine finasteride , etc ...) .
Then, the pharmacist sends to the Convention SSN recipes Folidex Fertifol or registered to male patients, because the ultimate responsibility of the prescriber is: in case of disputes, the Local Health Office will refer to the doctor.

From the standpoint of ethics and collaboration between physician and pharmacist , however, the pharmacist could take the initiative to contact the doctor to ask for confirmation of intentions (and rule out a possible mistake). If your doctor confirms the prescription, the pharmacist sends it quietly.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Black Suit With Lime Green Pinstripes

supply of drugs by physicians surgeons

What are the procedures for procurement of drugs subject to loading and unloading [Table II sect. A, B, and C] for a surgeon ?

The text below refers to the supply "for stock" by a surgeon. It is NOT URGENT supply, the rules are different and shown in this post .

The regulations provide that a physician can obtain supplies of any narcotic drug Table II sec. A, B or C through a request in triplicate .
not the RMR (Recipe at the Ministerial Trace) , but a formal request on headed paper filled in 3 copies (1 originale + 2 copie): la prima copia viene riconsegnata alla struttura (normalmente, la farmacia), la 2° rimane al farmacista allegata al registro come documento giustificativo dello scarico, la 3° va inviata dal farmacista all'AUSL dove ha sede la struttura richiedente.
La norma non indica chiaramente la validità della richiesta, ma è prassi diffusa (e logica) assegnare la validità delle ricette stupefacenti ovvero  30 giorni escluso quello di emissione (si consideri comunque che non è scritto chiaramente da nessuna parte).
Questa richiesta deve (almeno) riportare:
  • intestazione della struttura (Data, address of the surgery, doctor's name, etc ...)
  • an indication that the use is ambulatory
  • quantities and doses of the drug (or drugs) in all letters and half with indelible ; in this regard can be given any amount and quality of drugs
  • the name of the drug (or drugs) are not remembering that supply the substances as such (ie 100 mg of vitamin A acetate)
  • date and signature
  • desirable, data identifying the identity of the person responsible for the prescription
  • desirable, numbering of the request by del medico
Il farmacista sulle 3 richieste deve:
  • apporre il timbro con data e indicare il prezzo praticato.
  • effettuare lo scarico dal registro stupefacenti (esattamente come si fa con una normale ricetta stupefacente)
  • annotare nome e cognome ed estremi di un documento di riconoscimento dell'acquirente
  • inviare la 3° copia all'Ufficio Stupefacenti del distretto di appartenenza

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ks Drivers License Template

Parma Colonia

Monday, March 7, 2011

Custom Boot Beer Mugs No Minimum

Man of the Rubicon

"I am a man of the Rubicon," said the press mayoral candidate Leopoldo Raffoni IDV-PD coalition but, if victorious, will chair a council made up of men of the Paleozoic as: Werther Zani (which draws to a third term and that will potentially attached to a municipal seat for a total of 15 uninterrupted years) Fabrizio Ricci (ditto with potato) el'inossidabile Super-Gasp (which, if re-re-re-re- voted out, will cross the finish line of five consecutive terms, that is attached to a chair 25 years despite not even marriages lasting more so) then the youngster Maria Anna Lombardi secretary of PD Gatteo that if elected, will share a wave of youth policy. Who can trust a candidate who has a team of three patients in spite of seats in the Statute of PD have been imposed rules for the renewal of the political class that would require replacement after more than two electoral mandates? Only two months ago, the outgoing mayor Tiziano Gasperoni during an interview on the answer,

The status of PD in order to renew the political administrative charges would require it to leave local politics, given the 20 consecutive years in the municipality. Really could violate the principle of renewal?

"Look I think I was one of the few mayors not to sign the proposal di passare da due a tre mandati, ma credo che tutto sommato sia sbagliato porre dei limiti ad un candidato, la cosa che mi dispiace di queste leggi è che le fanno persone che non pongono limiti ai loro di mandati. È una sciocchezza porre limiti al mandato anche se, ribadisco ritengo che 2 o 3 mandati siano sufficienti. Vede io sono contento di appartenere al Partito Democratico che in questi anni ha saputo sempre ricambiare il gruppo dirigente ed il gruppo consigliare con persone nuove".

Ma Fassino ha sette mandati sulle spalle, sua moglie 5, si riferisce quindi all’ ambito comunale?

"Io credo che il PD di Gatteo sia più avanti del Pd nazionale; se si vanno a vedere i gruppi consiliari oltre il 50 % è sempre stato aggiornato, io sono quindi contento di appartenere ad un partito che ha saputo rinnovarsi, poi il mio ruolo, ribadisco, lo decideranno altri".

