Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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Morphine injectable vials or packages?

Recipe RMR ampoules of morphine hydrochloride indicates "100 vials" as dosage. What boxes must give the pharmacist? Of 5 to 1 vial ?

Morphine injections in vials is the only drug that (being a pharmaceutics industry) may be prescribed in both boxes that vials. For this reason it does not matter how many packs (eg 10 packs of 1 vial or 2 packs of 5 vials) dates, but has only a total of vials dispensed. Ex
pharmacist bit 'deliver 100 boxes of 1 vial each. Or 20 boxes of 5 vials each. 1 vial or 10 boxes and 18 boxes of 5 ampoules. Etc. .. Obviously
AUSL is in the interest of the Convention and SSN (expired leaf from ... years now) to try to make "sustainable" spending, dispensing the quantity with the least possible expense: for this, as far as possible, the pharmacist would well to release the 100 ampoules in packs of 5.
fact remains that in an emergency and the pharmacist has only box of 1 vial (eg 10 boxes of 10 vials) would exonerate the 10 boxes of 1 vial and dispense the remaining vials in packs of 5 (which will procure at a later time).

Monday, November 29, 2010

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Gardenale dose and within 30 days

Assuming that the example applies to any narcotic drug in Schedule II Section C, consider a recipe for white, for human or veterinary use Gardenale tablets of 100 mg (or 50 mg), five boxes, with a dosage of 2 tablets per day. The recipe is valid because they are over 30 days of therapy?

The answer: entirely valid, given that the prescription medicines included in Table II, Section C (eg Gardenale) is not subject to limitations for it will amount to 30 days of therapy.
The exception is the provision of these drugs under the NHS (National Health Service with the recipe), for which there is a limit of 2 packs (3 if no exemption for pathology).

should be borne in mind that the dosage for the prescriptions for human use (white or red) of drugs Section C is not mandatory, so it might not be present. And a pharmacist does not create any problems, just send.
If, instead, white recipes for veterinary use of drugs in section C, the dosage is required, but just because you use a drug for human use for an animal. The fact that whether or not to exceed 30 days of treatment is irrelevant.

If you have information on the proper preparation and dispatch of Gardenale, there is a post dedicated .

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Can You Adopt A Platypus

Five a Day - the five colors of life

Le aspettative di vita sono cambiate negli ultimi anni raggiungendo il traguardo dei 76,8 anni per l'uomo e 82,5 per la donna. Dalla tabella si può osservare quanto sia aumentata l'aspettativa di vita nell'intervallo di due anni (2005-2007), ma i valori sono ottenuti in base ad una media matematica e influenzate in negativo dalla mortalità neonatale, cosa che avviene ormai di rado.

Click on this link - CLICK - you can connect an application to google to see the life expectancy of the various countries of the world.

to live better and should improve the lifestyle of starting with a healthful diet. We know that food, especially of plant origin, provide beneficial substances for the human body, these are called pesticides.
Foods that produce such substances are called "functional " or "nutraceuticals " and provide important health benefits, not only in terms of health itself, but conservative estimates against many diseases. Foods of the third millennium it is the nutraceuticals classified by color.

The five colors of life

Il rosso : pomodoro, fragole, ciliegie, ravanelli, anguria, arance rosse, etc.; hanno effetti positivi sul tratto urinario, sulla memoria, sono indicati come riduttori dell'incidenza tumorale e delle malattie cardiovascolari. Le sostanze phytochemical principali sono il licopene e le antocianine. Sono entrambi sostanze ad alto potere " scavenger " (spazzine).

Il giallo-arancio : arance, clementine, mandarini, limoni, melone, zucca, carote, peperoni, albicocche, pesche; have positive effects on the immune system, the view, on the skin have been tested with excellent results for their anticancer activity and protective effect on the cardiovascular system. The main phytochemical are: flavonoids, which act in the intestine, vitamin C , present in quantity in the bell pepper, orange and lemon, has antioxidant and contributes to the formation of collagen, anthocyanins, with anti-inflammatory, antitumor and anticoagulant are present in large amounts in oranges.

Green asparagus, basil, parsley, broccoli, lettuce, spinach, zucchini, kiwi, cucumber, white grape, etc..; have positive effects on bones, teeth, eyesight and are currently tested for their antitumor effect. The main phytochemical chlorophyll and carotenoids are to help prevent many types of cancer and protect against coronary heart disease. They are also responsible for the development of epithelial cells as the epidermis and the endothelium, tissue in the blood vessels. In the green there is also the magnesium useful for the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, also regulates the transmission of nerve impulses. The green leafy vegetables contain a lot of folic acid (vitamin B9 or M) and more generic and less stable folate, which help prevent atherosclerosis and spina bifida in babies during pregnancy.

