Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Flintlock Stock Templates


Situated in a panoramic position on the slopes of Mount Mancuso, facing the Tyrrhenian Sea, at an altitude of 630 meters above sea level, has an area of \u200b\u200b35.93 sq km, until a few years ago there were over 3,500 inhabitants.
Gizzeria is renowned for the production farming of vegetables, olive oil and good dino, in addition to marine tourism in the area, with the presence of good facilities albreghiere.
Gizzeria, it has ancient origins, while being part of an area of \u200b\u200bgreat archaeological importance. The only definite information of the first constitution of the country do not go to the Byzantine period. Is very controversial, even the etymology of the name Gizzeria. Some people considered to be derived from the greek = Izwsios located. The shape of Izar is instead due to migration from Albania. In Norman times the name was, by contrast, Yussaria. Subsequently derived from IZAR Jzria (1510), then mutative, for phonetic reasons, or in Jazzaria Jizzeria. The name attuale è in uso dai 1753. La storia del paese, dopo la distruzione da parte dei Saraceni, avvenuta verso la fine dell'anno mille e precisamente il 981, secondo quanto dicono alcune fonti storiche, è prevalentemente centrata, nei primi secoli, sul monastero greco di S. Nicola, un piccolo agglomerato di pochi abitanti alloggiati per lo più in pagliai ed abituri.
Il cenobio, che sorgeva su un terreno appartenente ai Cavalieri di Malta, ha avuto dapprima una sua vita autonoma, durata fino a quando Roberto il Guiscardo, latinizzandolo, la concesse alla famosa badia benedettina di S. Eufemia intorno a questa comunità, si sviluppava così il primo nucleo dell'abitato di Gizzeria, un paese che non avrebbe avuto però un ulteriore development if it had not been strengthened by the contribution of some Albanian refugees in southern Italy came to quell the revolt of the barons of Calabria, led by Antonio Centelles, who had rebelled against the king of Naples, Alfonso I of Aragon. The Albanian troops, led by Demetrius Reres specially sent by the hero Scanderbeg national, contributed valiantly to regain Calabria. Settled, finally, in Reggio Reres, were his companions to found, between 1448 and 1450, Gizzeria and many other countries in the province of Catanzaro. The first Albanian settlers, mostly poor and not very friendly neighbors and the feudal rule, were forced to make a living raiding the countryside that gave rise to constant complaints of the populations affected. Only when they were deprived of all hope of being able to return to their homeland, Albania, they were forced to accept the allegiance of the Knights of Malta. Since the establishment in "universitas", between 1558 and 1574, its history like that of many other small towns in Calabria, offers no specific news items for centuries. Only at the end of '700, and the advent of the French, the country seems to shake the torpor atavistic, reserving a good reception to the wards of the revolutionary army, but then they change their minds in 1806, when a shot Gizzeria welcomed those Frenchmen who had remain there for three years. '48 Is reported in the presence of different gizzeresi dell'Angitola in the battle, during which they proved their value against the Bourbon troops. Even a cell rnazziniana there arose and prospered, driven mainly by Antonio Miceli and quell'Alessandro Toja, who then end up among the thousands of Garibaldi. The only vestiges of this historic route should be for religious buildings and palaces from the few upper-middle middle class with some real form of ornamentation tracing, "neoclassical" are of some interest and the church of the Parish Church of St. John the Baptist. We also remember the ruins of a third church attached to the convent of S. Francis of Assisi, which can be traced, according to a local researcher, 1500. The Albanians had brought in new lands, together with language, their traditions, their customs, habits. The commonality with other families from other parts of Calabria, particularly after the two disastrous earthquakes of 1638 and 1783, trade, relationships, marriages with people from neighboring countries, changed dramatically the character of the population, paving the progressive arbresh disappearance of the idiom.


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