Saturday, January 9, 2010

Herpes Inside The Ears



Gizzeria is a town of 3,833 inhabitants in the province of Catanzaro. At 600 meters above sea level, perched on the slopes of the valley of the River House, under the hill Micatundo, Gizzeria is a country of origin Albanians in the province of Catanzaro. The territory of Gizzeria through archaeological finds, has many examples of Italian and Greek settlements in antiquity. In the eleventh century, there was a settlement around the Byzantine monastery of St. Nicholas of which we know very little. In the Norman period, called Yussaria was a Castrum of Duke Robert Guiscard, and was given in fief to the Benedictine Abbey of St. Euphemia. The foundation is officially recognized in 1450 and then some, by arbëreshë settlers, from Albania in several waves. The country was soon given, along with the territory of Nocera Terinese, the fief of St. Euphemia ruled by the Knights of Malta who operated a romanization of the paese i cui abitanti abbandonarono la lingua albanese e il rito ortodosso (mantenuti in altri centi arbëreshë del Meridione d'Italia). Nell'epoca borbonica furono limitati i privilegi ecclesiastici, e verso l'inizio dell'Ottocento fu abolito il feudalesimo. Si assistette, in questo modo, all'ascesa sociale di una borghesia territoriale. Numerosi paesani parteciparono ai moti liberali, tra i quali è da citare Alessandro Toia, uno dei partecipanti alla spedizione dei Mille e dopo l'unità d'Italia furono numerosi gli episodi legati al brigantaggio. Verso la fine dell'Ottocento, la scarsità delle risorse e l'aumento demografico determinarono l'inizio di una forte emigrazione che continua in qualche modo ai giorni nostri, e l'urbanizzazione a significant proportion of the population who went to live at Nicastro, Lamezia Terme today.

There are two popular exhibitions. One on the feast of the Patron Saint John the Baptist on June 24 and one last Sunday in October: Fher to 'Cona where there is a typical market animals.


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