The blue-violet : eggplant, radicchio, wild berries, red grapes, plums, figs, etc.; Have positive effects on the urinary tract, and cellular aging memory allotted to cancer and protective powers on the cardiovascular system. Foods in this group make a substantial amount of fiber that helps the peristalsis (movement of the intestinal wall that accelerates the transit of boluses). I am the main phytochemical anthocyanin, currants and radicchio make vitamin C, which facilitates the formation of collagen and carnitine, and carotenoids. The fruits of the forest instead of treating capillary fragility and prevent urinary tract infections. There are carotenoids that have preventive effects against cancer, cardiovascular diseases including stroke, neurodegenerative diseases, cataracts, especially the skin cell aging.

White : onion, garlic, cauliflower, fennel, apples, pears, mushrooms, etc..; Have positive effects on LDL cholesterol levels, have anticancer and preventive effect of protective 'cardiovascular system. The main phytochemical are: quercetin, allyl sulfides present in garlic onion with anti-hypertensive and chemo preventive isothiocyanates, allyl ( allicin ) effects with antibiotics, antifungal and anticancer activities and are currently tested for anticolesterolomizzanti.

Foods of the five groups can not be considered curative, nor a panacea for any disorder or disease, only the constant consumption and the recommended doses, because of the presence of the phytochemical, contribute to play protective activity in our body. It is recommended that a total consumption of 400 g / day including possibly this level, all the colors and five different times the day. With this dose will ensure a daily intake of approximately fitocomponenti nutraceuticals of 1.5 g. You must remember that moderation is key to its effectiveness. The "too lame" for the beneficial compounds that, when taken in excessive doses, may have adverse effects and anti-nutritional (tannins in large quantities affect the absorption of proteins, or insoluble fiber, like bran, on the salt minerals such as calcium and zinc).
This article is drawn on suggestions for a healthy diet of Prof. Pierluigi Biagi, in the context of the convention with the theme "The role of vegetables feeding of the XXI century ", Cesena February 8, 2007.
Subject Teaching Degree of Science and Health enogastronomy Mediterranea" University of Messina.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

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The Mediterranean Diet is the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in History

In common parlance, it is customary to give the diet with which it is nourished by the word Diet, and we will continue to use that term to describe what goes with great on the lists of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). The intangible heritage of humanity, already rich with 166 elements (in Italy is the third after "the puppet theater" Sicilian "tenor singing" Sardinian), enter on its books the "our" diet not only as a means of food, nutrition and healthy, but under the broader historical view of the "lifestyle (diaita: way of life). The bid was submitted by Italy, Spain, Greece and Morocco and approved in Nairobi, Kenya. The news was disclosed by the President of Coldiretti Sergio Marini and give the credit to farmers and cattle breeders, fishermen were able to keep almost unchanged the traditional resource availability.
What was meant by the ancient Latin Mare Nostrum, the Mediterranean Sea, is home on the banks of its river basin, the people, who despite having their own identity, with abysmal differences and nuances, have ensured a common culture, the food, over the millennia. A great fortune is that of the biome in this area of \u200b\u200bthe globe, that man, in deep time, was able to tame and exploit and, with a deep cultural sense, that "luck" has been passed from father to son , sometimes embellished with nuovi elementi, come il pomodoro (Solanum lycopersicum esculentum) e la patata (Solanum tuberosum L.) provenienti dalle Americhe.
L'importanza degli alimenti principali nella nostra dieta si evince dalla storia. I commercianti Fenici prima, i conquistatori Greci, Latini e Arabi dopo, hanno garantito la divulgazione delle colture di base nella nostra dieta, portando ovunque conoscenza, usi e costumi. La convivialità della tavola è retaggio di tali culture. L'azione preventiva degli alimenti sulla salute proviene dalla visione " olistica" del corpo umano
di Ippocrate, nel V secolo a.C., con le sue " teorie umorali ".
The same foods that are described in the poem of heroic Archestratus of Gela, "Hedypatheia", and in the University of Naukratis, "I Deipnosofisti" in the fourth and third centuries BC, we find them on our tables. Lorenzo Piroddi and Ancel Keys, both doctors in the last century, promoting the Mediterranean diet as a preventive factor for cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders.
Food is synonymous with culture, history, tradition, science and the Mediterranean we have been able to exploit this with great skill to official recognition.
A big bonus recognition that graduates in Science and Health enogastronomy Mediterranea "of Messina and proudly pushing teachers and current students to continue with equal commitment to knowledge dissemination and the Mediterranean Style in the world.
Ad Maiora always.