Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fruit If The Loom Beatmaking

Come Arrivare GIZZERIA

Comune di Gizzeria
Population Name:
Gizzeroti O Gizzeresi

Description Location
The country has a diverse and scenically attractive configuration: mountainous north to the south and flat, with a marine area (Lido di Gizzeria) opened in recent years tourism.

Eight kilometers of coastline with long beaches and deep sea. The beaches are not particularly crowded on weekends except in July and August.
There are many hiking trails that do not yet attract the tourists, but that are good for walkers.

Church of St. Giovanni Battista Della Chiesa
you ignore the foundation year, while the cult of St. John the Baptist è attribuito ai Cavalieri di Malta, quindi antecedente al 1655.
La tradizione popolare narra che la Chiesa fu fatta costruire da un nobile cavaliere per voto fatto di scampato pericolo nel Golfo di S.Eufemia. La Chiesa fu danneggiata dal terremoto del 1638 e riparata nel 1700. Nel 1850 fu restaurata e trasformata nel 1964.

All'interno vi si trovano: l'acquasantiera, la statua di cartapesta di San Giovanni Battista, di notevole fattura e autore ignoto, voluta da Don Pasquale Miceli, nobiluomo, nel 1835, gli affreschi di Zimatore e Grillo, oltre al tabernacolo marmore o di scuola napoletana del XVII sec., la tela di autore ignoto che raffigura la decollazione di S. Giovanni Battista, il dipinto di S. Nicola e S. Francesco di Paola, opera Master Corporal Anthony Francis of Lamezia Terme.

Church and the Brotherhood of the Unknown is the year of foundation, held in 1600, when it was formed on the Brotherhood, under the title of Our Lady of the SS. Annunziata.
Inside a wooden sculpture of the Annunciation to Mary.

Monastery of St. Maria delle Grazie church and the SS.Rosario
Unclear is the time of its foundation, probably dates from the year 1500 by the Fathers Minor Conventual.
arose beginning with the title of S. Maria delle Grazie. The Church of

SS.Rosario is built next to the convent stands on the portal and the date of 1509, whereas on che fu successivamente restaurato, riporta la data del 1615.

La Casa Iannazzo
Nel centro storico esistono molte case ispirate al Classicismo, purtroppo, però, sono state trasformate o integrate, ad eccezione di una che conserva intatto lo stile. La Casa Iannazzo, costruita tra il 1852 e il 1855, presenta l’altezza muraria divisa in due ordini: a bugne lisce quello inferiore e a fondo liscio quello superiore, con cornice marcapiano che separa i due piani costruiti col sistema di muratura a scaglia calabrese, in pietra locale listata in cotto per formare le bugne (piano liscio su piano bugnato).

Tutta la facciata dell’edificio neoclassico è rinserrata verticalmente, dai due ordini distinti of the pillars of ashlar corner, while horizontally and tighten the socket base and the cornice decorated with shelves to complete the artifact that has the middle part of the lower protruding

, with two doors with metal ring around archivolt of Roman origin, compared which form the sides of two buildings, namely two wings divided by symmetrical four-door lintels, also with ring, derived from Greek, topped with lattice windows.


Lamezia Terme Lamezia Terme
, founded in 1968 by the unification of common Nicastro, Sambiase and Eufemia Lamezia, has an extension of about 161 square miles.
Sea and mountains are the specificities of this region, with a typical Mediterranean climate.

A few kilometers from the sea and the mountains lies the spa area of \u200b\u200bCharon, a modern, well equipped facility that allows you to practice hydrothermal baths, mud baths, inhalations, sprays and beauty treatments, which, according to authoritative historians, would be identified with the "Aquae Anga" routes of the Romans and known since the second century AD

Nocera Torinese
numerous accommodation facilities along with the natural landscape that existing welcome, especially in the warmer months, large numbers of tourists and visitors.

The hills and terraces overlooking the sea offer views overlooking the sea. Falerna is part of the territory of the Comunità Montana dei Monti Tiriolo-Reventino-Mancuso and has much to offer tourists even from the perspective of Nature. From the mountains to Castelluzzo m.1299 Mancuso and m.1.327 to numerous sources of natural water flow. The vegetation consists of beech, alder, chestnut and pine trees. In the area of \u200b\u200bFalerna you can also admire the coastal defensive tower.


Kite Surfing - Windsurfing - Sailing - Canoeing - other sports
A strong call to Gizzeria Lido is the wind that creates an ideal condition for those who practice kite or wind surfing / kite surf.

A Lamezia Terme: A place Marinella
Gizzeria Lido resort Fish and Eels

Ayers Rock One - Lamezia Terme
Disco Pub

The economy is based on agriculture: fruits, olives, cereals, grapes. Good fishing activity.

Historical Roots of Gizzeria, some scholars say, are from an ancient Greek colony called or ize ize, then absorbed by the Basilian monastery of St. Nicholas Latinized in the eleventh century by the Benedictines of S. Eufemia. Indeed, the marine
occasionally return archaeological and burial of human settlements, and prehistoric. The territory of

Gizzeria through archaeological finds, has many examples of Italian and Greek settlements in antiquity. Secono XI, there was a settlement around the Byzantine monastery of St. Nicholas of which we know very little.

The foundation is officially recognized in 1450 and then some, by arbëreshë settlers, from Albania in several waves.

The country was soon given, together with the area of \u200b\u200bNocera Terinese, the fief of Santa Eufemia ruled by the Knights of Malta who operated a Romanization of the country whose inhabitants abandoned the Albanian language and the Orthodox rite, held in a hundred other arbëreshë of Southern Italy.

Bourbon era were limited ecclesiastical privileges, and toward the beginning of the nineteenth century was abolished feudalism. We saw, in this way, the rise of a middle class social area: the galantomini.

Many villagers participated in the liberal movements, among which is to be quoted Alessandro Toia, one of the participants in the Expedition of the Thousand and after the unification of Italy were numerous incidents of brigandage.

the late nineteenth century, the scarcity of resources and population growth led to the beginning of a large-scale emigration that continues in some way today, and the urbanization of a large proportion of the population who went to live at Nicastro, Lamezia Terme today.

How to Get There By Car
Motorway A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria, take the SS 280 and continue on the SS18, exit Gizzeria.

Train Station: Rome-Naples-RC. Station of Lamezia Terme Lido-Gizzeria Falerna-Nocera Terinese.
Ferrovie della Calabria: Catanzaro-line Soveria Mannelli-Cosenza with numerous stops in various towns.

is very near the airport of Lamezia Terme

Company Tras Extraurban
Ferrovie della Calabria

Lamezia Terme Railway Station Stazione FS

service IC ICplus, ICN, and Lamezia Terme

Railway Station ES service

Lamezia Terme Airport Lamezia Terme