Tra gli obiettivi enunciati nell’articolo, sebbene un vero programma con tanto di proposte chiare e ben definite non sia ancora stato presentato nonostante manchino solo 3 mesi alle elezioni, ce n'è uno a cui sembra sarà garantita una certa priorità, quale? A parte un introduzione ad inizio articolo su quelli che dovranno essere i servizi fondamentali garantiti e considerati irrinunciabili come salute, lavoro, e cultura ed io aggiungerei anche la pace nel mondo, il nodo centrale della politica amministrativa della squadra di Raffoni sarà the "retraining". A word whose meaning for the past city administration has remained obscure for some intangible traits such as cement. But on Raffoni says: "It does not take more than an expansion but a redevelopment of the existing to be given new life to create the reality of the future" What beautiful words ... but really Raffoni you're going to change course of the past administration policy cementificatoria City? And how will preside as a possible coupling (3 out of 5) that in the last 10 years has radically mortified the territory by building hives with poured concrete that have transformed a country is a tourist destination in a vaguely suburban metro? Ovviamente deve essere concesso lui il beneficio del dubbio e quindi sarà giustamente il tempo a sciogliere questo enigma, ma io sono scettico visto lo sviluppo che il partito del cemento ha dato al nostro paese. Inoltre visto che Raffoni ha già un incarico pubblico come responsabile del settore viabilità della provincia e che quindi si avvarrà di un doppio incarico (stipendio) pubblico, dove troverà il tempo per occuparsi del paese? Part Time? Non sarebbe più giusto candidare qualcuno che può dedicarsi totalmente alla cosa pubblica, compito sempre e comunque abbastanza gravoso per chiunque? Questi i miei dubbi. Ma andiamo avanti con le dichiarazioni finite sul giornale.Riguardo le primarie di coalizione, la segretaria del PD di Gatteo Anna Maria Lombardi said in a singular and ridiculous, "ours is not an imposition of a name other forces of the center-left that they had other names, and there is no challenge or a showdown with our allies outgoing." False! Two other names have been proposed: the evergreen Iglis Bellavista (he also suffered from another acute seats) and Assumption Lazzarini. Toc Toc! Anna Maria Lombardi are you there? Who can believe these funzionarietti first sign that the party in the statute mandates a maximum of 2 primary and the coalition and then when the chair shakes, memory lapses are attacked by blatantly disregarding the promises and commitments? The people of the gullible (who States at the center right and left) will continue to ensure that the political shift pinocchio wagon votes fools. This fact is not the country but the indignation of the zombies in front of the perennial contradictions which in turn gives us the politichetto do not bat an eyelid. Communicates with the yacht, the divorced Democrat, whoremongers to FamilyDay, Northern League, which cover the holes in the budget of the municipalities of Rome and Catania (400 million euro), the ministers are paid the house without knowing it ... so that will never follow the rules the status of their party? Quisquiglie.
here are a few words but also for the coalition "The Gatteo that I" which is proposed as an alternative to the center. Mi chiedo infatti quand’è che presenteranno un programma dettagliato su ciò che hanno intenzione di fare, di cambiare: parlo di energia, mobilità, gestione dei rifiuti, turismo e cicloturismo, questioni ambientali, scuola, o qualsiasi altra proposta o idea a beneficio della collettività, perché le quattro parole concesse nella conferenza stampa di qualche settimana fa alla presentazione del nuovo candidato sindaco Vincenzi, non sono, a mio modesto avviso, sufficienti a costituire un alternativa valida. Aspettiamo ancora un mesetto prima di iniziare la campagna elettorale e presentare i propri jolly ai cittadini? Tranquilli il gregge sta pascolando.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Nu-tec 19 Inch Lcd/dvd Combo

Maybe not to piu'attenti sara'sfuggito few short article in the Italian press where he announces that the Sultanate of Oman draws reached green wave of protests by people who have swept the countries of North Africa.

Gia 'from February 27 in the city' of Sohar, - an industrial city located about two hundred miles north of Muscat - groups of protesters have gathered and also led to a lot of damage and unfortunately there have been the victims. According to reports, the protesters demanded the removal of some top government officials, the increase in wages and employment for the unemployed.

Protests have tried to block the activities 'of the port of Sohar and that' the main commercial port of the sultanate. Quest 'last action seems to have paved the way to the track of sabotage. Foreign elements coming from the UAE, have fomented the riots to slow down or block the activities' growth in the port of Sohar, which is considered a rival to the port of Jebel Ali (in Dubai). More 'than a month ago, the Omani press had revealed the arrest of two UAE nationals accused of spying. To prove this theory a few days ago the Emir of Kuwait had offered to mediate a reconciliation between the President of the UAE and Sultan Qaboos bin Said. The meeting was' actually took place here in Oman but do not know the outcome of these talks.

