Wednesday, April 7, 2010

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Gizzeria, while being part of an area of \u200b\u200bconsiderable archaeological importance, it has ancient origins that are lost in the mists of time. The only definite information of the first constitution of the country do not go beyond the Byzantine period. Very controversial is the etymology of the name. The shape of Izar is, however, due to migration from Albania. In Norman times the name was Yussaria. Subsequently derived from IZAR Jzaria (1510), then in Jazzaria mutative or Jizzeria. The current name is in use since 1753.
The history of the country after the destruction by the Saracens, which occurred late in the year one thousand, centered mainly on the greek monastery of St. Nicholas, a small cluster of a few people, mostly housed in barns and hovels. The monastery which stood on land belonging to the Knights of Malta, first had a life of its own, which lasted until Robert Guiscard, Latinized, the granted to the famous Benedictine abbey of S. Eufemia.
Around this community has developed, therefore, the first nucleus of Gizzeria, a country that did not have further development if it was not, reinvigorated by the contribution of Albanian refugees in southern Italy came to quell the revolt barons of Calabria. It was these soldiers to re-establish between 1448 and 1450 and numerous other countries Gizzeria the province of Catanzaro. Since the establishment in
"universitas", between 1558 and 1574, his story does not offer specific new elements for centuries. Only at the 700 seems to shake the country from its torpor by reserving a good reception to the wards of the revolutionary army, but then they change their mind in 1806 when it received a shot Gizzeria those Frenchmen who were to remain there for three years.
In 1848 it reported the presence of different gizzerioti dell'Angitola in the battle, during which they gave a good account of their value against the Bourbon troops. Even a cell Mazzini prospered in the country, driven mainly by Antonio and Alessandro Miceli Toja that are found among the thousands of Garibaldi landed at Marsala.
The remains of this historic route should be for religious buildings and palaces from the few upper-middle middle class, with some research of tracing, modules neoclassical ornamentation. Are of some interest to the Church of the Annunciation and the parish church of San Giovanni Battista.
Albanians had brought in new lands, together with language, their traditions, their customs, habits. The commonality with other families from other parts of Calabria, particularly after the two disastrous earthquakes of 1638 and 1783, trade, relationships, marriages with people from neighboring countries, changed dramatically the character of the population, paving the progressive disappearance of the idiom. Today the trace of the social fabric arbresh remains only in a few words and, with some variations, in the traditional costume of women, has now almost disappeared.
During Fascism, the territory of Gizzeria was significantly reduced in favor of the new municipality of S. Eufemia Lamezia, built by Mussolini after the reclamation of wetlands in the plain.
After World War II the population of Gizzeria, like all small towns of the 'interior of the region, has significantly decreased as a result of the massive migration to Europe, the Americas, Australia and the cities of the industrial triangle.

What Is The Location For The For Poptropica

View GIZZERIA woman in costume
GIZZERIA woman in costume

[Photo] The oldest part of the country, usually consist of nine houses, arranged in a circle around a larghetto about 50 square meters, a time to defend themselves and to gather the cattle, but more often run along streets and alleyways that make up the irregular open corridor for different homes.

The plots of the political and economic life are the oldest two, enclosed on one side by two churches, where there is a beautiful and revered statues of St. John the Baptist and Our Lady of Mount Caramel. Other two are more recent but born from town because that is the technical coordination of the construction of settlements demographic, which tends to make the best conditions of life and productivity of the population. The typical country

Once in town, located on a slope to a need for defensive and hygienic because, no drainage, the country had to "wash" the first rains, there was no night life as the poor 'lighting. Then came electricity and water, domestic and industrial which abused a bit 'too much, the sewerage network, the stone pavement, bitumen, iron, cement, etc.. So every house has an electric hob and gas, toilet with hot bath, rooms with tile floor, wood and marble instead of clay raw and cooked, covered with concrete stairs and plastering, so that, seen from afar, the country no longer has the old black patina, but Glimmers of the Sun and, after dark, has a night life in the streets, bars and homes.

Example of tenement-houses gave more

House of spontaneous architecture, built of stone and lime mortar about 40-50 square meters, with small windows without symmetry, now with balconies, a tower usually attached to other homes in isolated, sometimes, of incomparable beauty, classic trio is composed of living: Storage room with fireplace and table, but often the kitchen is open-entry to the warehouse on the alley with two hinged doors at the same leaf of where a high mid-called "Porticella" used against animals wandering around the country, but also for light and air at once.

The old wardrobe of the room consisted of two boxes, where the women kept the role of the family and their costume. The costume is made visible by the white petticoat on the ankle, as covered by red cloth, black or mixed color. The dress is a skirt and apron tied behind grand piano. The bust is covered by the corset over blouse with stiff collars and that stuffs in the bodice. The forearms are covered with hand embroidered sleeves. The head is covered with black Mantila.

The origin of this custom is certainly natural: he seems to want to imitate the plumage some bi-colored birds, with hat and long tail, but the source could also be because it is inspired by the mythical siren, half bird and half woman, who lived in Ligeia Terina and her companions had for the nymphs and Pandino terein, affixed on some silver coins among the most beautiful of the greek world.

Beside the house there is usually a small room, where he holds the wood for the fire and the branches for the oven, and even the donkey but now is almost entirely abandoned. Its importance to animal distinctly rustic, docile and undemanding in terms of hygiene and food for your job enough, it's been great for us that we have 3 / 4 of hilly and mountainous terrain without strade, e non solo per noi perché importato dall'Africa, si è sviluppato ovunque, specialmente a Pantelleria, in Sicilia, Puglia, Sardegna, Catalogna formando proprie razze.

Donna in costume

Nota: per una monografia sul costume tipico rimandiamo a un lavoro di Camillo Trapuzzano, "Il costume femminile a Gizzeria", in cui viene fornita un'analisi storica sull'evoluzione del costume di Gizzeria nel tempo, con riferimento alla tradizione albanese, in larga misura perduto

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Groom Suit Ideas For A Caribbean Wedding