Thursday, November 25, 2010

Can You Adopt A Platypus

Five a Day - the five colors of life

Le aspettative di vita sono cambiate negli ultimi anni raggiungendo il traguardo dei 76,8 anni per l'uomo e 82,5 per la donna. Dalla tabella si può osservare quanto sia aumentata l'aspettativa di vita nell'intervallo di due anni (2005-2007), ma i valori sono ottenuti in base ad una media matematica e influenzate in negativo dalla mortalità neonatale, cosa che avviene ormai di rado.

Click on this link - CLICK - you can connect an application to google to see the life expectancy of the various countries of the world.

to live better and should improve the lifestyle of starting with a healthful diet. We know that food, especially of plant origin, provide beneficial substances for the human body, these are called pesticides.
Foods that produce such substances are called "functional " or "nutraceuticals " and provide important health benefits, not only in terms of health itself, but conservative estimates against many diseases. Foods of the third millennium it is the nutraceuticals classified by color.

The five colors of life

Il rosso : pomodoro, fragole, ciliegie, ravanelli, anguria, arance rosse, etc.; hanno effetti positivi sul tratto urinario, sulla memoria, sono indicati come riduttori dell'incidenza tumorale e delle malattie cardiovascolari. Le sostanze phytochemical principali sono il licopene e le antocianine. Sono entrambi sostanze ad alto potere " scavenger " (spazzine).

Il giallo-arancio : arance, clementine, mandarini, limoni, melone, zucca, carote, peperoni, albicocche, pesche; have positive effects on the immune system, the view, on the skin have been tested with excellent results for their anticancer activity and protective effect on the cardiovascular system. The main phytochemical are: flavonoids, which act in the intestine, vitamin C , present in quantity in the bell pepper, orange and lemon, has antioxidant and contributes to the formation of collagen, anthocyanins, with anti-inflammatory, antitumor and anticoagulant are present in large amounts in oranges.

Green asparagus, basil, parsley, broccoli, lettuce, spinach, zucchini, kiwi, cucumber, white grape, etc..; have positive effects on bones, teeth, eyesight and are currently tested for their antitumor effect. The main phytochemical chlorophyll and carotenoids are to help prevent many types of cancer and protect against coronary heart disease. They are also responsible for the development of epithelial cells as the epidermis and the endothelium, tissue in the blood vessels. In the green there is also the magnesium useful for the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, also regulates the transmission of nerve impulses. The green leafy vegetables contain a lot of folic acid (vitamin B9 or M) and more generic and less stable folate, which help prevent atherosclerosis and spina bifida in babies during pregnancy.

The blue-violet : eggplant, radicchio, wild berries, red grapes, plums, figs, etc.; Have positive effects on the urinary tract, and cellular aging memory allotted to cancer and protective powers on the cardiovascular system. Foods in this group make a substantial amount of fiber that helps the peristalsis (movement of the intestinal wall that accelerates the transit of boluses). I am the main phytochemical anthocyanin, currants and radicchio make vitamin C, which facilitates the formation of collagen and carnitine, and carotenoids. The fruits of the forest instead of treating capillary fragility and prevent urinary tract infections. There are carotenoids that have preventive effects against cancer, cardiovascular diseases including stroke, neurodegenerative diseases, cataracts, especially the skin cell aging.

White : onion, garlic, cauliflower, fennel, apples, pears, mushrooms, etc..; Have positive effects on LDL cholesterol levels, have anticancer and preventive effect of protective 'cardiovascular system. The main phytochemical are: quercetin, allyl sulfides present in garlic onion with anti-hypertensive and chemo preventive isothiocyanates, allyl ( allicin ) effects with antibiotics, antifungal and anticancer activities and are currently tested for anticolesterolomizzanti.

Foods of the five groups can not be considered curative, nor a panacea for any disorder or disease, only the constant consumption and the recommended doses, because of the presence of the phytochemical, contribute to play protective activity in our body. It is recommended that a total consumption of 400 g / day including possibly this level, all the colors and five different times the day. With this dose will ensure a daily intake of approximately fitocomponenti nutraceuticals of 1.5 g. You must remember that moderation is key to its effectiveness. The "too lame" for the beneficial compounds that, when taken in excessive doses, may have adverse effects and anti-nutritional (tannins in large quantities affect the absorption of proteins, or insoluble fiber, like bran, on the salt minerals such as calcium and zinc).
This article is drawn on suggestions for a healthy diet of Prof. Pierluigi Biagi, in the context of the convention with the theme "The role of vegetables feeding of the XXI century ", Cesena February 8, 2007.
Subject Teaching Degree of Science and Health enogastronomy Mediterranea" University of Messina.


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