However, while these events were issued several decrees that have affected both the turnover of important offices of state, both initiatives economiche e sociali. Qui nel sultanato le leggi si fanno subito e sono valide immediatamente, dunque un decreto ha ordinato, per esempio, che siano assegnati ben 50.000 posti di lavoro...

Preferisco astenermi da fare commenti, perche’ oltretutto l’invito a procedere alle assunzioni e’stato esteso anche alle aziende private.

Rispetto a Sohar, la situazione a Muscat e’tranquilla. E’ possibile che parte delle proteste siano scaturite da un desiderio di emulazione di quanto e’ avvenuto in altri paesi arabi. Certo e’ che il Sultanato e’ un paese stabile e che i suoi cittadini, agli occhi di un europeo, godono di privilegi, di benefici, e di una potenziale qualita’ media di vita che si potrebbe definire decisamente superiore (servizi di base come sanita’, scuola, assistenza, ecc...) anche se a volte basta uscire da Muscat per accorgersi che la maggiorparte degli omaniti mantiene per scelta uno stile di vita frugale e primitivo.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

King Ranch Snow Blower For Tractor

Friday, March 4, 2011

Legally Blonde Musical Libretto

Ranexa: in Emilia Romagna has become a charge? The Curious Incident of oxygen

No, non è diventato pagamento, ma qualcosa è comunque successo.
Il Ranexa ( ranolazina ) fino al 18 febbraio era classificato in fascia A e inserito nel Prontuario Terapeutico: in poche parole, si poteva dispense with a normal prescription red (SSN), like any other drug.
From 18 February, the Emilia-Romagna has removed from the PT, which is why it can only be distributed directly by the AUSL through hospital pharmacies.
The patient who presents to the pharmacy, it must be sent to hospital pharmacies.

These days, I received several reports that the patient once who went to the hospital pharmacy with a prescription SSN, was sent to the pharmacy area (the classic pharmacies that we all know) a pharmacy because hospital does not have the drug . At this point, is asked what to do given that pharmacies can not dispense medicines in direct distribution.

After a telephone conversation with a manager, it was clarified that in the period immediately following the reclassification of a drug in direct distribution, always follows a period of transition in which the pharmacy may continue to dispense the medicine conventioned ( Read: as it has done) waiting for the AUSL conclude the agreement with the pharmaceutical company and that the drug be made available at hospital pharmacies.

How do I know when the Ranexa will be available for direct distribution, I do not know. My advice is that these days be dispensed in the quantity prescribed recipe, while from the next time you direct the patient to the hospital pharmacy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Low Rise Jeans Peekin G Panties

The Oasis for the blind

Hundreds of pounds of waste of all kinds lie nell'alveo more of the river Rubicon

(The video will air on SkyTg24)

few days ago I took a tour along the banks of the river Rubicon and what I've seen (not is new) it seemed inconsistent with the identity of that nature in that area should be guaranteed. The oasis protected wildlife that comes from the auction of the Rubicon River to the mouth and that includes the Natural Park A. Vellani is now under the circumstances a real dump. This area of \u200b\u200b3 hectares strongly supported by the province of Forlì-Cesena Coast is part of the Oasis of the 4 common (Cesenatico, Gatteo, Savignano, San Mauro) whose purpose was to promote a region that is (in words) a natural treasure of great importance. In fact it offers an incredible contribution to the lacustrine species such as moorhens, Cetti's, Reed Warbler, Grasshopper Warbler, Kingfisher. In addition, the dense vegetation of the area is preferred pragmites Bittern, Herons and Egrets by, then the mouth is always present grebes, cormorants and ducks at rest. In these circumstances, however, the rudeness of those that disperse the waste in the environment that are inevitably dragged into waterways by rain, has made the bed in a flood real open dump. Tangled vegetation thousands of plastic bottles and waste of all kinds threaten the environmental balance of what should be a protected nature reserve. Strange though that none of those responsible for that area if they ever realized. Strange that people should have environmental and animal rights beliefs more entrenched and extreme than mine, and it occupies a clearly defined role in protected area does not make its voice heard denouncing a stable situation in a critical wildlife area that he would (ha! ) the duty to protect, what the hell else is there to do there? How can it pass in silence (coward) and the combination of absolute oasis natural and garbage, protected area and heavy pollution of the waters? Making a wildlife oasis in investing it means and resources but failing to protect their identity has the feel of a larger project than anything else in front, so to speak Italian. Is designed without really believing in what you do and without being willing to fight to defend what has been achieved. The Silence of the environmentalists (the season) in front of a critical environmental aspect of these reigns and in doing so, in fact, what should be a protected wildlife oasis becomes a conspiratorial landfill wildlife invisible. He is one of those wastes that will Cormorants nest? It is there that the grebes troveranno il loro habitat naturale? Ma la farsa non è finita. Le prospettive offerte all’apertura di quest’oasi i cui programmi didattici avrebbero dovuto garantire agli alunni delle scuole la possibilità di visitare e studiare la realtà faunistico ambientale della zona, a mio avviso, sono incompatibili con la deturpata situazione ambientale creatasi. Davvero si potranno portare i ragazzi in quel luogo omettendo di raccontare la situazione reale di un ambiente fortemente inquinato? Si racconteranno la favola di un ambiente naturalistico che lo è però solo sulla carta? L’ambiente naturale da far conoscere e studiare agli studenti è quindi qualcosa di astratto? Inconciliabile, a mio modo di vedere, anche l’opportunità developing a niche tourism market such as birdwatching, planned and advertised on the website that, under the circumstances has more the flavor of a crap bar rather than a real opportunity to travel, if not for the blind . As a birdwatcher can never spend their holidays in an area so polluted by observing the moorhens playing on the trash? The hypothetical holidaymaker will snap some photos to show to his friends remember that next year will flock in droves to a mule? A nature reserve can not be only during the summer season, the ecosystem must be protected and defended throughout the year, but alas the seasonal animal during the winter they hibernate. Let's not forget, and this should also be of interest to citizens that the waters of this river, together with those of Marano, are considered by Green Schooner, analysis in hand, the most polluted (from sewage), the entire Adriatic coast. This means that not only ducks and grebes, mullet and sea bass, clams or mussels, but also our children swim in piss and shit taken to sea by our beloved Rubicon ... but I recommend water in your mouth!
Behehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe ...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sciatica And Hip Bursitis


