Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Penn Treaty Long Term Care In Failure

The Mediterranean Diet is the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in History

In common parlance, it is customary to give the diet with which it is nourished by the word Diet, and we will continue to use that term to describe what goes with great on the lists of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). The intangible heritage of humanity, already rich with 166 elements (in Italy is the third after "the puppet theater" Sicilian "tenor singing" Sardinian), enter on its books the "our" diet not only as a means of food, nutrition and healthy, but under the broader historical view of the "lifestyle (diaita: way of life). The bid was submitted by Italy, Spain, Greece and Morocco and approved in Nairobi, Kenya. The news was disclosed by the President of Coldiretti Sergio Marini and give the credit to farmers and cattle breeders, fishermen were able to keep almost unchanged the traditional resource availability.
What was meant by the ancient Latin Mare Nostrum, the Mediterranean Sea, is home on the banks of its river basin, the people, who despite having their own identity, with abysmal differences and nuances, have ensured a common culture, the food, over the millennia. A great fortune is that of the biome in this area of \u200b\u200bthe globe, that man, in deep time, was able to tame and exploit and, with a deep cultural sense, that "luck" has been passed from father to son , sometimes embellished with nuovi elementi, come il pomodoro (Solanum lycopersicum esculentum) e la patata (Solanum tuberosum L.) provenienti dalle Americhe.
L'importanza degli alimenti principali nella nostra dieta si evince dalla storia. I commercianti Fenici prima, i conquistatori Greci, Latini e Arabi dopo, hanno garantito la divulgazione delle colture di base nella nostra dieta, portando ovunque conoscenza, usi e costumi. La convivialità della tavola è retaggio di tali culture. L'azione preventiva degli alimenti sulla salute proviene dalla visione " olistica" del corpo umano
di Ippocrate, nel V secolo a.C., con le sue " teorie umorali ".
The same foods that are described in the poem of heroic Archestratus of Gela, "Hedypatheia", and in the University of Naukratis, "I Deipnosofisti" in the fourth and third centuries BC, we find them on our tables. Lorenzo Piroddi and Ancel Keys, both doctors in the last century, promoting the Mediterranean diet as a preventive factor for cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders.
Food is synonymous with culture, history, tradition, science and the Mediterranean we have been able to exploit this with great skill to official recognition.
A big bonus recognition that graduates in Science and Health enogastronomy Mediterranea "of Messina and proudly pushing teachers and current students to continue with equal commitment to knowledge dissemination and the Mediterranean Style in the world.
Ad Maiora always.


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