In this post, I will describe the strange event that happened about a sale of gaseous oxygen.

oxygen, from January 2010 has been reclassified as medicine and this has AIC code . Depending on the basis of this, it was necessary to assign the part of suppliers, an ACI for each cylinder based on the ability of the cylinder, the type of oxygen (liquid or gas), pressure (200 or 150 bar), etc. ...
According to the features mentioned above, oxygen can be classified into
  • band A (the SSN)
  • H band (band A in the hospital)
  • C band (by the patient).
This means that in order to relieve the oxygen is still needed a prescription and the price is (should be) equal in the whole Italian territory, given that we speak of a medicinal product subject to medical prescription. I happened

fact, the following case: a clinic called to a pharmacy to fill the tanks (owned by the clinic).
Since oxygen has now the AIC, he asked a specialist provider (RIVOIRA) to fill the cylinders, so everything is ok.
The problem arose when it came to the clinic to charge for oxygen, the service provider could be assigned an ACI (038944029) to cylinders filled, but the database indicated that the AIC corresponded to an oxygen tank in Band C the cost of 0.00 €. Mumble mumble ...
  1. oxygen with the AIC of you are talking to is in band C
  2. as it is in band C, it must have a fixed price decided by the same company throughout the Italian
  3. the price is € 0, since (as I discovered) the company has not informed the ministry of health no price
  4. the pharmacy, it must then sell a bottle with this AIC? It will carry a surcharge under the law may set a price or free?
To find an answer, it was necessary to contact various departments of the supplier (RIVOIRA) to obtain the definitive answer: for the AIC to whom you are speaking, was not provided at any price because the Ministry of Health has never been decided, so the pharmacy can apply any price, bearing in mind that VAT of oxygen (although medicine) to 4% .

The staff is my counsel not to exaggerate :) You can apply the mark set by law provided for the cylinders in group A or to take as a starting price as reported by national medical, or double the purchase price and add VAT.

Boss And Confidentiality

For Fastum Gel, Lasonil (and others) need a prescription? Comments

Question: For drugs such Fastum Gel, Artrosilene, Lasonil etc. ... that all drugs topical (for the uninitiated, the cream / gel ) containing ketoprofen , it is true that now need a prescription?

Answer: Yes, from January 19, 2011.
This is because long ago it was observed that the ketoprofen, especially for use topical, may cause serious adverse effects of photosensitization.
For this reason, all drugs for topical use containing ketoprofen or derivative (eg ketoprofen lysine salt), went from OTC / SOP (ie free sale) obligation to repeatable prescription.
The following list all drugs for topical use on the date of today are based ketoprofen and, therefore, require a prescription:
  • Lasonil
  • FastumGel
  • Artrosilene (foam and gel)
  • Lasoartro
  • Ibifen gel
  • Liotondol
  • Orudis gel
  • Ketoprofen Gel generico  (Teva, Ratiopharm, Eg, Sandoz, ecc...)